Cutting 1719

Chapter 89 The First Battle

Chapter 89 The First Battle
In mid-November, the [-] Fuhan army led by Dong Ce finally arrived at Xiantao Town after a rapid march all the way. At this time, the [-] Fuhan army led by Ning Yu was still two days away from them.

Regarding this action to seize Xiantao Town, Dong Ce didn't have much fear, as the left and right were nothing more than green camps.I have played a lot before, and it is nothing more than another fight.These several wars have made Dong Ce grow rapidly and gradually grow into a real soldier.

Xiantao Town itself also occupies a relatively large area, but after entering the [-] Fu-Han troops, it seemed a bit crowded. All the old and young in the town looked at the Fu-Han soldiers in horror. old and weak women and children.

Today's Huguang Province is also a mess. After hearing about Chu Ni, many people fled to other places with their families early for fear of affecting themselves, especially in the few prefectures where the two sides were fighting fiercely. There were many of them, but there were still many old and weak women and children who did not have enough foot strength, so they stayed where they were.

Dong Ce was originally a refugee and had also experienced fleeing from famine. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel emotional, so he ordered the soldiers not to disturb the townspeople of Xiantao Town, let alone looting, otherwise they would be executed without mercy.The soldiers of the Fuhan Army have always been very strict in terms of military discipline, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Report to the head of the regiment, I caught a tongue, and found out that the outpost of the Qing army is less than [-] miles away from me." A Fuhan soldier reported.

In this era of war, the outpost is the eyes released by the army. Generally, the distance is not very far. A day or so away, the war is imminent.

"Order to go down and build a position in Xiantao Town. Although our army has not brought artillery, it has brought some secret weapons." Dong Ce looked at the several carriages behind him, and there were boxes on them, which were extremely well-preserved.

These seemingly mysterious weapons are actually a batch of grenades that Ning Yu asked Lei Tuozi to rush to make before the war. The craftsmanship is very rough, and there are gunpowder inside, as well as some broken porcelain pieces and stones. The fuse needs to be ignited to explode, but For Dong Ce at this time, it was a magical weapon in defense.

The whole battalion also seized this opportunity to build a position. Although this kind of temporary position is not very effective, it can save many people's lives during the war, so they are quite attentive.

After noon the next day, five miles away from Xiantao Town, there was a faint trace of a brigade of Qing troops bearing the banners of General Jingzhou and Admiral of Huguang Water and Land, and they were soldiers of Hengrui and Wang Wenhuan.

These Qing troops are shadowy, but they can make people feel the momentum. It is not how powerful the Qing army is, but the scene of more than 1 people marching together is quite shocking. This is the truth.

Two generals of the Qing Army were standing on a high platform built with carriages. It was General Hengrui of Jingzhou and Admiral Wang Wenhuan of Huguang Water and Land. They each held a binoculars and looked at Xiantao Town in front of them. The Fuhan Army, which was in alert equipment, could no longer see anything else.

"This journey is really tiring for Jingyun, but this time I didn't rush in vain." Hengrui pointed at Xiantao Town in front with a look on his face, "There are only a few hundred people at best, how dare you stop me? This time No one of the traitors will be able to survive."

Jing Yun is exactly Wang Wenhuan's name, and he has a humble look on his face at this moment. Although he is also the number one figure in Huguang, he really doesn't pay attention to anyone from the governor down, but after all, Hengrui is the general of Jingzhou. But he is much older than him.

"What your lord said is that there are only a few hundred rebels this time, and it's a good deal for them. Just leave it to my green camp." Wang Wenhuan was eager to show his loyalty in front of Hengrui, so he didn't want to let go of any opportunity.

"Let the second battalion raise the bid to launch an impact, and the first to enter the town will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver!" Hengrui was not polite, took Wang Wenhuan's words directly, and began to issue orders.

Hengrui was originally from Shangsanqi in the capital, and he was valued by the Baye Party at first, but after the Baye Party was wiped out in the court, he lost power all of a sudden, and later turned to the Only under the fourteenth master's family did the general of Jingzhou sit safely.

For Hengrui, this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He is not willing to be just a general of Jingzhou. If he can lead the bandits under his leadership and put down the bandits before Manpi, he will definitely be valued by the emperor. At that time, he wished he could push everyone else up together.However, due to the fact that the two lakes are sandwiched between the banks and the terrain is limited, the more than 1000 people are already packed to the brim, so we had to give up.

More than 500 green battalion soldiers began to rush towards Xiantao Town. The left battalion was on the left and the right battalion was on the right. They formed a rough formation and marched towards Xiantao Town. Divide the momentum.

Holding the binoculars, Dong Ce murmured softly: "Damn it, it would be nice if I gave me two six-pound cannons now." It's really such a dense impact scene, it's really suitable for the cannons to show off their power .It's just that he has no one in hand now, so he has no choice but to let the other party approach Xiantao Town without any scruples.

"Be prepared to meet the enemy!" Dong Ce roared loudly. It was really a scene of more than 500 people in the distance, which really brought more pressure to people. "Prepare the grenades!"

After a while, a total of [-] grenades were distributed, and a special company was used to throw them. It can also be said to be a grenade company. This time, Dong Ce brought a total of [-] grenades, so it is possible to save them. Just save it.

"Boom—boom—boom!" With the roar of the artillery, some solid bullets began to fly towards Xiantao Town, but the accuracy of the Qing army's mother and child artillery and the mountain splitting artillery was quite low, and they fired for a while. But only two marbles fell into Xiantao Town, smashing two big holes in the roofs of the townspeople.

But this is also an old drama of the Qing army. The people who fired the cannon didn't think about who they could hit, as long as they could be fired-and the soldiers of the Green Battalion didn't have any expectations, and began to prepare for the attack.

"Two hundred steps!"

"One hundred steps!"


Although the soldiers of the Fuhan Army did not have artillery, they were still able to maintain a calm attitude and fired in three rows.

With the sound of gunshots, the green battalion soldiers who were advancing fell down, but this time they stunned the Qing army. Although they were tough by nature, they were not much stronger than the green battalion soldiers in front. Especially the scene where the pawns beside him were pierced through their foreheads by bullets from nowhere, which caused great chaos in the entire formation in an instant.

However, the soldiers of the Fuhan army would not stop there. The soldiers in the second row took a step forward and pulled the trigger, and another black rain of bullets rushed towards the Qing army.

(End of this chapter)

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