Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 122 Pushing Hands, Numbers

Chapter 122 Pushing Hands, Numbers

"It is said that this time, Duke Anxuan made up for the loss of his life before. It is a meritorious deed!"

Another piece of news came out from somewhere in Chang'an, and it spread to most people's ears in a short period of time.

Using merit to make up for the previous problem of shortening lifespan, this really caught the eyes of many people, because of the theory of ghosts and gods.

Just the first time, many people chose to believe it, but even so, some people still believed that An Xuangong was making up for his previous reputation.

However, at this time, Li Junxian's face suddenly realized, no matter how slow he was at this time, he still received the matter of An Xuangong's relief of these disaster victims.

As for the rumors in Chang'an, although Li Junxian had heard about it, he didn't care.

The reason is very simple, that is, His Majesty has absolute trust in Duke An Xuan. Of course, even if there is no trust, he will never believe in other rumors until the results of the rumors come out.

"If this matter is concerned, there should be no need to alarm His Majesty."

After all, it was just Duke Anxuan helping the refugees, and for Li Junxian, there was nothing to report on this matter.

During this period of time, His Majesty didn't seem to know what he was thinking, as if he didn't care about other things, so Li Junxian didn't want to make fun of himself.

What's more, the relief of refugees is a good thing, and it is not a bad thing. Although it is normal to report good news and not bad news, it does not include Baiqi.

Baiqi, as His Majesty's eyes and ears, needs not to report the good news, but to find out the problem. This is the real credit.

It is also the existence that His Majesty relies heavily on. If Baiqi is only announcing good news, then he, the commander of Baiqi, must have to be replaced.

What Li Junxian didn't know was that when these refugees returned to their gathering places, they spread the news.

"Is there really gruel to drink?"

"It's a pity that each person only has half a bowl, but we can continue tomorrow."

"What, there will be more tomorrow. Is this Duke Anxuan really a good person?"

In a certain refugee gathering place, one after another voices of discussion sounded, and there was a trace of emotion in the words.

Such a scene didn't just happen in this scene, especially those refugees who returned from Chang'an, all of them had a hint of excitement on their faces.

It can be said that compared with the previous lifelessness, other refugees see this change.

It's only half a bowl of gruel, but to these refugees, it seems like the drought is coming and the rain is coming. These refugees are ready to occupy a good position tomorrow morning.

On the second day, there were twice as many refugees as the day before, and they headed towards Shu Mansion as soon as they entered Chang'an City.

This couldn't help but make these Chang'an soldiers click their tongues secretly, but because someone from above explained that the routine inspection of these refugees is enough.

Of course, the inspection is an inspection, in fact, it is just a glance. If other people may still have packages and the like, but these refugees basically did not bring anything.

If the only thing is a simple rice bowl made of bamboo, this was explained by Laifu yesterday.

Because there are not so many bowls in the Shu Mansion, but because there were not many people on the first day, and people in this era don't pay much attention to hygiene, so let's make do with it.

But it was only the first day, and Laifu asked these refugees to bring a bowl. Of course, bamboo tubes are also fine. Anyway, the porridge is based on the Shufu rice bowl, which is only half a bowl.

The number of people who also gathered in front of the Shu Mansion was doubled, and they had lined up early, among them were women in tattered clothes, listless children, and even skinny old men.

The Shu Mansion didn't let these refugees wait for too long, several large pots of porridge that had already been cooked were carried up with the help of several guards.

"I'm coming!"

All of a sudden, a light appeared in the refugee's eyes.

Laifu took a look at the refugees, there were many more people than yesterday, and they all filled the entire street, with no end in sight.

You must know that many scholars originally came here to break through Shumen Ten Questions, but today they are destined to be unable to enter.

"In order, come forward one by one!"

The sound of Laifu sounded, and then the porridge was served.

And the second day was also a start. On the third day, the number of people not only doubled, but doubled.

There were nearly 5000 people, which kept Laifu busy for most of the day, but their expressions also became serious.

"If there are more people tomorrow, then I'm afraid it will be a busy day."

Lai Fu's respectful voice sounded, and he looked at his master in front of him with a wry smile on his face.

Shu An nodded as he knew it, but Shu An was also thinking about it. The number of refugees in Chang'an seemed to have skyrocketed in three days, from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

And this number is still rising rapidly at a terrifying speed, Shu An knows that it is the people who migrated from the pass before.

Fortunately, these common people did not come to the gate of Shu Mansion immediately because they were just familiar with Chang'an.

However, I believe that with the passage of time, these common people will eventually come to the gate of Shu Mansion.

If there is a free lunch in the world, no one will refuse it, let alone these poor people.

"Let the guards guarding the academy come back, and recruit some permanent workers."

Shu An's voice sounded slowly. Originally, there was not a lot of people in the Shu Mansion, except for the guards, there were basically more cooks.

There are a total of eight chefs, this is because Shu An is picky about food, there is no one else.

There are also no servants in the Shu Mansion, and this is the same reason, which leads to a shortage of manpower.

After all, besides the relief, the Shu Mansion still has daily affairs to be busy with, so it is not too difficult in normal times, but now it is troublesome.

"Yes, sir!"

Laifu nodded and said that he had written down his master's explanation.

After all, according to my master's status, it's nothing to recruit more people, but the master didn't have this plan for some reason before, but this time he mainly recruited people for these refugees.

This errand is not difficult, and there must be many people who are willing, and it is even no problem to choose some people from among the refugees.

When a new day came, there were not only thousands of refugees in front of the Shu residence, but the number doubled from the previous day.

They even occupied three or four streets. If it wasn't for the relatively remote location of the Shu Mansion, Chang'an might be about to stage a crowded scene.

However, compared to the previous few days, today's commotion is much bigger. These are tens of thousands of refugees, not hundreds of thousands.

(End of this chapter)

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