I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 956 Chapter 957 Finding a Book

Chapter 956 Chapter 950 Seven Books
"Then we have passed the second level now. As long as we climb the stone steps, we will be on the third level of Jufeng Pagoda." Lu Lu was a little happy. Even if the four people in front passed, they followed closely behind. of.

"As expected, there are three floors up from this stone step." Xiao Bai said with certainty.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go up!" Lulu said and walked up the first step of the stone steps.

Xiaobai and Chunhua also set off to step up the stone steps. Lulu walked in front and they followed.

When you walk to the corner of the stairs, there are still half of the stairs, and you will reach the third floor.

After a while, the three of them reached the third floor by stepping on this half of the stairs.

Standing on the third floor, they paused and observed first. Experience told them that the safest thing to do is to see clearly before taking action.

The third floor seems to be much more spacious than the second floor. After all, the second floor has so many rooms and secret passages. Looking at the third floor now, it feels very open. The plane next to the stairs is just two simple pillars. .

Approaching the pillar, I saw that the pillar was also engraved with dragon patterns. The carving technique showed that it was a seasoned sculptor. The carved dragon pattern hovered around the pillar, which also looked very three-dimensional and lifelike.

The pillars are so straight that they reach the ceiling of the upper floor, and they appear tall when connected.

Xiaobai and the others walked around the pillars and saw a screen embroidered with beautiful mountains and rivers hanging in the hall on the third floor.

Xiao Bai and the others looked in through the screen, only to see a person sitting on the tea table inside the screen.

There was the sound of gurgling water on his right, and there was actually a small fish pond inside, with a few carps swimming in it, and some blooming water lilies were planted on it.

A large bookshelf was also built on the left, with stacks of books placed on it.

The books were also neatly placed, and the person sitting on the futon happened to have his back facing the screen, and his silhouette could not be seen through the screen.

"Since you have arrived at the door, let's come in and have a meeting!" The people inside made a voice, Ben Xiaobai and the others were about to speak, but they didn't expect the people inside to be one step ahead of them.

With the permission of the people inside, Xiaobai and the others moved the screen and entered through the screen door one by one.

After entering, the man didn't look back, but sat upright on the futon.

Xiao Bai and the others walked around the small pond with fish in it, and came to the front of the man.

When I got to the front and saw his frontal appearance, I realized that it was a monk, wearing plain ginger clothes, sitting cross-legged on the futon, sitting upright, because he was meditating, and he was still beating the wooden fish in front of the right with one hand , muttering words in a low voice, this should be chanting.

Xu felt that Xiaobai and the others had arrived in front of him, and saw that his hand beating the wooden fish stopped, and then he opened his closed eyes, picked up a string of prayer beads placed on the table, and hung them around his neck.

"Since the benefactors have come in, please take a nap here!" the monk asked them to go and sit down.

There were several futons placed next to the tea table, stacked together, Xiaobai and the others walked over, took down the futons, and sat next to the tea table one by one, opposite the monk.

After sitting down, the monk picked up the teapot on the tea table, set up several teacups, and prepared to pour tea for Xiaobai and the others.

Three cups of good tea were poured, and the monk handed them another cup after cup.

After receiving the tea, the three of them said in unison: "Thank you, Master!"

You are Welcome!You can drink tea slowly. The poor monk's dharma name is Yuanyi, and you can also call my dharma name Yuanyi.

Xiaobai and the others thanked again: "Thank you, Master Yuan Yi, I'm sorry for bothering you."

Xiaobai took a sip of tea, the tea was sweet and delicious, combined with the fragrance of water lilies floating in the room, it was refreshing.

After tasting the tea, Xiaobai looked at Chunhua and Lulu, and asked first, "Master Yuanyi, we are Meishan disciples who broke through from the second floor to the third floor, and saw your quiet little pavilion when we came up. , How offensive, please forgive me, Master!"

You don't need to blame yourself, since you have reached the third floor, you will inevitably meet poor monks, and being able to come to my Qinglian Pavilion means that you are destined for you.

It turned out that the third floor was called Qinglian Pavilion, and the pond water lilies built in it fit the name Qinglian Pavilion very well.

"I heard Master Yuanyi say that every disciple who can enter the third floor has to go through your level to get to the fourth floor, right?" Xiaobai directly asked the master his question.

"That's right, anyone who can enter the third floor must pass my level." The master nodded.

"Then may I ask Master, how should we clear the level?" Chunhua caught up and asked.

The master took a sip of tea and paused.Said: "Passing my test is not difficult, nor is it easy; it depends on whether you can hold your breath."

"Hey, Master Yuanyi, don't be so tricky, tell us how to clear the level!" Lu Lu was a little impatient to know what the way to clear the level was.

"Have you seen my bookshelf? Clearing the level is related to this bookshelf!" The condition for clearing the level is that you must find for me the Yi Jin Jing I want to read in the bookshelf within a stick of incense, and then you can pass the level . "After speaking, Master Yuanyi picked up the teapot and took another big sip of tea.

Xiaobai, Chunhua and Lulu walked to the bookshelf and looked at the books on the shelf.

When you look closely, you can see that the books are neatly arranged in rows, but there are many of them, and the height of the bookshelves reaches the ceiling. If you want to find books from above, you must have a high ladder to go to the top to find books. .

But after looking all over the Qinglian Pavilion, I didn't see such a tall ladder, and I don't know how Master Yuanyi took down the book on it to read it.

Just as the three of them were looking around to see if there were any tools that could be used, the master said, "Are you ready? If you are ready, you will start burning incense, and you must complete it within a stick of incense.

Looking at the hundreds of volumes of books, Lu Lu shook his head and said, "How can you find the Yi Jin Jing with so many books within a stick of incense?"

"There are always more solutions than difficulties, and you will always find it. Let's look while you look for it!" Xiao Bai said, took the incense stick from Master Yuan Yi, lit it, and inserted it into the incense burner on the side.

Xiaobai asked Lulu to search from the first floor of the bookshelves near the ground, and Chunhua to search from the middle; she tried to find the books on the bookshelves above the ceiling.

After allocating them, Lulu squatted down and began to search for them one by one.

Chunhua needs to stand and look through the books one by one.

Xiaobai raised her head and looked at the height of the bookshelves. She looked around and did not see any footholds that could be climbed up. So she tried to put her feet on the bookshelves on the second floor and hold the bookshelves on the fourth floor with her hands. A bookshelf, I want to use it to climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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