Cutting 1719

Chapter 88 Brothers

Chapter 88 Brothers
Under the gate of Wuchang City, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army left the city in a queue. They carried flintlock guns on their shoulders and bayonets on their waists. They set out for the distance with serious and high-spirited expressions.

Ning Yu was riding on a horse, looking at Ning Zhongyuan and others who came to see him off, "Father, it's cold, let's send it here first." This time he will take a division of 5000 people to hold Wang Wenhuan and Jingzhou first The Eight Banners camp, while Ning Zhongyuan will lead the remaining second and third divisions, with a total of 1 people to destroy the [-] green battalion in the direction of Manpi in the shortest time, and then attack from the side.

Ning Zhongyuan looked at his proud son seriously, "This time the future is dangerous, we must be more cautious!" Then he took the reins of Ning Yu's horse and walked forward a few steps in front of the crowd, letting everyone They were all amazed, how can I lead the horse and hold the whip for my son?

Cui Wancai saw this scene, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "After Emperor Taizong wiped out Dou Jiande, Emperor Gaozu personally led Emperor Taizong's horse and whipped him. This is a good story for a while!"

It turned out that when Li Shimin was still the king of Qin, he led troops to conquer Wang Shichong, and later passed through the battle of Hulaoguan, but also wiped out Dou Jiande, the biggest enemy at that time. In order to reward him, Li Yuan led the horse after Li Shimin's class. Hold the whip to show its weight.

This explanation was praised by the surrounding crowd, some lamented the broad-mindedness of the governor, and some lamented that Ning Yu was a general, which made the atmosphere a little more enthusiastic.

At this time, Ning Zhongyuan led the horse and had walked a certain distance. He glanced around, and when he was sure that there was no one else, he looked at Ning Yu and said in a low voice: "If you can't do something, you should take your own life first."

The meaning of these words is too obvious, if you can't beat him, run away quickly.It's just that you can't say this in front of everyone, it will hurt morale, so Ning Zhongyuan specifically told Ning Yu to stay away.

Ning Yu naturally understood his father's good intentions in his heart, but at this moment he couldn't let his old father worry, and said with a smile: "Father, Wang Wenhuan and the Jingzhou Eight Banners seem to be powerful in combat, but in my opinion they are nothing more than that. Why don't we fight How about a bet to see who will defeat the opponent first?"

Ning Zhongyuan laughed out loud, he was originally a fierce general on the battlefield, but now he was even more proud, and immediately raised a finger.

"Ten days, I only need ten days, and I will be able to win Man Pi's dog head."

There was also a smile on the corner of Ning Yu's mouth, "Father, you are not the only one with such arrogance. To be honest, it may not be you who took down Manpi's dog's head!"

Ning Zhongyuan smiled and nodded at Ning Yu, "Your boy, let's compare father and son and see what the result is!"

This joyful scene made everyone present dumbfounded.

In the next few days, the weather became colder and colder. The soldiers of the whole first division marched on the road in an orderly manner, breathing heat. The movement of one's own friendly forces and the gathering of news from all parties, what needs to be tested is the general's ability to judge.

Fortunately, Ning Yu has already integrated the entire staff system into the Fuhan Army, so with the assistance of his staff staff, there is no need to worry when processing this information, and he has enough time to judge the authenticity.

According to the current front-line intelligence, the Fuhan army has begun to have friction with the Qing army. Before the outposts of each other, there were constant bites. It is more bloody, and it is often endless, but this is also the prelude to war in this era.

It's just that the current Fuhan army has fewer horses and fewer horsemen who are good at riding and shooting. Therefore, Ning Yu has been working hard to improve this way of sentrying, and is preparing to use more advanced information transmission methods to obtain battlefield information.But before the war, there was no time to make adjustments, so we had to do this first.

"Zhien, our army is out of Wuchang, look where our army is most likely to encounter the Qing army." Ning Yu sketched on the crude map, which made him very helpless, the entire map is extremely inaccurate now , and more need to rely on experienced locals to identify.Ning Yu already planned to organize a team to re-check the location and draw the map after the war was over.

Cheng Zhien is quite familiar with this place. He drew two circles beside Xiantao Town, "This place is Xiantao Town, with Santai Lake and Mianyang Lake on both sides. If the Qing army wants to attack Hanyang, it is very likely that they will take this road, and on this road, the location of Xiantao Town is Qicun."

Ning Yu said softly: "Judging from the current position, our army may lag behind the Qing army in arriving at Xiantao Town. If the Qing army takes the lead, our army may be passive."

The main purpose of Ning Yu in this battle is to entangle and even eliminate Wang Wenhuan's troops. If the Qing army takes the lead, it is very likely that they will abandon Ning Yu and go straight to Hanyang City. This is unacceptable to Ning Yu.

"Nowadays, if we want to achieve the strategic goal of our army, we must take the first step to occupy Xiantao Town. Our army has luggage to transport, and I am afraid it is not appropriate to rush all the way. Only by sending a battalion to march quickly can we take the lead." Ning Yu pondered. "It's just that this battalion may be under a lot of pressure."

Cheng Zhien's face became serious. Now the situation is obvious. If he wants to occupy Xiantao Town first, he can only let a battalion go forward lightly. However, this battalion will soon face the counterattack of more than 1 people from the Qing army. It is really difficult to resist. It's not easy. Judging from the current marching speed of the first division, without artillery support, it needs to guard for at least a whole day.

"Let Dong Ce come to see me." Ning Yu sighed slightly, he had no choice.

After Dong Ce came, Cheng Zhien briefly analyzed the current situation, and finally said concisely: "This task is to be handed over to a group. You choose a battalion, bring enough dry food, and prepare to go."

Ning Yu looked down at the map, and traced it with his slender fingers, "Speak up if you have any difficulties."

Dong Ce remained silent for a while, then raised his head, "Master, this time I will take someone there myself."

Ning Yu raised his head and looked directly into Dong Ce's eyes, still with a firm gaze. From Young Eagle Camp to Snake Mountain, from Snake Mountain to Daye, Dong Ce was always at the forefront, and he never backed down.

It's just that Ning Yu wanted to be selfish this time, "You are the leader of the regiment, and you are going to Xiantao Town now, what should the regiment do?"

Dong Ce smiled and said, "Let the chief of staff of the regiment be higher than the original top. I escaped from that place in the past. I am familiar with the terrain there. I will take the first battalion with me to ensure that I can complete the task."

Ning Yu understands that no matter what, this is the best choice. For the sake of the overall situation, he knows what he should do.

"This time, if you don't die, you will be my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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