Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 538 Fame and profit, mind

Chapter 538 Fame and profit, mind

After reading all the content, even Shu An's expression was quite surprised.

"Si Miao, these recipes of yours are very thoughtful. Although there are some shortcomings, if they are placed outside, they are enough to cause a storm."

Shu An slowly commented that even he has to admit the name of King of Medicine, which is definitely worthy of the name in this era.

Many formulas are very thoughtful, similar to some formulas of later generations, you must know that his memory is not that strong.

In fact, many things from later generations have been forgotten, but these recipes reminded him of some memories.

"It's serious, these formulas still need to be improved, and the conditions of the people who take them need to be observed."

Sun Simiao looked at Shu An with piercing eyes and continued to speak, almost without asking for support.

It has to be said that a penny kills people. You must know that Yaowang didn't have any ideas about experiments before, especially in this era, there is no such concept.

But under the indoctrination of Shu An, Sun Simiao also knew how important experimentation is to a formula.

Unfortunately, although this Sun Yaowang has some savings, but not much, so he can only count on this good friend.

Shu An understood Sun Simiao's meaning at the first moment, and couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart.

Why is this medicine king so thick-skinned, but he is clear about Sun Simiao's thoughts.

If you go outside to find someone to cooperate with, then there must be someone, just come out with the name of Miracle Doctor Sun, and add health-preserving formula.

It can be said that even Li Shimin would support Sun Simiao, but Sun Simiao had no choice but to choose himself.

On the one hand, it is a friendship, and on the other hand, it is because the prescription has knowledge of health preservation.

Even Sun Simiao is not thick-skinned enough to use other people's things and pretend that nothing happened, and this friend will not cheat him.

If you are looking for other people, then most of them are people with embarrassing thoughts.

Under such circumstances, Sun Simiao naturally knew how to choose.

"If there is a need, just talk to Laifu directly. In addition, if you are interested, you can publish a book on your own health care."

Shu An shook his head slightly and said, as one of the few friends, if he can help, he will definitely help.

Now he is more desireless, power itself represents a certain height, as for the prestige has also reached the peak, in terms of money, he also has no shortage.

Due to various aspects, now Shu An is really indifferent to fame and wealth, of course it can be described as forced.

What he wants to get is not available in this era, but on the contrary, he lacks everything that is available in this era.

That's why he is what he is now. If the name of a sage was his pursuit before, then now he is forced to be a sage.

For example, HNA is indeed for this era, and if it wants to truly get rid of hunger, then this is the only way to go.

In Shu An's impression, several high-yielding crops are all overseas, although it is not known how long it will take to find them.

But there is always a glimmer of hope, isn't it? Even if you lose some people, it is also worthwhile to exchange for long-term food and clothing.

No matter who it is from the perspective of Shu An, they will agree. Of course, if it is from the perspective of losing these people, it is a bit too cruel.

However, there is always someone to sacrifice, isn't it?

In this era, Shu An has already seen through life and death. In this era, life is truly worthless.

Shu An's thoughts did not affect the excited Sun Simiao, even Sun Simiao did not expect that An Xuan would give him such a big surprise.

How many disciples Yang Sheng has now, needless to say Sun Simiao knows all over the world.

Even ordinary people know how to keep in good health, but now the whole world depends on Duke Anxuan for keeping in good health.

In other words, Mr. Anxuan is the orthodox one. Even if someone else researches something, he will be treated as an outlier and even cast aside.

But now Shu An actually asked him to publish a book, which meant that he recognized his knowledge of health preservation.

In the future, it will also become a part of health preservation, and even Sun Simiao will feel excited inside, because the prestige brought by it is enough to make his prestige go up to another level.

Maybe he could use this to set foot on half of the sage's name, after seeing his friend has the sage's name.

It is impossible to say that Sun Simiao is indifferent in his heart, and half of the research on health preservation is out of his own selfishness.

Because medical books have been published by many people, and even circulated, but it is not so easy for these people to become holy.

Not to mention when he was alive, so Sun Simiao could only focus on health preservation, he no longer expected to be compared with his old friend.

But it would be enough if he could have the name of half a sage with the help of health preservation. After all, this is not without precedent.

For example, before Confucianism, apart from Confucius, there were Yafu Mencius and others, all of whom were sages.

But now Sun Simiao just wants to play this role, even if he is the king of medicine, he can't escape the influence of this fame and fortune after all.

"Then thank you An Xuan."

Following the sound of Sun Simiao's voice, Shu An also broke away from his thoughts, but he didn't say much.

The reason is very simple, that is, the current Sun Simiao is considered a living person, and he will be involved in fame and fortune.

The reason why he wasn't involved was because of his fame and fortune, so he naturally didn't care about it.

Of course, he wanted to see what kind of movement Sun Simiao could make, after all, Sun Simiao was known as the King of Medicine before.

When Shu'an was in turmoil, on the official road leading to Chang'an at this time, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes showed a trace of nostalgia on his complexion.

This person is none other than Feng An, who came from the south of the Five Ridges and was going to meet the new king in court.

For Feng An, he was far away in the south of the Five Ridges, and generally he would not come to Chang'an, but this time he couldn't do without.

Even Feng An did not expect that the situation in Chang'an was changing, and the former His Majesty became the current Supreme Emperor.

And that Emperor Qin counterattacked and became the current king, but in terms of ability, this King Qin is indeed much better than the previous one.

And this time, if you go to Chang'an, you have to pay a visit to An Xuangong.

When he first came into contact with Duke Anxuan, Feng An did have some goals of his own.

But later, Duke Anxuan brought a lot of benefits to Lingnan, even Feng An benefited a lot.

Feng Ang is not a person who doesn't know how to be grateful, and the most important thing is that Annan now has the same environment as Lingnan.

(End of this chapter)

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