Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 121 Entering Chang'an, the reputation is obvious

Chapter 121 Entering Chang'an, the reputation is obvious

The next day, just after dawn, refugees with sallow and emaciated faces in tattered clothes poured into Chang'an in groups.

All of a sudden, the garrison soldiers in Chang'an became vigilant, and they immediately notified the imperial army in charge of Chang'an's security.

And the final result was passed back to Baiqi's hands, because although these refugees were in groups, they did not cause any action.

So even if it is to drive them away, it will naturally be impossible. After all, His Majesty now focuses on benevolent governance and loves the people like a son.

And handing it over to Baiqi is undoubtedly the best choice, even Li Junxian couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news for the first time.

"When did Chang'an have so many refugees?"

A trace of seriousness flashed across Li Junxian's eyes and he murmured softly, but soon he remembered where he was sloppy.

Before, he only counted the refugees who entered Chang'an every day, and did not think of the refugees in the suburbs of Chang'an, which naturally became a problem.

Of course, this is mainly because of the shortage of Baiqi's manpower, and because he went out to the outskirts of Chang'an to see it.

The number of people is not that many, but in the past few days, so many refugees have developed.

However, although Li Junxian had a serious expression, he still didn't panic when dealing with the matter.

First of all, we must first look at the reason why these refugees suddenly flooded into Chang'an City. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

The refugees who entered Chang'an before were only in the hundreds, sometimes less than a hundred.

On the other side, there are some refugees who know the location of the Shu Mansion, even if they ask for directions, they will know the same.

You must know that after Shu An returned to Chang'an, the entire Shu Mansion was full of people, how could people who have been in Chang'an for a long time not know.

However, the abnormality of these refugees also attracted the attention of many people, especially the curiosity on the faces of some scholars.

"Did An Xuangong do something big again?"

Some scholars secretly thought, after all, this is not without precedent, and seeing so many refugees heading in the direction of Shu Mansion, these scholars could not help but follow closely.

In front of Shufu Gate
"Everyone is lined up, and you can only get half a bowl every day, which means that you can continue to come tomorrow."

"Remember this is a favor bestowed by my lord An Xuangong. If someone doesn't line up properly, they will be expelled directly."

Lai Fu stood in front of the Shu Mansion and spoke out, with a hint of authority in his words, he also learned a lot from the master's side.

Facing the multitude of refugees, his complexion remained unchanged, and with the help of the surrounding guards, several pots of porridge mixed with some vegetable leaves were ready.

Although this seemingly simple porridge may not be considered anything in the eyes of many Chang'an scholars, it can even be described as hard to swallow.

However, for these refugees, it seemed like a delicacy, especially the faces of the few refugees standing in the front with a look of enjoyment, and their tongues were restless.

"Thank you, Duke Anxuan!"

After the first refugee who received half a bowl of gruel said respectfully, every refugee after that had to say something.

This half bowl of porridge may not be enough to fill them up, not even half full, but it is enough to keep them from starving for a day.

Above the side door, Shu An watched the scene with the figure of a little girl, and nodded involuntarily.

Refugees were originally just people in the customs. As long as the people in this era have something to eat, they are doomed to do nothing.

"Little girl, if you see your playmates, you can give them what you are holding."

Shu An didn't accompany Yaya to speak out for too long, this was only the first day, so the number of refugees was only about seven or eight hundred.

It has not yet met Shu An's expectations, but this is just the beginning. After all, some refugees do not believe that there will be kind people.

"Yeah, uncle, Ya Ya knows."

Yaya said with a hint of joy on her face, and a hint of expectation in her words.

Shu An shook his head, didn't continue to speak, turned around and left here, since Yaya entered the Shu residence.

It is destined to be people who are not in the same world as those playmates. The class solidification of this era is more serious.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to break through, basically it can be said that there is no one in a million.

The reason why Shu An didn't stop it was because it was good to know the innocence of children, because friends in this period really didn't have any interests involved.

As the refugees gathered in front of the Shu Mansion, this naturally made many scholars startled.

"Grand An Xuan unexpectedly rescued these refugees."

"It is rumored that Duke Anxuan was a well-known benevolent man in the past."

"It is important to know how much food is consumed in a single day."

"Even if it's only half a bowl for one person, it's not a small amount, and it means that we will continue to come tomorrow."

One after another voices of discussion sounded, one must know that the price of rice in Chang'an may have increased a lot, and there are still people helping refugees.

If it was someone else's words, then they secretly scolded a fool, but this is An Xuangong, not others.

Although the matter of predicting the heavenly secret has not yet come to fruition, the name of Duke Anxuan still has a great influence among the scholars.

"Duke Anxuan is indeed the most holy man."

A scholar said with emotion, you must know that there are not many people who have no desires and desires like Duke Anxuan.

Of course, some people didn't take it seriously. For example, Zhang Kuo in Zhang's mansion also heard about it as time went by.

"Isn't this old man dying to save his reputation this time!"

There was a hint of disdain in Zhang Kuo's words, and there was a lot of hostility in his words.

Soon Chang'an also spread some rumors, saying that An Xuangong helped the victims in order to save his previous reputation.

This naturally made Lai Fu and others in the Shu Mansion very angry. If it is to save their reputation, then why did their master do such a thing before.

It would have been nice to assume that the matter of predicting the secret had never happened, not to mention that they knew the inside story, knowing that the master had given away most of his property this time.

"Don't worry, the more rumors spread, the better."

Gujing Wubo murmured softly on Shu An's face, he didn't seem to care about the rumors in Chang'an.

As for where the rumors come from, Shu An naturally has some answers, after all, there is only one family in Chang'an that has a bad relationship with him.

Of course, the more troubled it is now, the more he will gain in the end, the more voices will be discussed, and the wider the scope of influence, the better for him.

However, Shu An's eyes flickered, did he add another fire, anyway, he was the one who benefited in the end, so when he thought about it, he became a little moved.

(End of this chapter)

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