Cutting 1719

Chapter 59 Ambition

Chapter 59 Ambition
On August [-]th, when the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion is held, the whole Huguang is shrouded in a murderous atmosphere, and every house closes its doors, making people breathless.

The Yangtze River is rushing, the river wind is soothing, and a fleet of ships is moving forward steadily on the river. Dozens of ships, large and small, stretch for miles, showing a somewhat heroic and magnificent momentum.

Yue Lingfeng was standing on the bow of the boat leaning on the long knife. At this moment, his heart was so excited that his hands were trembling slightly, and he had to hold the long knife so hard that the knuckles of his hands were blue and white.It's not because of nervousness, but because of exhilaration.

Today's entire Fubiao Third Battalion has a total of 200 people, and [-] men obey his command. Under the leadership of Yue Lingfeng, they are bound to take down all the rebellious officials and thieves of the Ning family, and achieve a great feat. It's time to show those guys who look down on people, I, Yue Lingfeng, can survive without relying on you!
Thinking of the past, Yue Lingfeng couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. Originally, he was also from a military family, and he was also a descendant of Yue Fei. He was proficient in martial arts and strategies since he was a child. One day I will be able to really stand out.

But because Yue Lingfeng was a descendant of a concubine, he was never valued by the clan. Although he didn't receive any cold eyes, he never had any chances.In particular, the Yue family also produced a unicorn——Yue Zhongqi. In front of his light, Yue Lingfeng's past pride was completely stripped away.

With the help of the Yue family, Yue Zhongqi, who is only 34 years old now, has become a general who stands alone. Now he is leading troops and horses to conquer the Junggar tribe. It is said that he captured Lhasa not long ago.

But what about Yue Lingfeng? In his 40s, he was promoted by Xiande and won the title of a nominal general in the inland. With a weak and weak Fubiao Third Battalion, he had almost no chance of making meritorious service.

Fortunately, God has pity on him and bestowed such an opportunity.Yue Lingfeng made up his mind, no matter whether Ning Zhongyuan was wronged or not, he must force Ning Zhongyuan against him. Only by forcing against the entire Hanyang camp will he be able to quell the rebellion and rise to the top!

As for the original seven or eight hundred green battalion soldiers in the Hanyang camp, were they wronged?Yue Lingfeng wouldn't think about it at all, once he was successful, it would be the best thing to use the lives of these people to stain his top son, Yue Lingfeng.

With such lofty ambitions, Yue Lingfeng stood on the boat for more than an hour. Fortunately, it was only the autumn wind blowing now, so it didn't matter.

When the fleet arrived on the other side of the river, rows of dispirited green battalion soldiers meandered out of the boat. There were a total of 200 people. It should be 500 people.However, it is very normal for the army to be short-paid. Only 300 people are short of staff, which is already clean and honest.

Among the 200 people, fully 500% are shotgun soldiers, nearly 600 are shotgun soldiers, and 100 are sword players, mainly responsible for hand-to-hand combat, and there are more than [-] people who are responsible for five cannons. , These cannons were also left behind by the predecessor Chen Li.

Strictly speaking, the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is not strong, but their equipment is not bad either. Yue Lingfeng is still very confident when dealing with the 800 men in the Hanyang Camp. Military discipline has always been poor, so it is all chaos.

At this moment, the Hanyang Battalion led by Ning Zhongyuan slowly appeared by the river, with a serious military appearance and complete equipment, and ten cannons pointing at Yue Lingfeng's direction.

It's not that far from the riverside to Hanyang City, and everyone watched from Yue Lingfeng crossing the river to going ashore, so Ning Zhongyuan made preparations early on, and when Yue Lingfeng's men started to go ashore, he was ready to come out and fight. caught off guard.

From this point of view, Xiande's original arrangement still makes some sense. Before Ning Zhongyuan knew that Ning Zhongjing had been arrested, Yue Lingfeng was asked to come over with a superior force to take over the Hanyang camp and arrest him. To or kill Ning Zhongyuan, from then on the big thing is settled.

It's just that under Ning Yu's original arrangement, the news was revealed early, making Ning Zhongyuan ready. Secondly, everyone underestimated Ning Zhongyuan and Hanyang Camp.

"Fire the cannon!" Ning Zhongyuan didn't have any nonsense, the sharp blade was shining in the sun, he slammed into the air, and the cannons behind him let out an angry roar.


A row of iron bullets hit Yue Lingfeng's position, and the soldiers of the Fubiao Battalion, who were disembarking at this time, were all panicked under the shelling. The river was narrow, and the mast of a large ship was directly broken by the sound of gunfire, blocking the river.

The soldiers who had already disembarked could not advance or retreat, and panicked into a group, completely out of formation. Groups of white mist with the smell of gunpowder smoke covered the entire river like a layer of white veil.

Yue Lingfeng looked at the panic-stricken green battalion soldiers, feeling desolate in his heart, all his original ambitions were in vain, and it would be fine if he fought a straight battle, but it was just a volley of guns, which made everyone on his side mess up.

Nothing more to say, let's fight!
Yue Lingfeng greeted his own soldiers, organized his original battalion of green battalion soldiers, and launched an attack towards Ning Zhongyuan's position. The scattered formations were almost out of formation, and he charged only with the strength in his heart.

Ning Zhongyuan didn't panic at all, and ordered the cannons to continue bombarding the scattered green battalion soldiers. In addition, he ordered the [-] bird spearmen under him to line up and wait quietly for the impact.

The three hundred bird spearmen have all been equipped with thunder-style flintlock guns. Those guns were specially stored by Ning Yu in Hanyang City just in case, but now they are in use.

Deng Fang clenched the flintlock gun in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the green battalion charging ahead, full of disdain in his heart. Originally, in the review field, this group of people were defeated, how dare they call themselves brave in front of the Hanyang battalion now? ?

The officers and soldiers of the green battalion in the Hanyang camp are now full of dissatisfaction. In the original inspection, the Hanyang camp was ranked first, but they did not receive the rewards they deserved. The governor Zhang Liandeng who promised to reward them was even dismissed from office. General Yuan was persecuted by traitors again.

Everyone's heart is full of fear, if Ning Zhongyuan collapses, who will protect them in the future?Will the court continue to kill each of them?This is unacceptable to the officers and soldiers of the Hanyang camp, so when Ning Zhongyuan summoned everyone and denounced the court's mistakes, almost all the officers and soldiers of the Hanyang camp supported Ning Zhongyuan immediately, and there was no way to retreat. Let's fight!

Just like what is said in the play, spell out a prince for thousands of years!

 As a newcomer, Qingkong actually stumbled and stumbled until today, and there were many details. This is also a learning process, so in order to make this book better, Qingkong established a book friend group: 961378766, enter the group Password: Faqing 1719, interested friends can join in!
(End of this chapter)

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