Cutting 1719

Chapter 25 Dare to Ask Dazhi?

Chapter 25 Dare to Ask Dazhi?

After dealing with this matter, Ning Yu was alone in the camp office in a daze.

This office was built little by little by Ning Qianqiu and the students of the Renzi team. It has a rough log style and the facilities inside are also very simple, but Ning Yu likes it very much.

Ning Yu understands that this incident is just the beginning. On the way forward, these students may not be able to follow their footsteps firmly, and they may not even see the real future.

Ning Yu thought carefully in his heart, thinking, he hoped this would be the last time, so the current foundation alone is definitely not enough, nor can it be solved by a simple reward and punishment system, from a good soldier to a soldier Oil son, the time required for this is shorter than many people think.

To solve this matter, at present it seems that Ning Yu can only rely on himself.

System is very important, but system alone is not enough. Ning Yu quickly thinks about the experience and lessons of the previous life in his brain, training, forming an army, discipline, spirit, etc. Ning Yu seems to have caught something.

Education, yes, it is the education that Ning Yu has been promoting, and the root of it still lies in the issue of education.

Since modern times, the difference between the modern army and the traditional army has never been just military thinking and weapons and equipment, but more importantly, the education mechanism.

Why was the Qing army defeated by the new Japanese army whose weapons and equipment were far behind theirs in the Sino-Japanese War of later generations?There are many reasons that can be analyzed, but the most important reason is that the generals have no tactics, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, and they will collapse if they lose a little.

Even if such a traditional army is equipped with aircraft and cannons, it is meaningless and will only become the enemy's spoils of war.Only truly educated soldiers can bear huge casualties and continue to organize troops to fight on the battlefield.

Although the Young Eagle Battalion is not a real military camp, nor are they real soldiers, Ning Yu has always regarded them as soldiers. In this environment, the students seem to train hard every day, but as they grow up day by day , These teenagers are confused in their hearts, because they don't know what the meaning of doing this is.

Ning Yu tightened his brows with some headaches. This problem will become bigger if it goes deeper, and it will exceed Ning Yu's current control ability.

It's just that in this chaotic time, Ning Yu thought of the theory of heaven and human heart with Cui Wancai, and also thought of the words Cui Wancai sent before he left.

"When doing things, sometimes we should not only look at the road, but also look at the sky."

In Cui Wancai's view, he has always paid too much attention to the details, but neglected the real metaphysical things.

The more Ning Yu thought about this sentence, the clearer his heart became. He decided to retreat for a few days and think about this issue before coming out.

But in this way, Dong Ce, Chang Youcai and others who were waiting outside were dumbfounded.Since Ning Yu didn't want to see them at this time, he had no choice but to go back happily.

Chang Youcai said worriedly: "Ying Zuo is very angry this time, and now he doesn't want to see us anymore."

Dong Ce has always performed very well, because he has also established prestige in the Young Eagle Camp. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Since the camp has its own ideas, then we will go back first. During this time , each team needs to train hard, I have a hunch that maybe it won't be long before we will face a real test."

For three whole days, Ning Yu was in the office reviewing what he had done since his rebirth, and he hardly saw anyone except eating.

It wasn't until three days later that Ning Yu came out of the office, his eyes were bloodshot, but his energy and spirit seemed sharper, like a newly polished sword, waiting to be unsheathed one day .

As soon as Ning Yu came out, he immediately summoned Dong Ce, Xu Chengliang, Chang Youcai and other team captains. After everyone had arrived, he realized that today's Ning Yu was very different from the previous image. the difference.

Ning Yu smiled and said, "For the past few days, I've been thinking about a question."

The captains present immediately maintained a correct posture and maintained the best listening state.

"Ning Qianqiu and the others are responsible for this incident, and you are also responsible, but the main responsibility lies with me." As soon as these words came out, it was like a small stone thrown into the lake, causing some ripples.

Ning Yu said slowly: "It was I who ignored the current situation of the team and only set up some captains with low power. Once I am not around, it will be difficult for you to deal with emergencies."

"Now that we have learned our lesson, don't make the next mistake. Here I will issue some orders first."

"Next month, five people will be selected from all the Young Eagle Battalion students to form the staff office. The staff office will be responsible for the military training of the entire camp and monthly assessments. The five selected staff officers will take turns serving as the chief of staff and responsible for coordinating Carry out all my orders."

After saying this, the eyes of the captains present became extremely fiery. This chief of staff can be called the number two figure in the Young Eagle Battalion, and everyone present will become opponents.

Ning Yu saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and continued: "In addition, the Young Eagle Battalion will set up a teaching office, select students with excellent learning and thinking, and be responsible for managing the study and thinking of all students, and be responsible for To manage the course content, all members of the department will regularly go down to the teams as instructors."

"Finally, the Military Law Department was established. Chang Youcai, the chief of the Military Law Department, is tentatively appointed to be responsible for the enforcement of the military law in the entire camp. In addition, starting this month, the camp will implement an elimination system. Those who rank last in three consecutive assessments will be eliminated from the Young Eagle Camp. Of course, there will be newcomers joining the Young Eagle Battalion in the recent period, and the staff office needs to be responsible for follow-up and distribution."

"The eagle camp I hope is not a seemingly harmonious sheep pen, but a wolf den full of fighting."

"I hope that among you, you can produce the wolf king I need."

All the captains of the academy took a breath at the same time. This group of fledgling teenagers had a deeper understanding of survival.

In the following half a month, the appearance of the Young Eagle Camp changed a lot. After the assessment, Ning Yu promoted Dong Ce, Xu Chengliang, Gao Rubao, Chen Xiaoxian, Jiang Zhengfang and other five people to form the first staff office. Ten people were promoted to the teaching office, and they served as coaches for the bottom ten teams, which suddenly made the competition more intense.

At this point, Ning Yu felt relieved, not only assured of the follow-up operation of the Young Eagle Camp, but also had a deeper understanding of himself, and the future path became more and more clear.

Ning Yu thought silently in her heart that maybe she was going to the next place.

(End of this chapter)

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