Cutting 1719

Chapter 68 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 68 Defeat like a mountain

The Qing army camp at the foot of the mountain was in chaos at this time. Many soldiers from the city defense battalion clamored to return to the city.

Zhao Jiande was unable to appease, and seeing that there was going to be a military chaos, he had to ask the governor Xiande for help. When he walked into the commander's tent, he found that Xiande was sitting firmly in the camp, and Gao Laibao, who was at the bottom, had a gloomy expression on his face.

This is all because of the supervisor brought by Xiande who ordered the governor Xiande to take over all the troops and launch the attack tomorrow.

Gao Laibao had no choice but to hand over his military power honestly, and was about to go back to the camp to rest, but unexpectedly encountered the fire in Wuchang City, so he returned to the commander's account to discuss with the governor.

In this matter, the governor Xiande does not intend to return aid, because in his opinion, the fire in the city is nothing more than the helpless act of the Ning family spies in order to break the siege of Snake Mountain. Launch an attack, and the final word is settled.

Regardless of the supervisory order just now, Gao Laibao clearly expressed his opposition, thinking that part of the city defense battalion should be sent back. The reason is very simple. The 500 people brought by Germany can be sent back again.

This time, Xiande was completely annoyed, thinking that Gao Laibao deliberately used this incident to mock him, so he insisted not to send troops, and the two had a quarrel.

Zhao Jiande felt the embarrassment of the handsome tent atmosphere, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Sir Futai, the soldiers in this city defense battalion have started to make trouble, and their families are all in this city. Sir, let's see if you send some people back first. ?”

Strictly speaking, this opinion is only Zhao Jiande's personal opinion, but it is totally different from Xiande's ears. He subconsciously thought that Zhao Jiande and Gao Laibao had colluded, and since they were both Han Chinese, he felt that more and more suspicious.

"Hmph, now that the Snake Mountain gangsters are being besieged, tomorrow, I will completely wipe out the gangsters. How can I transfer people away? I'm afraid you have fallen into the gangster's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao!" Xiande looked dissatisfied.

Gao Laibao couldn't listen anymore, and saluted with a straight face: "Master Futai, I am worried that the bandits on the mountain will take this opportunity to launch a night attack tonight, so I will go to check the defense first, and leave!" Out of the tent.

Xiande was very dissatisfied in his heart, but it was inconvenient to explode at this time, and the anger in his heart was directed towards Zhao Jiande.

"Give me an order, all those who dare to cause chaos on purpose will be killed without mercy!" These words were so cold that Zhao Jiande got goosebumps all over his body.

After seven or eight heads were lined up and hung on the flagpole, the entire Qing army camp became silent. Everyone remained silent, but the anger in their hearts became stronger.

Time passed in a strange atmosphere. No matter the fire accident in Wuchang city or the brutal suppression of the Qing army camp, time could not stop here.

It wasn't until the dawn star appeared in the sky that Ning Yu called the soldiers together. Although he didn't rest that night, the soldiers were extremely energetic.

"Brothers, the battle has been won, do you want to drink celebration wine!"

"Think! Think! Think!"

"The conditions on the mountain are limited, let's go to the city to drink!"

The morale was completely stimulated. After yesterday's battle, they no longer have any fear of the Qing army. These people are just a group of chickens and dogs that can be destroyed with a single blow!

Just because they want to stop themselves from drinking?no way!

In war, morale is often the key factor that can determine success or failure. Even if there is a huge disparity in strength, as long as you are good at using morale, you can also fight a shocking battle!
Ning Yu didn't say anything more, he waved his knife lightly, and the Lei's cannon that had already secretly moved to the mountainside began to roar, and explosive bombs were fired one after another, causing a huge explosion in the Qing army camp. Casualties.

Xu Chengliang drew out the bayonet and fixed it on the head of the gun, and led the soldiers of the Young Eagle Battalion to charge downward. Deng Fang Gaoyuan and others were not to be outdone, and more than 1000 people showed waves and launched an attack down the mountain.

The Qing army at the foot of the mountain seemed to be completely unprepared. After a night of strict defense, all the soldiers had already become drowsy and listless. Some sentries even dozed off while guarding.

The roar of artillery fire and the approaching shouts of killing directly crushed the fighting spirit of the Qing army. Most of the Qing army had already been captured without even a decent resistance. He turned his back and launched an attack on the camp of the Chinese army.

The entire Qing army camp became chaotic, corpses piled up everywhere and prisoners kneeling down became the main colors of the battlefield. In the camp filled with smoke and fire, blood-stained battle flags fluttered, blood everywhere, corpses everywhere, There are wounded soldiers everywhere, and only the sharp blade can not be covered.

The governor Xiande was directly awakened by someone. After finishing the disposal decision last night, Xiande fell asleep directly. De sleepiness had already come to his head, so he slept very soundly.

At the moment when he was pushed awake, Xiande was a little dazed and annoyed. It was a great crime for someone to disturb his sleep without hesitation, and he must be killed first.

Xiande opened his eyes, and when he was about to attack, he found that the face in front of him was Gao Laibao, with scorched black and dust on his face, and an anxious look on his face.

"My lord, wake up! The bandit army is coming!"

What!Kill it!
Xiande was a little confused, and shook his hand, "How could they kill them! Don't our army still have more than 3000 people at the foot of Snake Mountain? Haven't they already surrounded them?"

Gao Laibao was really tired, and he didn't want to say anything more, so he forcibly pulled Xiande out, pointed at the gray sky while pulling, and said angrily: "My lord, look for yourself, where are there 3000 people? Our army has been defeated, a crushing defeat!"

Xiande was a little stunned. He walked outside the camp, saw the fighting in the distance, heard the constant roar of cannons and the bombardment of platoon guns, and suddenly felt that all this became unreal.Why didn't I hear all this in my dream?

But before Xiande could express his opinion, Gao Laibao directly led his soldiers and servants, put Xiande on his horse, and started to drive towards Wuchang City.

As for the three thousand soldiers of the Qing army behind him, Gao Laibao had no choice but to give up. At this moment, he must guarantee the safety of constitutional virtue. If a governor of a province died on the front line of suppressing bandits, he would die again A hundred times is not enough. As for the three thousand green battalion soldiers, it is not a big deal.

When he was about to leave Snake Mountain, Gao Laibao finally looked back at the high Snake Mountain reluctantly, Ning Zhongyuan, Ning Zhongyuan, what kind of person are you?

(End of this chapter)

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