Cutting 1719

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

After half an hour of rehearsal, the gunpowder smoke has not completely dissipated, making the review field a vast expanse of whiteness, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke has become the greatest enjoyment for soldiers.

Zhang Liandeng was obviously a little excited, with an abnormal blush on his face, and said excitedly: "Go on, let me see the strength of your Hanyang camp."

Ning Zhongyuan put on his armor, and waved his hand towards Mr. Qian, the shotgun in the review field, without saying a word, only the armor leaves on his body made the sound of collision.

Seeing the gesture, Shotgun Qian hurriedly pushed out the six seemingly old cannons, with a hint of nervousness on his face.

Seeing this, Chen Li sneered and said, "In the whole of Huguang, there are inspections and inspections going on like this. They are all fake. This general is really worried!"

Zhang Liandeng was a little surprised, and asked, "Why did General Chen say that? I saw that the soldiers in the Hanyang camp were still doing their best. If the soldiers in the green camp in the Qing Dynasty can do the same, it would be a blessing for the court!"

Chen Li hurriedly said, "I'm going to tell you, Lord Governor, that at the end of this journey, many of the green battalion drills I saw were perfunctory, especially in the artillery drills. , Often only [-]% to [-]% are set off, the cannon blares, but it hits the sky weakly, not much different from a large-scale firework, I wonder if the same is true for the medicine used in the Hanyang camp today."

Zhang Liandeng's face was a little gloomy, and he secretly scolded Chen Li for not understanding the overall situation. If the green camp along the way is so useless, how can he make a deal with the governor?How to make a mission to the Holy One?

Thinking of this, Zhang Liandeng wanted to make things trivial, and said: "Everyone has seen the drills of the previous Hanyang camp, and they must have been excellent. If so, the Hanyang camp will naturally not make any mistakes in the artillery. "General Chen, let's take a look first."

But this Chen Li didn't understand what he wanted, he wanted to crucify Ning Zhongyuan with all his heart, he ignored it and said: "My lord governor, if you ignore it again and again, what will happen in the future? The last general is also a loyal man. country, please think twice, my lord."

What you said is that everyone hates it, you, General Chen, are loyal to the country, and we are just a group of people?So they looked at Ning Zhongyuan together, hoping that he could ruthlessly dismiss them.

Unexpectedly, Ning Zhongyuan did not refute, but followed Chen Li's words and said: "Your Excellency, General Chen's words are polite, and the general is willing to accept the inspection and continue the follow-up assessment, just."

Zhang Liandeng was a little at a loss. Seeing Ning Zhongyuan say such and such, he thought that he had a solid foundation in his heart, so he couldn't help smiling, and said: "General Ning, you can say anything, as long as you don't violate this important principle, the old man will have nothing to do with it." No."

These words are also quite meaningful, what is a big festival?That is to be loyal to the imperial court, to the Qing Dynasty, to him, Zhang, and others.

Ning Zhongyuan smiled and said: "The humble position is favored by the lord, and now I have to lead the Hanyang camp. In order to live up to the painstaking efforts of the lord, the humble position urges the soldiers to practice day and night, and dare not slack off in the slightest. Now this review is also the soldiers. I hope my lord can be sympathetic and give me some confidence in the soldiers of Hanyang."

Zhang Liandeng stroked his beard with a smile, and said: "General Ning's words are all right, but the old man thought of a note. Later, during the artillery drill, pull out all the artillery marked by the generals. After the nuclear inspection is completed, whose artillery The most profitable and the farthest hit, I ask the Governor for a reward! And report to the court for credit!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Chen Li, "This naturally includes the Fubiao Camp, Lord Chen, don't let the old man Disappointed!"

As soon as these words came out, the generals felt very anxious, they couldn't help cursing Chen Li in their hearts, they didn't have any bad feelings towards Ning Zhongyuan, after all, this gun hits the head, who made Chen Li talkative.

Chen Li knew that with the previous episode, Fubiao's participation in the review was a certainty, but he didn't panic because Chen Li had stayed by Zhang Liandeng's side for a long time, and he knew that this old man had the best face. If he loses face, he will pay back three points, but if you want to make him lose face, you will never stop.

With all these calculations in mind, Chen Li made preparations early on. He searched for connections and went to Guangdong and Guangxi to collect a few cannons for the battalion, and these cannons were also borrowed temporarily, and they had to be returned to others after the review was over. .As for the original cannons in Fubiao Camp, they have now been turned into silver bills and stuffed into the pockets of Chen Li's concubines.

After the sound of the drum, all the generals ordered the soldiers to pull out the mother and child cannons in their camps, but this time there were all kinds of strange things, old and new.

"Report to the Governor, each battalion has a total of 24 cannons, and our Fubiao Battalion has eight of them exclusively. After the gunpowder bullets are inspected, we will start the drill." Chen Lidao.

Zhang Xiandeng naturally knew what Chen Li meant, but after all, it was just a trivial matter, so he turned his mind back to the main topic, waved and said, "Let's get started."

"Put the medicine, [-]%!"

Mr. Qian, who was in charge of commanding the test guns, shouted loudly, and after that, soldiers went to the guns to check the gunpowder bullets.As the inspections of the battalions began, unqualified gunpowder was continuously removed, and then replaced with gunpowder and pellets that were [-]% of the standard. Looking at the gunners whose gunpowder was replaced, all of them showed desperate expressions .

But those soldiers didn't care about it at all. If anyone's movements were slow, they would punch and kick, and then roughly changed to gunpowder.

The so-called [-]% standard is actually not up to the standard, but now it is considered the best among the current green camps. You must know that even in some border defense areas, the gunpowder used by the mother and child artillery is only [-]%, so it will not explode.

Naturally, Chen Li didn't care about the thoughts of these soldiers. After all, he collected the cannon from Guangdong and Guangxi, and the quality was much higher than that of the mainland. Although the [-]% gunpowder was risky, it was not too worrying.

The faces of the generals were gloomy, but they didn't dare to say more. After all, no matter what you say about this matter, it is not a matter on the table. This governor is from a literary background, so naturally he will not understand these difficulties of Qiu Ba.

The soldiers retreated after changing the gunpowder, but the gunners next to the mother and son cannons knelt on the ground one by one, some even grabbed the ground with their heads, and some foamed at the mouth. No matter how persecuted, he never dared to go forward and fire a cannon.

In the past, with these mother-in-child cannons of extremely poor quality, how many years did they not blow up?What's more, it used to be [-]% of the medicine and [-]% of the medicine, but now it is a full [-]% of the medicine. It would be hell if it didn't explode.But there are exceptions, Ning Zhongyuan's Hanyang camp and Chen Li's Fubiao camp are both safe and sound, just waiting for orders.

Seeing the attitude of the gunners, Zhang Liandeng's face on the stage turned black, and when he looked at the generals, all of them lowered their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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