Cutting 1719

Chapter 60 Father and Son

Chapter 60 Father and Son
The three hundred shotgunners led by Deng Fang raised their flintlock guns and pointed at the rushing soldiers from a distance, with stabbing bars hanging around their waists, and their eyes were burning.

Seeing the green battalion soldiers getting closer, Deng Fang's mentality became more and more peaceful, and the hand holding the spear no longer trembled slightly, and faced the front steadily.

"Fire", seeing that the distance was close to eighty steps, Deng Fang roared and gave an order, and pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Bang—" There was a low and dense gunshot, and rows of projectiles whizzed towards the approaching Fubiao soldiers, knocking down the leading dozen soldiers to the ground.

Immediately after the gunshots from the first row rang out, the gunshots from the second row also began to roar. Rows of projectiles hit like rain. The new flintlock guns showed unparalleled power at this moment.

In the pale smoke formation, the two sides gathered only a few dozen steps away, but they could no longer see each other's faces clearly. There were only bursts of gunshots and the roar of cannons, complementing each other, making the shouts of the officers and soldiers of the Fubiao Battalion seem so powerless .

To a certain extent, the training level of Deng Fang and the other three hundred shotgunners is still very good. Although it cannot be compared with the daily training of the Young Eagle Battalion, they still practice every three days, while most of the ordinary Green Battalion soldiers It's an exercise every ten days, and it can't be compared with it at all.Coupled with the support of powerful weapons and equipment, the combat power of Hanyang Battalion is almost crushed.

Amidst the roar of cannons and the sound of volleys of guns, the Green Battalion soldiers had no way to rush up. After hundreds of corpses fell, the rest of them also looked bleak, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

The rest is very simple. Ning Zhongyuan commanded the sword players and spearmen to launch a wave of counter-charges, which directly crushed the fighting spirit of the remaining green battalion soldiers. In just a quarter of an hour, the thousand or two hundred The officers and soldiers of the Fubiao Battalion, together with most of the people below Yue Lingfeng, became prisoners, and only a few dozen officers and soldiers escaped in small boats.

After the whole battle, the casualties of the Hanyang Battalion were no more than ten people, all of whom fell in the final charge, while more than 300 people of the Fubiao Third Battalion were wiped out on the spot, and more than 700 people surrendered on the battlefield and captured officers and soldiers There are more than [-] people.

Yue Lingfeng no longer had the ambition he had before he came here. His braids were in a mess, his clothes were stained with mud, his eyes were slack, his face looked desperate, and there was a light bloodstain on his neck.

Gao Yuan is another tiger general under Ning Zhongyuan, and he personally led people to capture Yue Lingfeng. He clenched his fist and said excitedly: "My lord, this guy just wanted to wipe his neck, but I stopped him. Hmph, I want to die." But not so happy!"

Ning Zhongyuan stroked his beard with a smile, and said: "Put all these people down and detain them separately, and lock Yue Lingfeng and several battalion officers above a thousand commanders in one place alone to ensure safety."

After a while, a large number of captured soldiers were taken away, and the remaining dozens of large ships were also captured, and Ning Zhongyuan sent people to guard them.As for the other seizures, they were also very rich, and a large amount of materials were removed from the ship—including the five cannons that hadn't had time to be transported.

Even though he won a big battle, Ning Zhongyuan's brows were still furrowed. Firstly, after the battle, he would have to share his life with the Qing court. The future is uncertain. Secondly, Ning Zhongjing was still imprisoned in Wuchang. Life or death is unknown.

At this moment, Ning Qianqiu flew over and said excitedly: "Tell Second Uncle, Big Brother has brought a lot of people over!"

When Ning Zhongyuan heard that Ning Yu had brought someone over, he relaxed slightly. In today's Hanyang City, he really didn't even have anyone to discuss with. Although his son was young, he acted prudently and well. Someone who can share his difficulties.

It is not far from Yunmeng County to Hanyang City, and there are no other obstacles along the way, so Ningyu's journey is very smooth, much earlier than expected, but I did not expect that this battle will be fought faster and has already begun Clean up the mess.

The 550 cadets of the Young Eagle Battalion wore neat and clean military uniforms, and carried long flintlock guns on their shoulders. Everyone had a confident look on their faces. I cried out in my heart.

Father and son meet again, but each other's mood is very different.

Ning Yu looked at the layers of corpses of the war dead, and frowned slightly, "Father, these corpses need to be disposed of as soon as possible. If it takes a long time, it may breed a plague. In addition, the bones of our army's war dead should be properly disposed of. , Now the time is urgent and the burial can be done now, and the memorial service will be held in the future."

Ning Zhongyuan naturally wouldn't object, and said with a smile: "Everyone often says that the tiger father is a dog son, but my Qilin son has really grown up!"

Looking at the gray in Ning Zhongyuan's braided hair, Ning Yu couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. His father was not even 40 years old, and he already looked like this now.

After the group returned to Hanyang City, after Ning Zhongyuan had arranged everything, he led Ning Yu to discuss the matter. Now it is really a race against time.

"Now the Hanyang Battalion has a total of 780 and nine people, and the Young Eagle Battalion has a total of 550 people, which add up to more than 300 people. Xiaogan County can use its old foundation to pull out more than 3000 people this month, but even so, the total number is only 5000. People, the entire Hubei Green Camp is estimated to have more than 4 people." Ning Zhongyuan finally showed his weak side in front of his son.

Yes, this is the first pass in front of the Ning family, 2000 Green Battalion soldiers against [-] Ning Family soldiers. Although the Hanyang Battalion and Young Eagle Battalion are amazing, after all, there are only [-] of them. arrive.Therefore, in the hearts of today's Ning family, it is absolutely true to say that they are uneasy about the future.

Ning Yu pondered and said: "The most important thing for my Ning family now is to strike first! Now there are no more than 5000 green battalions in Wuchang City, mainly the city defense battalion and the governor's supervision mark. Among them, the city defense battalion is not a concern, only the supervision mark The five camps need to be measured carefully."

The so-called Superintendent Five Battalion is the Superintendent Green Battalion directly under Governor Manpi. It has a total of 3000 people and is very well equipped. It is the best in the whole of Huguang. It is somewhat stronger than the Eight Banners Army led by General Jingzhou. Therefore, it is also the sharp knife of the entire Huguang Green Camp.

Now that Ning Yu wants to take Wuchang in one fell swoop, he needs to use the more than 1000 people on hand to face the 3000-man supervising battalion and the 2000-man city defense battalion. It's hubris.

"Taking Wuchang? Are you crazy?" Ning Zhongyuan had fought for a lifetime, but he didn't dare to have such an idea. Even with the 3000 people from Xiaogan's hometown, it would be foolish to want to take Wuchang.What's more, there are only 300 people now.

Ning Yu said firmly: "The news of the defeat of the Fubiao camp has not yet spread. Once it spreads, I am afraid that the entire green camp in Huguang will be mobilized by then. The 4 people we will face at that time cannot be stopped at all. The whole situation There is death and there is no life."

"If you want to open up the situation, the only solution now is to win Wuchang!"

(End of this chapter)

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