Cutting 1719

Chapter 99

Chapter 99
On the 59rd of the twelfth lunar month in the 23th year of Kangxi, it was also a day for the people to celebrate the New Year. General Hengrui of Jingzhou led thousands of Eight Banners soldiers out of the city to surrender. He also didn't want to fight, so he surrendered to the Fuhan army.

Ning Yu specially held a surrender ceremony in the north of the city, and asked Hengrui to present his saber with both hands, and also asked the soldiers of the Fuhan Army to line up and enter the city. The red uniforms became a touch of Jingzhou City. The scenery also attracted many Han people to watch secretly. As for the Manchus in the city, they waited anxiously for the arrival of the Han army.

Of course, there are some people who know the current affairs in the crowd. For example, the fourth master Ha twisted the braids on his head before the Han army entered the city, and changed himself to an authentic Chinese name, Gao Debiao.He is one of the first-class people who knows current affairs, and he knows in his heart that although he surrendered, it does not mean that he will not be killed.

For the current plan, the best way to save one's life is to be a Han Chinese.If Lord Kangxi can call back, then he will naturally restore his original status, if he can't, then that's all.At this time, Mr. Ha, no, Gao Debiao looked at the Fuhan army entering the city with a relaxed face, and looked at the soldiers who were not much older than his own dolls, and couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart. This world is really terrible.

Hengrui's mood was quite complicated at this time. He knelt on the ground with a knife in both hands, and said in a low voice: "Hengrui has seen the major general, and hopes that the major general can keep his promise and spare the lives of my people." There is also the color of prayer in the eyes.

Ning Yu smiled slightly, helped Hengrui up, and said with a smile: "Since you have already surrendered, I will naturally not hurt you, but there is one thing that needs to be informed in advance."

Hengrui was overjoyed when he heard the first sentence, but the latter sentence made ups and downs, and he laughed immediately: "Whatever the major general wants, just say it, and I will wait for it."

Ning Yu snorted coldly, "Your relatives of the Eight Banners do not do production or work, and are all supported by the Han people in the world. Although I promise you not to hurt your lives, you have to give up all the property and land these years. Give it to me to restore the Han army. At that time, each person will not be allowed to bring any property, and each will be given two steamed buns, and you will leave Jingzhou on your own. As for life and death, it is up to fate."

These words made Hengrui break out in a cold sweat. In this cold winter month, everyone only gave out two steamed buns and sent off. They would have starved to death on the way, and immediately knelt down heavily.

"If only two steamed buns were given, wouldn't the 1-odd bannermen all have to starve to death? I also hope that the Major General will show mercy. Since we have surrendered, why should the Major General be so hard on us?" It was so sincere that some soldiers of the Fuhan Army on the side were deeply moved.

However, Ning Yu is definitely not the kind of person who is soft-hearted and soft-hearted, and immediately said: "The two steamed buns should not be given to me. This general also thinks that God has the virtue of being good at life, so I can turn around one or two. If you want more, just You need to work hard to obtain it yourself. This general has opened mines in many places. If you want to survive, this general can also send you to the mines so that you can live and live in peace."

Speaking of this moment, Hengrui completely understood in his heart, and immediately wanted to attack, but now he has completely surrendered and surrendered, and he can no longer attack, his eyes are extremely angry, "How can the world be convinced by the major general's behavior like this?"

"How can I accept it? When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, who in this world could accept it? Just for the blood debt back then, my Fuhan Army wiped you all out on the spot, and no one refused to accept it."

Hearing Ning Yu's threatening tone, Hengrui immediately had to obey. According to Ning Yu's plan, these Manchus would be dispatched to various mines to work to death for the recovery of the Han army. Contribute to the iron ore business.

Ning Yu's heart is quite complicated. There are also many people in the army who want to severely punish the Eight Banners to avenge the past. However, under the current situation, severely punishing the Eight Banners is not a good choice, at least it will be harmful to Ning Yu's future career. Unprofitable.However, it is not appropriate to just let go of the Eight Banners, so it was carried out in this way, and all aspects were accountable.

Leaving aside what the Manchus think, the Han people in this city are very happy, and many of them have already begun to inform the Fu Han army of the song.Even the big clans in the city came out of the city to welcome them. Among the big clans were the Wang family, Song, Chen and other big clans. These loyal ministers and filial sons of the Manchu Qing had already cut off their braids and knelt by the side of the avenue, all of them looked a little bit happy a feeling of.

"Congratulations, Major General, for taking down Jingzhou City. My whole Hubei province has already regained my great Ming status!" Wang Qi's face was a little joyful and a little excited.

What is Daming Weather?To put it bluntly, it is to test Ning Yu secretly, are you a follower of Qian Ming?Or their own wolfish ambitions?Seemingly simple questions, in fact, a complete set has been set in the words. If Ning Yu answers incorrectly, not to mention losing the hearts of the people of the world, even these old guys are unwilling to praise this scene.

Ning Yu smiled slightly in his heart. He knew that there were not many simple roles in this Jingzhou City where dragons and tigers were hidden.However, to fight against the outside world, one must first settle down inside. For Ning Yu today, only when Jingzhou is properly adjusted can the next step be smoothly carried out. If it is to be properly adjusted, the big clans in Jingzhou cannot be ignored.

"Your Majesty is very kind. If the Majesty hadn't understood righteousness this time, I am afraid that the whole city would not be so easy to capture. Then there will be countless casualties. I will never forget my contribution to the Han army." Ning Yu said. The words are also extremely beautiful, and the effort on face is becoming more and more familiar.

Wang Qi felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. This Ning Yu is really too cunning. The reason why he is willing to help the Han army is not so simple. He just hopes that the other party can make it clear, otherwise why would he personally end up participating in this gamble?

"If the general wants to restore my country, Wang Qi and the Han people all over the world will naturally be obliged to do so." As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qi knelt down on the ground regardless of his age, his gray hair scattered in the wind.

A murderous look flashed in Ning Yu's eyes, but it was only for a moment, and then his face became more kind and three-pointed, "Why do you have to do this, the prince? Naturally, I want to restore my Han family. If I can find the former Ming clan , I will restore my power tomorrow."

At this time, Ning Yu said it very nicely, but he was already thinking about whether to send the shadow to kill this old guy.

The bones and scum of Daming are gone, where can I recover them?
(End of this chapter)

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