Cutting 1719

Chapter 61

Chapter 61
Ning Zhongyuan is not willing to listen to Ning Yu's opinion on everything, and his thoughts are completely opposite to Ning Yu's on this matter.

"No, the risk is too great. Even if it is carried out by outsmarting, we will have to face at least three thousand supervisors' attacks in the city. How can we resist then?"

Ning Yu was a little irritable. He pinched his brows, tried to keep calm, and said word by word: "Father, it is already on the edge of a cliff, and my Ning family has nothing but death and future generations. Even if this battle is not fought now, there will be another battle later." How should we fight? Only by occupying Wuchang can we radiate the entire Huguang, and the Cheng and Zheng families will also come to vote, and my Ning family will have a chance of survival!"

"As for how to fight Wuchang, father, I already have a plan in mind. The biggest obstacle now is the three thousand superintendents. As long as we lure them out of the city first, we will have an opportunity!"

Looking at his son with a determined face, Ning Zhongyuan hesitated a little. It's not that he doesn't understand the current situation, but also has the determination to fight to the death. It's just that the older he gets, the more cautious he becomes.But how can we be more cautious now?When the army joins together, it is the time to perish.

That's all, let's fight!

Ning Zhongyuan closed his eyes, "Yu'er, you are right! We want to fight, we want to fight, we must occupy Wuchang, so that we can survive!" His tone finally became as hard as iron, and the difficulty was never the sacrifice itself, It's a decision to make a sacrifice.

What is brave?It's not that Mount Tai is pressing on the top without changing his face, but that Mount Tai is pressing on the top head-on!

Ning Yu said softly: "I have a plan. Tomorrow, I will lead the Hanyang Battalion and the Young Eagle Battalion to rush to Wuchang by boat, capture Snake Mountain, and bombard Wuchang City from a high position. With the current [-]-jin cannon, there is no problem at all. When the time comes, the Fifth Battalion of Superintendent Biao will definitely go out of the city to attack the mountains, and our army will be able to defeat them with a condescending posture."

"In addition, I still have dead men hiding in the city. I will set fire to the city to attract the attention of the city defense battalion. Then I will look for opportunities to rescue the third uncle, release the condemned prisoners and open the city gate. Then great things will happen!"

The more Ning Yu said, the brighter his eyes became, "Only by capturing Wuchang will we have a chance to catch our breath, and we will gain the upper hand if we use offense as defense."

Ning Zhongyuan was very experienced, so he naturally understood the key points of the whole plan, and said: "But to ensure the smooth progress of this plan, our rear must not be chaotic. What should we do with the more than [-] people captured today?" According to the above common sense, if you want to lure the enemy first, you need to ensure that your own rear is stable.

Ning Yu chuckled, pulled out the long knife at his waist, let down the braid at the back of his head, and cut along the blade, the thin black short braid fell off, and his hair was scattered into a ball.

"How dare you do that." Ning Zhongyuan looked at Ning Yu with an extremely surprised expression on his face, and he was a little awkward even speaking.

No matter how the matter develops, Ning Zhongyuan has never considered cutting off his braid. This braid has been there since he was born, and until now, it seems to have become a matter of course.

But things are not taken for granted, Ning Yu just wants to restore things to the way they should be, such as this ugly pig tail.

"It must be cut off! Father, only by cutting off the braid can we show our determination!" Ning Yu's voice was deep and powerful.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers of the Hanyang Battalion and the Young Eagle Battalion stood together on the review field. They looked at each other a lot, with some novelty in their eyes, and a faint smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, which made people understand The war is not really gone yet.

Ning Zhongyuan and Ning Yu stood on the high platform, their faces were high-spirited and energetic, but Ning Yu wore a hat on his head, so it looked a little weird, and there was a drumbeat not far away, which was so dull that it seemed to be beating in the heart , the audience was suddenly very quiet.

"Today, I'm going to Wuchang! Let me ask for an explanation! Ask for an explanation for 76!" Ning Zhongyuan's tone was passionate and heroic.

Most of the soldiers of the Hanyang Battalion under the stage were confused. Only the students of the Young Eagle Battalion looked excited. They knew that this day was finally coming.

"It has been 76 years since the Jiashen State Change in the Ming Dynasty! Since then, we Han people have also been reduced to subjugated slaves!"

"Destroy the country, destroy the family and destroy the family! Even we have a braid on top of our heads that represents shame! It reminds you, and reminds me, this is a shame!"

"Everyone, please take a look!" Ning Zhongyuan swung the knife, cut off the braid, and threw it down.

Everyone in the audience was dumb, a little at a loss, and suddenly became chaotic.

Ning Yu removed his hat, revealing his disheveled hair, and said with a smile: "A big man should make a contribution, and those who remove the braids will be rewarded with five taels of silver!" Then, several soldiers brought up the white silver.

There was a national righteousness before, and then there was a lure of profit, and many soldiers have begun to hesitate.But before these people take action, someone has already set an example.

Dong Ce and Xu Chengliang walked up quickly, grabbed a knife each, cut off the braid, received five taels of silver, and shouted: "Thank you, General!"

Ning Zhongyuan looked at the two teenagers with satisfaction in his eyes, and said with a smile: "You deserve it."

Yes, this is what they deserve. In fact, everyone understands that they have no way out. Whether they go or not, there is only one way to go, and that is to fight the Qing court to the end.

Now seeing the cubs from the Young Eagle Camp rush up first, these old soldiers from the Hanyang Camp naturally don't want to be compared. Deng Fang and Gao Yuan looked at each other, rushed up to the stage immediately, and cut off their braids.

Not to be outdone, everyone cut off their braids one after another and took the taels of silver. After a while, several large baskets of silver were all empty.The money that was distributed this time was originally the battle salary, and Ning Yu's way of making everyone's morale was higher.

When everyone's braids have been cut off, they are completely on the road of no return and can only move forward.Everyone received the money, so the atmosphere on the field became very harmonious.

At this moment, a roar came from outside the reviewing field: "I am the wife of your young master, how dare you stop me?"

Hearing that the teacher had arrived, Ning Yu hurried over to greet her, and saw Cui Wancai driving a donkey cart, heading straight for the school grounds.

"Why didn't you even notify me about such a big event?" Cui Wancai said angrily.

This suddenly made the situation awkward, and Ning Yu was naturally unwilling to drag the teacher into the water. In fact, there are not many people who know about this part of his apprenticeship. If there are changes in the future, there is no need to worry about hurting the teacher. .

When Cui Wancai saw the expressions of the crowd, her face turned red.He has always been very elegant and easy-going, but this time he was really angry.

"Bring the scissors! I want to cut your braids too!"

(End of this chapter)

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