Chapter 539

Naturally, it was impossible for Feng An's arrival not to attract attention, and it was even more sensational than the arrival of those envoys from small countries.

After all, the emissary of a small country is more of a novelty. After all, the current Tang Dynasty belongs to the Shang country, so it naturally has its own sense of superiority.

On the contrary, Feng An has the honor of the Duke of the country, at least he has a top position above the rank of honor.

In addition, there are things before. When Li Shimin first came to the throne, there were many people who impeached Feng An for rebellion.

Even at the beginning, he sent his son Feng Zhidai to Chang'an in person to get through this hurdle.

Sometimes rumors are very powerful, even Feng An dare not underestimate them, so after the situation in Lingnan stabilized.

Feng An came to Chang'an in person this time. Under such circumstances, it was natural that all parties paid attention.

Different from those envoys from small countries, Li Shimin sent a lot of people to receive the arrival of this Duke, which can be said to be extremely honorable.

In any case, Feng An was still loyal to him, Li Shimin, and as a king, Li Shimin naturally reciprocated.

At the same time, Shu An in the academy also received the news, and could not help showing a hint of interest on his face.

"Master, after Feng An came to Chang'an, he seemed to be very interested in Chang'an."

Laifu couldn't help but speak from the side, with a hint of weirdness in his words.

How can you say that Feng An can be regarded as a big official in the frontier, even a little obedient and not obedient, so you can imagine how powerful he is.

Basically, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the emperor of the south of the Five Ridges, maybe he has never been to Chang'an.

But he must be very concerned about Chang'an, and he is sure about these blessings, after all, Shu Mansion and Lingnan have a lot of contacts.

So it must be correct that he should be no stranger to Chang'an, but now Feng An is showing a novelty.

"Laifu, this shows that this Feng An is very cunning and scheming."

Shu An laughed and said, Feng An is only a few years younger than him.

But for this era, he was already quite old, so such actions would naturally not be done casually.

If it were someone else who came to Chang'an for a pilgrimage, this emperor would be cautious, for fear of offending some people in Chang'an.

In other words, Feng An's status is a bit embarrassing, he is not considered to be on the side of civil servants, nor can he be assigned to the side of generals.

However, this also led to the displeasure of both sides. It can be said that this is the most unfavorable place for Feng An.

It's not so easy to have both sides, even he can't be respected by everyone, let alone Feng An.

"Master, is this Feng Guogong going to show some gesture?"

Laifu frowned and said, obviously he couldn't figure out what the King of Lingnan was thinking.

"It does have a little taste of this, but it is more of a forced choice. Presumably Feng An has already investigated the Chang'an matter."

"If it is the last stop, then it must be in heaven and earth, and it must not be stingy."

There was a gleam of light in Shu An's eyes and he said, even he had to admit that the current King of Lingnan is much more mature than Changsun Wuji.

Of course, the main reason is that Changsun Wuji is still young, but on the contrary, how could Feng An have no means to be able to sit firmly in Lingnan.

If there are the most dignitaries, then it must be heaven and earth. Feng An may have his own interest in traveling to Chang'an, but he is more paving the way for himself in Chang'an.

But this is also human nature, even Feng An can't see through that emperor's mind, let alone see how he is in Chang'an.

It is still necessary to make some preparations in advance, and the heaven and earth are still the property of Shufu.

Naturally, Feng An wanted to show his kindness to Shu An, and the best way was to spend it in heaven and earth.

Among them, the main reason is that Shu An generally doesn't take gifts very much, even his own disciples are also very few.

If it was his own disciple, it would be fine, after all, Shu An would not refuse too much to honor something during festivals.

After all, it was out of good intentions, even Changsun Wuji, a disciple who had gaps, often sent some things.

Apparently Feng An has also investigated this point clearly, and the fact is not what Feng An expected.

Among the heavens and the earth, this Duke who came all the way from the south of the Five Ridges had a look of admiration on his face.

"This heaven and earth is more attractive than imagined."

Feng An had also heard about the reputation in the heaven and earth before, what kind of food is better than the imperial chef, unparalleled in the world and so on.

At that time, Feng An didn't care about it, after all, in his impression, food is food, as long as it can fill his stomach.

But after ordering every dish in Heaven and Earth, Feng An realized that he was attracted by this food.

If he can't eat it in the future, then Feng An will inevitably have a lot of regrets in his heart.

It's just that this is Chang'an, and it is still the property of Duke Anxuan, Feng An still shook his head.

But in the past few days, Feng An decided to dine in heaven and earth.

As for the task of contacting other nobles, it is naturally left to his son.

Even if Feng An wanted to win over some people, he still had some face.

It's impossible for those juniors to come out on their own, whether or not the Duke's face is necessary.

If so, they might still be looked down upon by the people of Chang'an, Feng An would be so unwise about it.

Naturally, he waited for his son Feng Zhidai to come. Among the several sons, Feng Zhidai was the better one.

Naturally, Feng An was deeply loved, and Feng Zhidai also came to Chang'an once before.

He is not unfamiliar with Chang'an's words, so he has a fierce fight with these honorable children.

In addition, to enter the heaven and earth, even those second generations of nobles have some difficulties.

After all, the consumption is too high, but Feng An brought enough money this time.

Also as his son, Feng Zhidai spent money without blinking.

It has to be said that Feng An still saved a lot of money, and several of Shu An's businesses were related to Lingnan.

Naturally, Feng An is even richer to describe it, and this time entering Chang'an also brought a lot.

Feng An's deeds in Chang'an also did not hide anything, and naturally many people also knew about this Feng Guogong's movements.

"Old Fox!"

Among them, people like Changsun Wuji and the others couldn't help showing a hint of caution on their faces.

Of course, the emperor in the court also knew about it, but Li Shimin's face was much more relaxed.

Because smart people know better that some things cannot be done.

Last time Li Shimin still had a lot of worries about Lingnan, and even sent Baiqi to Lingnan to observe secretly.

But did not get much useful information.

(End of this chapter)

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