Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 152 The words of the miracle doctor, the disaster is approaching

Chapter 152 The words of the miracle doctor, the disaster is approaching

"If it's selfish, there is a granddaughter who has a disease that even I can't solve."

After Sun Simiao agreed, Shu An talked about another matter, and there seemed to be a trace of sigh in his words.

Because this asthma is hereditary, even he can't solve it, he can only try his best to let them be an ordinary person, and this requires the assistance of drugs.

As long as he is properly taken care of, this is not impossible. Even if he is a time traveler, he is not a omnipotent existence.

This can be regarded as his selfishness. If anyone in this world can do it, then Sun Simiao must be one of them.

At this time, Sun Simiao was stunned for a moment, because it was the first time he saw Shu An who was so lost.

But he seemed to have thought of something, remembering that the reason why this one studied medicine was because of his daughter.

Could it be that the granddaughter also had such a disease, and even Sun Simiao's complexion became serious for a while.

Shu An once told him about this matter, the disease called asthma, Sun Simiao also remembered it in his heart.

And now even Shu An can't do anything, which shows that this granddaughter's condition is more serious, and it's not like the one who followed Shu An back then, who can always pay attention to her.

After thinking of this, Sun Simiao also understood the bitterness in Shu An's heart, but Sun Simiao also showed interest on his face.

Because there are not many cases of this special case before, if it is this kind of disease, if it is born in the family of ordinary people, I am afraid that it will not live for a few years.

It's okay to be born in a wealthy family, but how many years you can live depends on your personal situation.

The most important thing is that even Shu An has not resolved the matter, so Sun Simiao is naturally interested.

You must know that Sun Simiao is very confident in himself in terms of medical skills, but he was overwhelmed by Shu An in every way before.

Although Sun Simiao and Shu An have a good relationship, it doesn't mean that they don't have the desire to be competitive, and now is just an opportunity.

"The old Taoist also agreed to this matter. If the matter is not resolved, the old Taoist will not leave Chang'an."

Sun Simiao said with a trace of determination on his face, as if he had suffered some kind of loss.

However, Shu An knew a lot about Sun Simiao. This seemingly serious doctor Sun was actually not like that, just not familiar with him.

Of course, there are not many people who can become friends with Sun Simiao, and if he is walking outside, Sun Simiao has to maintain his status as a genius doctor.

"Laifu, arrange a room for Miracle Doctor Sun."

Shu An nodded and said that it was enough for Sun Simiao to stay, and he would not forget that he still had to get involved in medical treatment.

If you have Sun Simiao's help in all these things, you will definitely be able to save yourself a lot of trouble, but if you want Sun Simiao to be willing to help you, you still need to use some methods.

Of course, at least the two things that were pressing on Shu An's mind temporarily were resolved, and the next step was to wait for the locust plague to come.

Immediately after Shu An talked with Sun Simiao in Chang'an, there was a rumor, and it was said clearly.

"It is said that locusts have many benefits for the human body."

"How is this possible? It's just nonsense."

"You should know that this sentence was said by Dr. Sun."

"What, this sentence was said by Miracle Doctor Sun, has Miracle Doctor Sun come to Chang'an yet?"

When the rumors first spread, no one cared, and some people didn't even believe it.

After all, locusts are the source of locust plagues, and they have many benefits for the body. It can be said that this concept is difficult to change, but after hearing what Sun Simiao said, some people began to change their attitudes.

The wind of the human shadow tree, on the path of medical skills, even if everyone has heard of Sun Simiao's name, it is just like Shu An.

From denying this sentence at the beginning to half-believing that it was just the name of this miracle doctor.

As time went by, more news came out, attracting the attention of the entire Chang'an.

"Many have seen Miracle Doctor Sun coming to Chang'an."

"If you don't come out to deny it, then it means that this sentence was really said by Dr. Sun."

"Yes, there were many ancient books long ago, and some bugs can be used to make medicine."

For a while, the discussion became even more serious, even ordinary people were concerned because the locust plague was coming.

Now when I come across the word locust, I am naturally sensitive, and I feel sad all of a sudden, so I also heard this rumor.

It's just that although they know this news, it seems to be of no use to them.

"Can locusts be eaten?"

For a while, many people couldn't help but have a question on their faces.

This can't help but make the people puzzled. Apart from the people in the Guanzhong, there are also refugees from the Guanzhong.

You must know that these people left their homes because of the locusts.

If locusts are really edible, then I believe these people will definitely try it first without any hesitation.

It's just that there is no one who speaks first, but at this moment, a piece of news ignited the entire Chang'an.

"Shu Mansion buys locusts for a catty and a penny!"

In a short time, this news spread throughout Chang'an.

In particular, these refugees even asked the long-term workers of Shu Mansion's porridge, wanting to inquire about news one by one.

You must know that these refugees are basically penniless now, and they did not expect to make money by catching locusts.

These people know the consequences of starvation and fear, and they are no longer the people who have just been plagued by locusts.

A catty of locusts for a penny, or a penny is nothing to many people in Chang'an, but to these refugees.

Even if you don't have a penny, how can you be moved, and even the people near Chang'an are also moved.

After all, locusts are equal to money, and there are also discussions about this matter in Chang'an.

"Can locusts really be used medicinally?"

"Isn't that the way Duke Anxuan came up with to donate money?"

Many people are talking about the issue of locusts, especially Shu'an's acquisition of locusts adds fuel to the fire.

Some people even think that this is an opportunity for Duke Anxuan to give these refugees a way to survive and to make money. In fact, locusts are not worth much.

Moreover, some people saw Miracle Doctor Sun entering and exiting the Shu's residence, which seemed to confirm this statement. Of course, it was because of this that the refugees' gratitude to Shu An increased to a higher level.

In addition, Li Shimin and many ministers in Chang'an Palace also noticed this matter, but they also did not express any opinions.

I often think it is right, but in the end, I was slapped in the face by Duke Anxuan, and this time Sun Simiao was added. Under such clamor, the locusts finally descended on the Guanzhong area.

 The monthly ticket is 200+1, and I owe 10 more, and I vomit blood. . .It took a lot of time to repair the computer today, and I will start adding updates tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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