Cutting 1719

Chapter 110 Chaos

Chapter 110 Chaos
On March 60th of the [-]th year of Kangxi, Liu Ruhan, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, launched an anti-Qing uprising in Jiugao Mountain, Henan Province. Responders gathered for a while. In addition to a large number of farmers and refugees, there were also some small landlords. They held sharpened bamboo spear, declaring that "the yellow sky will die, and the heaven will live".

The Bailian Religious Army led by Liu Ruhan, although poorly equipped with weapons and equipment, has a large number of people and extraordinary courage. Therefore, it quickly broke through Yiyang, engulfed a large number of people, and developed a force of 10,000+, calling itself Pingtian The general who saved the people, and soon sent troops to besiege Ruzhou, but because of the lack of weapons to attack the fortifications, he stopped his troops for a long time.

Because of this, Liu Ruhan sent envoys to the Fuhan Army at this critical moment, hoping to obtain some artillery.

At this time, the senior officials of the Fuhan Army were collectively immersed in excitement and joy. The pressure of the rebellion was not so great. The feeling of being the enemy of the whole world is not so pleasant.

But it was different now. Liu Ruhan raised his troops against the Qing, and took the stand in Henan. In this way, the Fuhan army no longer had to worry about the movement of the Qing army in the direction of Henan, and the defensive pressure was much reduced.From another point of view, facing the White Lotus Sect with 10,000+ people, the Qing court may not necessarily focus on the Fuhan army anymore, after all, the opponent is much closer to the capital.

Together with Ning Zhongjing, Ning Yu met the envoys in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. In this case, it was not convenient for Ning Zhongyuan to show up at the first time, but with the Major General of the Fuhan Army, this face can be considered Give enough.

After a while, two middle-aged men, one in a long gown and the other in a hard suit, walked in and bowed to the ground.

"The leader of the White Lotus Sect entrusted the two of us to greet the Major General, and expressed his willingness to follow Duke Ming's command to drive out the Tartars and return our Han family."

Ning Yu smiled slightly and said: "I already know the name of the leader of your religion. Now that your religion is willing to devote itself to the great cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty, it is naturally a feat that everyone in the world admires. It's just that now that the Fuhan army is under the enemy's back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to give more. Support it."

Seeing that Ning Yu was not very enthusiastic, and his tone seemed to be evasive, the middle-aged man was a little surprised. You must know that based on their understanding of the current Fuhan Army, the current Fuhan Army is lacking such a boost.But now that we meet, we find that things are not as simple as we thought.

Among them, the short man in the tough clothes couldn't hold back his face, and said resentfully: "My elder brother, the leader of the family, deeply feels the righteousness of the Fuhan army, and can't bear to see the Fuhan army fighting alone. Dedicating himself to the great cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty, the major general's remarks are a bit too ruthless."

The middle-aged man in the long gown immediately smoothed things over, pulled the short man, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Major General, please don't blame me, people in the countryside naturally don't know how to speak politely, this is the younger brother of Hierarch Liu." Liu Ruquan, spoke a little more urgently. But the leader’s thoughts are a lesson to be learned.”

This one is a red face, and the other is a bad face, but he is bullying him, Ning Yu is young?But before Ning Yu got angry, Ning Zhongjing laughed lightly, and then said: "I, of course, understand the sincerity of your education. Everyone is for the great cause of returning to Han. Naturally, there is no need to distinguish between superiors and inferiors. On the contrary, it makes life difficult." Let’s divide up, we can talk about anything.”

At present, for the Fuhan Army, the White Lotus Sect can be used but must not be approached, because the reputation of the White Lotus Sect is really bad these days, especially for those country gentry, these pretenders are even more disgusting, even with the White Lotus Sect. In the eyes of ordinary people, religion is notorious.

But at the moment, the White Lotus Sect needs to be at the forefront, so Ning Zhongjing's words are quite tactful, especially the indiscriminate words that speak to Liu Ruquan's heart. In the eyes of the radicals of the White Lotus Sect, , There is no need to unite with the Fuhan Army, they can conquer the world by themselves, so they are naturally deeply dissatisfied with the move of relying on the Fuhan Army.

But the middle-aged man next to him saw the mystery of it. He himself was a consultant of the White Lotus Sect, named Xue Guan, and he also strongly advocated temporarily attaching to the Han army. The purpose was naturally not simple. The method of the Han army slowly penetrated into the entire senior level of the Fuhan army in order to realize the plan to seize power from another level.

Therefore, the routes of the two people are different, and this mission also reflects two kinds of thinking within the White Lotus Sect. Not caring too much, he said bluntly: "What the Major General and Ning Shenshu said is reasonable. The anti-Qing cause is a matter of course. There are people who contribute, and I, the White Lotus Sect, just want to bring peace to all people in the world. It's just that Now that the Qing court is powerful, the two families need to work together to tide over the difficulties.”

This is a lot more honest, as long as you don't keep thinking about mixing with the Fuhan army, can't you just do your business honestly?Wouldn't it be great if he was willing to serve as a stepping stone for the Fuhan army and not lose his position as a duke in the future?
Ning Yu changed his attitude immediately, pulled the two of them over with enthusiasm, and said with a smile: "An anti-Qing righteous act requires the joint efforts of heroes from all over the world. There is no reason to fight alone. The White Lotus Sect is now launching an anti-Qing righteous act, which is naturally worthwhile." Admiration, if there is any difficulty, I, the Fuhan Army, can help, and it is naturally my duty!"

Although the attitude was a bit enthusiastic, the words were not very sincere. What is meant by "the Fuhan Army can help, it is naturally obligatory", does it mean that if it is impossible or difficult to handle, then it will not help.

Xue Guan smiled wryly in his heart, and immediately lowered his expression, and said slightly seriously: "Now my Bailian Rebel Army is fighting hard under the city of Ruzhou, but it is difficult to succeed because of the lack of sharp weapons to attack the city. I also hope that the major general can help. Given twenty cannons, our army will surely win the first battle."

Ning Yu was very bold in this matter, and said with a smile: "Although our army is also very lacking in equipment, but the Bailian Rebel Army is now at a critical moment, so I naturally have to say something. It just so happened that our army captured the Qing army's mother and child cannons There are also dozens of Weiyuan cannons, so it doesn't matter if you allocate twenty of them."

But Xue Guan sighed, and said with a wry smile: "We are naturally aware of the Qing army's artillery, it is really useless, please ask the major general to set aside some of the thunder-type artillery." This is not enough greed. .

Ning Yu was naturally unwilling. Hugh told him to give him the Thunder Cannon, even if he had a close look at it. After all, the technology of this cannon is ahead of the entire era at present, so how can it be easily given to others?
It's just that it's not convenient to refuse directly at the moment, so Ning Yu put on a worried look, "You two don't know, although the power of this cannon is acceptable, it is quite difficult to cast each one, and now our army only has a dozen or so. , but it was powerless."

These words coupled with this expression made Ning Zhongjing feel that his pretense was a bit too much.

 These two days happen to be Double Twelve, and the author is also engaged in e-commerce work, so he works late every day, and the update volume is relatively small. After the Double Twelve is over, the daily update volume will resume. Please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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