Cutting 1719

Chapter 40

Chapter 40
In the winter moon, heavy snow covers the ground, and the bone-piercing cold rushes through the body.

In terms of military tactics, this is the most difficult season to fight. If you are not careful, you may be overthrown.However, there have always been many art of war masters who took this opportunity by surprise and wiped out the enemy in one fell swoop.

A long marching team was marching in the snow, everyone was wearing thick padded jackets, carrying a long flintlock gun, with a look of determination on their slightly immature faces.

Ning Yu rode a horse and walked in the forefront. Now that he is in the stage of physical development, he looks more mature, with a green beard on his lips, and behind him are Dong Ce, Xu Chengliang, and a group of guards.At the front is a spy sent by the Ning family, who has been watching here for the past few days.

After walking for half a day, everyone saw a dilapidated camp standing in the middle of the mountain. It was more like a refugee camp than a camp. Several shabby straw huts swayed in the wind. Snow.

However, there were no sentries outside the camp, only a thatched hut on the high slope, and the people inside seemed to be still sleeping soundly.

Dong Ce lightly clamped the horse's belly, then rushed forward, and said in a low voice: "Yingzuo, according to the previous information, two miles ahead is the gathering place of Taohuashan bandits. It seems that there are roughly a thousand people. Up and down, excluding the old and young, women and children, there are probably five or six hundred people."

Ning Yu chuckled, "What's the matter, are you afraid? If you can't take down the five or six hundred people, have you fed the dogs for this year's training?"

Dong Ce quickly got off his horse, knelt down in front of the horse, and spoke very firmly.

"My Young Eagle Battalion's first battle, if I don't win, I, Dong Ce, will die in front of the battle!"

The rest of the students also roared in unison: "The first battle of the Young Eagle Battalion, if we lose, I will wait to die!"

Ning Yu looked at these apprentices, no, these soldiers were a little proud in their hearts, this is the steel knife that he spent a year forging, and when it is unsheathed today, it will be the time to show its sharpness.

As more than [-] soldiers of the Young Eagle Battalion slowly approached, they were discovered. The panicked bandits on the high slope sounded the siren. out.

These people are not so much bandits as they are refugees. Everyone is dressed in rags, their faces are yellow and thin, and the weapons they hold are very simple, but their spirits are extremely high-spirited, and they don't panic when they look at Ning Yu.

It must be because he has dealt with the green camp a lot, so he has developed a temperament that is not afraid of anything.

Ning Yu looked at it for a while, then ordered: "Let's start!"

After getting the order, Dong Ce and Xu Chengliang returned to the company to take command. They were also the company commanders of the first company and the second company, but at this time they were also members of the staff office.

With a clear whistle, the first company and the second company formed two long horizontal lines, carrying guns and walked towards the Taohuashan bandits.

The Taohuashan gangsters were a little panicked, and hastily formed a simple square formation, each with a knife and gun in their hands.

The army drummer began to beat the drum at this time, and the hearts of the soldiers followed the drumbeat, up and down.But even though he was a little nervous, after all, after a long period of training, he was able to maintain his formation.

Ning Yu stood on a high slope behind with his guards, holding a telescope to observe the enemy's formation. There were only a group of guards and two messengers beside him, but the location here was relatively dangerous, so he didn't worry about the bandits. Attack up.

But for Ning Si and the others, it was as if they were facing a formidable enemy. The total number of guards today was no more than eight. No matter how powerful their martial arts were, they were nothing in the army.

In Ning Si's heart at this moment, he was thinking that if something went wrong later, he would protect Ning Yu and rush out first, otherwise if the Ning family's future hope seedlings were lost, none of their children would be able to survive.

Ning Yu was a little nervous, holding the binoculars tightly with both hands, telling himself repeatedly in his heart, it's okay, it's okay, if there is a real fight, this group of mobs can't fight head-on.

The two original mother-child cannons were placed behind the formation, more than [-] steps away from the enemy formation, and seven or eight gunners were loading ammunition. However, the imperial court now strictly controls the explosive ammunition, so the Ning family still uses live ammunition.

One of the gunners responsible for firing the cannon was another brother of the Ning family. Now the Ning family is paying more and more attention to the Young Eagle Camp, so excluding Ning Qianqiu who was expelled from the camp earlier, more than ten people have joined the Young Eagle Camp. camp to enhance management and control capabilities.

The son of the Ning family who was in charge of firing the cannon was named Ning Tieshan, and he was thick and strong. The commander wrapped the solid iron bullet with a layer of oilcloth before stuffing it into the muzzle.

If this cannon was fired from the original Lvying cannon, it would probably explode on the spot, but this sub-cannon was originally cast with high-quality refined iron from a new mine, and an iron core casting process was used, so there is almost nothing Air bubbles, the inner bore is very clean and smooth, so there is no need to worry about the explosion of the inner chamber.

At this time, the Taohuashan bandits relied on their large numbers, gathered in a group, and rushed towards the soldiers of the Young Eagle Camp.

Five hundred steps.
Ning Yu's palms were sweating, and the telescope was stained with sweat.

Four hundred steps.
The hearts of the gunners also raised their hearts, waiting for the order to come.

three hundred steps.

Ning Yu gave the order decisively, and the messengers beside him began to wave the command flag. The bright red command flag swayed in the wind, but it was the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of the gunners.

Ning Tieshan squinted his eyes slightly, holding a kindling rope, and inserted it into the fire door, while the other cannon was also ready, and with a chirping sound, the kindling rope was ignited.

The two cannons roared one after the other, and the two iron bullets smashed towards the bandits three hundred steps away. One of the bullets was about to hit the crowd, plowing a road of flesh and blood, and the other A bullet was deflected.

Ning Tieshan cursed softly, and began to clean the barrel, preparing for the next launch.

And during this process, there was a commotion among the Taohuashan bandits, but it didn't take long before they continued to charge under the pressure of some strong men.

Dong Ce nervously looked at the gangsters in front of him, holding a flintlock gun in his hand. Although this gun can hit two hundred paces, its accuracy is very poor, so he usually practiced shooting at a distance of 150 paces. Judging from the speed at which the gangsters rushed over, they could fire three volleys.

In past wars, the outcome of the war was determined by many factors, from the morale of the army to the fighting ability of the soldiers themselves, all of which would affect the battle situation. However, in modern times, war has become a cruel math problem.

The general needs to calculate at an appropriate distance, launch more projectiles by salvo, knock down the enemy, and also need to calculate the hit rate and firing frequency at this distance, so as to seek the maximum lethality.

This is also the reason why Ning Yu personally arranged for Dong Ce and others to study mathematics, because in modern warfare, what is needed is not a brave general, but a commander who can really calculate the war.

(End of this chapter)

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