Cutting 1719

Cutting 1719


692 Chapters Completed Status

Back to the 300th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty 58 years ago?
Kangxi: I want to live another 500 years!
Ning Yu: Go to hell with you!

Reader group: 961378766 Group access password: Faqing 1719
VIP fan group: 9738


Back to the 300th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty 58 years ago?
Kangxi: I want to live another 500 years!
Ning Yu: Go to hell with you!

Reader group: 961378766 Group access password: Faqing 1719
VIP fan group: 973851485, plus group students need to provide subscription screenshots, thank you for your support!

Key words of the novel: No pop-up window of Fa Qing 1719, download of complete works of Fa Qing 1719 txt, reading of the latest chapter of Fa Qing 1719


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