Cutting 1719

Chapter 29

Chapter 29
At this moment, the stage was completely silent, and Zhang Liandeng snorted coldly, "Could it be that I couldn't find a real man in Hubei Green Camp?"

Ning Zhongyuan did his part, took a step forward and clasped his fists and said, "I am willing to fire the cannon." After speaking, without waiting for Zhang Liandeng's statement, he strode towards the cannon formation below the stage.But others thought he was insane. Naturally, everyone would be happy to be promoted and rewarded, but if it was at the cost of their lives, these people would run as far as they could.

Although the gunners of the Hanyang Battalion did not lose their composure, after all, they felt a little drummed in their hearts. Now that they saw Ning Zhongyuan coming to fire the cannons in person, they felt more confident. tight face.

Ning Zhongyuan didn't say anything, he just drove away the gunners, and leaned towards the fuse with a torch, without the slightest hesitation.

With a loud roar, a cloud of white smoke hid the cannon position, and Ning Zhongyuan could be vaguely seen holding a torch and lighting the fuses of the remaining five sub-cannons one after another. It made a loud noise and smashed hard on the shooting range.

All the people on the stage opened their eyes wide, as if they were looking for the traces of the bombing and a blur of flesh and blood, but it was not until Ning Zhongyuan reappeared in front of them that these wine bags and rice bags came to their senses. simple things.

Kneeling in front of Zhang Liandeng, Ning Zhongyuan said loudly, "Report to the Governor, the artillery drill of the Hanyang Camp under the humble post is over." When he said this, he didn't even look at Chen Li beside him.

Zhang Liandeng's expression was a bit complicated. Among the generals in the camp, there was only one who dared to take the lead, but he was not his true confidant after all. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Li. No matter what, he still hoped that he would personally select him. This direct line officer can set an example.

Chen Li understood Zhang Liandeng's eyes, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk towards the fort of Fubiao Camp, but before reaching the fort, several people came out from the queue holding iron armor, and changed the cotton armor on Chen Li's body.

After putting on the iron armor, half a moment later, Chen Li looked up, only to find that many people had disdain in their eyes, and wanted to lose their temper. Go to the cannon with the torches.

Chen Li ignited the first cannon tremblingly, and with a roar, the bullets were fired and hit the hillside of the distant shooting range fiercely. It was enough to bring joy to Chen Li's face.

Encouraged by this, Chen Li walked towards the second cannon, and there was another roar, and the bullets were fired successfully, so Chen Li let go of his courage, and shot them one by one. It's hard to hide his pride.

Before the last two cannons, Chen Li took a special look at Ning Zhongyuan, only to find that Ning Zhongyuan was also looking at him at this time, but Chen Li's eyes were provocative.But Ning Zhongyuan's eyes only contained indifference and disdain, as if a tiger was staring at a lamb waiting to be killed.

Chen Li felt a little uneasy in his heart, but the long time of comfort made him lose that keen sense of smell, so he just ignited the fuse on his own.

As the lead wire burned out, a huge roar followed, but what was shot out was not the projectile inside, but Chen Li's shattered corpse, and the iron armor on his body was torn apart like rags. smash.

After all, it exploded!

Everyone on the stage murmured in their hearts, this day is really too evil, Ning Zhongyuan and Chen Li seem to be risking their lives, but none of them are blown up in front, it is really unimaginable.

Now it's a blast!

Zhang Liandeng was dumbfounded on the stage. He didn't expect such a serious accident to happen. A serving general of the imperial court died. However, under his signal, he went to ignite the artillery to boost the morale of the army. This was the responsibility of Governor Zhang. up.

But many people ignored it. Ning Zhongyuan, who was standing aside at this time, looked at the flames on the review field, although his face was expressionless, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In order to avoid taking responsibility, Zhang Liandeng immediately ordered the arrest of all the gunners of the Fubiao Battalion on the field. Firstly, it was to take the blame. .

However, since such a incident happened on the review field, it is difficult to continue the review of military equipment. Zhang Liandeng led people back to Wuchang City from Hanyang City overnight, but before leaving, he told Ning Zhongyuan A paragraph, the general idea is that in this review, only Hanyang Ying performed the best, and he, Zhang, did not break his promise, and wanted to give Hanyang Ying and Ning Zhongyuan a reward.

Ning Zhongyuan naturally knew in his heart that this was Zhang Liandeng's attempt to win him over, so he didn't say much, and said some words of loyalty that were neither salty nor frivolous.

It's just that Ning Zhongyuan looks calm on the surface, but it's hard to conceal the pride and pride in his heart. From the beginning to the end of this matter, his Ning family set up a trap for Chen Li, just to kill this difficult opponent in one fell swoop.

From the very beginning, after Ning Yu's cannon was built, after many experiments, it was found that [-]% of the gunpowder firing was still safe and sound. Ning Zhongyuan deliberately set a trap in this review, and then in order to delay Chen Li, the opponent, went into the water, and even arranged for someone to spread smoke bombs all the way. He said that the Ning family had been looking for the mother-child cannon, which coincided with the previous story.

With this foreshadowing, in order to attack the Ning family, Chen Li would naturally choose to start with this deliberately exposed loophole, so it was also falling into Ning Zhongyuan's hands.As for why the chamber exploded, the key is not the cannon, but the gunpowder.

Because Chen Ju never thought that among the soldiers he sent to inspect the gunpowder, there was Ning Zhongyuan who had been buried for many years and deliberately added a full [-]% gunpowder to the penultimate cannon of Fubiao Camp. And the mother-child cannon that Chen Ju found could withstand seven points at most, so it was expected that the chamber would explode.

The most critical part of the whole plan was how to persuade Zhang Liandeng to order a change of gunpowder, and it was necessary to show weakness to Chen Li. Only by showing weakness to the enemy first, could he be strong. Chen Li would never have thought that his own In fact, life and death are not in his own hands, but in the hands of a young man he has never paid attention to.

Because the original planner of the whole plan was Ning Yu who was far away in Yunmeng.The so-called war is not only face-to-face fighting, but also this invisible hand.

At this moment, besides the excitement in his heart, Ning Zhongyuan still had many puzzles, and these puzzles all came from Ning Yu.Ever since this kid got seriously ill, he seemed to be a different person. Even if the iron casting method was read from a book, why did he understand the world so well?After much deliberation, he secretly made up his mind to question him thoroughly.

However, Ning Yu at this time is experiencing the biggest collision with the world.

(End of this chapter)

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