Cutting 1719

Chapter 90 Casualties

Chapter 90 Casualties
Under the rain of bullets, the Qing army rushed to a distance of eighty steps and began to line up and fire. However, after a round of firing, the Fuhan army only fell down a few people.On the contrary, the arrows shot by some green battalion archers shot down more than 100 people, but there were only a few more than [-] archers in this group.

The soldiers of the Fuhan Army took out the gunpowder wrapped in a separate small paper, bit the paper shell directly, poured the gunpowder into the medicine pool, and then loaded the bullets into the barrel. A round of gun shooting, more than 100 lead jets, created a sea of ​​blood in front of the crowd dozens of steps away. The whole process was smooth and smooth. It can be said that the time for the Qing army to fire a round of guns is enough for Chu Ni to fight three rounds .

Holding the binoculars, Wang Wenhuan saw the Qing soldiers in front of the formation, fell down like cutting wheat, his hands were trembling a little, he finally understood why Chu Ni had won consecutive battles.

The reason lies in the gun used by Chu Ni, which is much better than the shotgun used by the Qing army. Not only can it shoot far, but also there is no need to ignite the match, you only need to load gunpowder and bullets in it, and you can shoot!
This is so outrageous!
Only after two rounds of firing, the soldiers of the Qing army had fallen more than 100 corpses, while the casualties of the Fuhan army were no more than a dozen. It was Qian Zong and Ba Zong who took the lead, and they didn't want to attack any more, and they collapsed backwards one after another.

Dong Ce was a little dumbfounded. Although he knew that the Qing army was nothing but tofu, he felt that the Green Battalion soldiers this time were not as good as the previous supervisors. If there were no Qing troops behind them, he would have wanted to charge directly.

Seeing the Green Battalion soldiers break up like this, Wang Wenhuan's face was a bit ugly, and Jingzhou General Hengrui's face turned blue with anger, and said angrily: "These fearless Han people are really unreliable!"

This map cannon angered the other Han people present, and Wang Wenhuan's face was not good-looking, so he could only say: "Master Hengrui, let's send the sword card to your hand."

This is a tactful way to tell Hengrui that there is no other way to win by relying on the shotgun soldiers, so he can only go to hand-to-hand combat.In the current composition of the green camp of the Qing army, it is divided into arms such as shotguns, sword cards, long spears, cavalry, and gunners. However, in the Huguang Water and Land Admiral's camp, there are less than 1000 sword players who can really go to the battlefield.

This is also because the entire green camp of the Qing army is divided into soldiers and defenders, and less than half of the soldiers can really go to the front line. In this half, the number of sword players is not so many.

Hengrui's face was gloomy, but the next battle had to be fought by the Han people, so he couldn't be too harsh, so he had no choice but to answer.But before sending people, the Qing army that had previously collapsed had to be brought together.

After gathering and disbanding the Qing army, Wang Wenhuan was a little dumbfounded. Of the 900 Qing troops sent up, there are only more than 500 left. Except for those who fell on the battlefield at the beginning, the rest fled while taking advantage of the chaos. up.In other words, a tentative attack caused the current Qing army to lose more than [-] people.

Wang Wenhuan had no choice but to gather the knife and poker players together, preparing to charge once, and knock down the hundreds of Han troops on the opposite side through hand-to-hand combat.Of course, before the fight, it is necessary to inspire people's hearts.

"The first climber will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver, and the head of Chu Ni will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!"

This time, the morale of the soldiers of the Qing army was boosted. The guards of the two Daopai Battalions pulled their braids back and shouted with all their strength. The soldiers rushed towards the formation of the Fuhan army.

This is also due to the fact that the Fuhan army has seized the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Xiantao Town from the very beginning. Otherwise, it only needs a wave of charge to drown the [-] people in the plain.

Seeing the Qing army moving, Dong Ce couldn't help sneering, "The bastards are ready to fight hard, so let's prepare a good meal for them! The fourth company is ready." More than 100 people in the fourth company were carrying grenades They were placed in the fourth row, each holding a grenade in their hands and another hanging around their waists.

More than 1000 Qing troops held up knives and shields and launched an impact in the direction of the Fuhan army. After a while, they rushed half a mile away, only two hundred steps away from the Fuhan army.Both the Fu Han army and the Qing army could see the bloodthirsty taste in each other's eyes, and this time it was not so easy to deal with.

Go up, as long as you go up, how can these hundreds of Fuhan troops be able to withstand it?Wang Wenhuan clenched his fists, his face a little agitated.

two hundred steps,
one hundred steps,

eighty steps,
"Fire!" With the roar of a company commander of the Fuhan Army, more than 100 flintlock guns in the first row pulled the triggers at the same time, creating a heavy fog of blood in the crowd, but in addition to knocking down dozens of people, There were no more gains, which encouraged the remaining Qing army to continue to attack.

After three rows of gunfire, more than 200 people fell down this time because the Qing army lined up very densely. Leading them, they quickly approached the Fuhan army. They involuntarily clenched the knives in their hands, imagining the bloodthirsty feeling.

It's just that the Qing soldiers didn't notice that there was a row of densely packed barbed wire [-] steps ahead of the Fuhan army's formation, which was hard to see from a distance, but it could be clearly seen from a close distance, although it was only three It is made of twisted thin wire, but these barbed wires still have barbs on them, so they are not easy to mess with at first sight.

The soldiers of the Qing army rushed to the front and were stunned when they saw the barbed wire. Many people took knives to cut the wire, but they could only make a rough mark, and there was no way to cut it in a short time.But the Fuhan Army is just around the corner, and their morale boosted by the money is rapidly fading away.

"Grenadiers move forward!" Dong Ce kept a calm face, but his hands trembled slightly, because he was well aware of the power of the grenade, and today is the day when it will show its power.

The grenadiers have also practiced grenades before, so they are quite familiar with this weapon. This kind of grenade made of thick iron has a wooden handle below it, which is filled with broken porcelain and gravel. They hold the grenade in one hand , holding a torch in one hand, lit the fuse, and then threw it forward forcefully.

One grenade was thrown down the Qing army, smashing many people's faces with blood, but before the Qing army had time to react, the fuses of these grenades burned out and burst open, and the broken porcelain pieces and gravel inside were blown away. Like the sharpest arrows, it wantonly destroyed everything around it, blasting out waves of flesh and blood from the densely packed Qing army array, like the waves rolled up by the waves, surging in the white smoke.

Before everyone could react, the second wave of grenades was thrown over again, forming the most terrifying scene in this era.

(End of this chapter)

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