Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 153 Weird, Weibo private visit

Chapter 153 Weird, Weibo private visit
Outside Chang'an City, it was originally a place to relieve refugees, but now there is an additional place to buy locusts.

"This is a locust caught, quickly weigh it."

"It's five catties in total, and I'll give you five cents."

"I didn't expect it to look a lot, and that's all it weighs."

The entire Chang'an city was bustling with activity, although it took half a day of hard work, it was only a few pennies.

But it was enough excitement for this refugee. After all, what they ate was Shu'an's relief. Although it was only half a bowl, it was enough to satisfy their hunger.

Under such circumstances, there is no need to worry about eating, and the money can be saved.

Originally, some refugees didn't believe it. After all, it seemed like pie fell from the sky, and there were some pedantic people.

However, when he saw the copper coins in the other hands of other refugees, his complexion began to waver for a while, and no one would be troubled by money.

"Today, the kid in my family caught a pound of locusts."

"I don't know how much Duke Anxuan will charge, but I should take advantage of the night to catch more."

"It makes sense. It is said that thousands of catties have been collected today."

A voice of joy rang out among the refugees, and then there was a lot of discussion among the people, which made some refugees who didn't catch the locusts anxious.

Outside Chang'an City, Shu An and Sun Simiao were sitting together in the carriage, watching the joy on the faces of the refugees, even Sun Simiao was touched.

"I have never seen refugees living so happily."

Sun Simiao said with a strange expression on his face, you must know that he traveled all over the world, and encountered many droughts and famines caused by wars.

Those people felt numb to him, without exception, as a doctor, he naturally had a heart to save the world.

It's just that his strength alone is limited, and if he can save one, he can also save two, or even ten people.

However, the number of people affected each time is tens of thousands, and this one is an exception.

All these changes were made by old friends around him. Sun Simiao couldn't help but sigh slightly after thinking of this.

He used to think that this old friend had superb medical skills, but he did not save anyone and was not worthy of being a doctor. This was the sense of accomplishment he had brought from his heart.

I think this is where I am better than Shu An, but now my emotions are a little complicated.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that his structure seemed to be a bit small. He only saw one or two people in his eyes, but in Shu An's eyes, he was the world's people.


Shu An on the side didn't change his expression and said, he seemed to be a little unconcerned. At this time, Shu An didn't know Sun Simiao's inner thoughts.

But Shu An knew that the refugees this time should be the happiest, but for the locusts, it was bad news.

Fortunately, this era is good. You must know that in later generations, locusts have basically never been seen, and they even have to be raised artificially. It is estimated that it is not far from being eaten as a protected animal.

Fortunately, in order to store these locusts, Shu An dug another ice cellar, and Shu An did not allow the locusts to be preserved.

You must know that locusts are very good for the body. At this time, the meat is very scarce.

Shu An's words made Sun Simiao roll his eyes. Obviously, in his opinion, Shu An is modest.

On the second day, the refugees were surprised to find locusts appearing in the porridge given out.

You must know that these locusts were fried first, and a lot of salt was added, which is not inferior to deep-frying, and then mixed into the gruel.

Although it took a little more effort, Shu An naturally didn't mind spending a little more energy in order to make these people accept the locusts.

"Can locusts be eaten?"

The refugees who had received half a bowl of porridge looked at the locusts in their porridge with a hint of hesitation on their faces.

But in the end, under the condition of hunger, he gritted his teeth and ate it, but when he chewed it in his mouth, the refugees couldn't help but shine.

There was no such thing as cooking in this era until after Shu An came, but not many people know about it so far.

Only the Shu Mansion, the Imperial Palace, and a few students who are close to Shu An know about cooking.

Of course, there are the same in heaven and earth, but people who go to heaven and earth are either rich or noble, so naturally they don't care how the food is prepared, they all think it is their unique secret recipe.

"It's delicious!"

The refugee whispered, and it seemed to be delicious, with some saltiness, and it was crispy, not as unpalatable as imagined.

And it wasn't just one refugee who felt this way, they were all excited in an instant.

Not only are there more locusts in the relief porridge for refugees, but also food for locusts has been introduced in heaven and earth.

However, the workmanship of the locusts in the sky and the earth is much more refined. They are fried and sprinkled with some pepper.

Naturally, these two things did not escape the eyes of Chang'an scholars, and there was a trace of weirdness on his face, could locusts really be eaten.

Although the food in heaven and earth has been recognized by the whole Chang'an in a short period of time, even many wealthy people in Chang'an will choose heaven and earth when negotiating some business.

On the one hand, the food is truly outstanding, and on the other hand, Heaven and Earth has become the top restaurant trend in Chang'an.

No one would doubt that if one were to ask where the best restaurant in Chang'an is now, they would definitely say that it is heaven and earth.

There are even some rich businessmen and tycoons from other places who ate it once and forgot to return, spreading the reputation of heaven and earth all over the world.

But even though the food in the heaven and earth is famous, there are still no diners ordering this locust. Obviously, there is still a little psychological resistance, but today there are a few special guests in the heaven and earth.

This person is none other than Li Shimin. You must know that Li Shimin is not a peaceful master.

However, he was obviously in a good mood at this time, because his sub-father directly resolved the natural disaster invisibly.

Li Shimin, who was originally worried, went to see these refugees in the customs first, but after taking a look at the refugees outside the city, his expression was naturally a little strange.

Li Shimin's thoughts coincided with Sun Simiao's thoughts. Of course, besides Li Shimin, there were also a few people such as the eldest Sun Wuji who were traveling with him.

Because of his mood, Li Shimin thought of this new restaurant opened by his Asian father. He also heard rumors about this restaurant in Chang'an, so a group of people came here.

Just at the first sight, Li Shimin was attracted by the heaven and the earth.

The tables and chairs in the sky and the earth and the potted plants around them are scattered and orderly, as if there is a sense of beauty, and the melodious sounds of the erhu and the pipa slowly sound, making people feel peaceful inside.

(End of this chapter)

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