Cutting 1719

Chapter 37 Military Organization

Chapter 37 Military Organization
After being educated by later generations, Ning Yu naturally understands that if there are only modern weapons but no modern military organizational capabilities, then the combat ability will not be so high.

Therefore, in view of the current development of the Young Eagle Battalion, Ning Yu chose to divide all the current students into four companies, with the company as the basic combat unit. Each company has a company commander and deputy company commander, an instructor, and two drummers. The children under the age of 14 are the boy company, and there are about a hundred people, and the boys under the age of 14 are the reserve company.Only the remaining [-] students over the age of [-] formed a formal company, namely the first company and the second company.

In addition, in terms of artillery construction, Ning Yu plans to form an artillery company directly under the battalion, consisting of six six-pound guns and two twelve-pound guns. The staff of the artillery company will be selected directly from the formal company. Replenishment from the reserve company.

In Ning Yu's vision, the Young Eagle Battalion in the future will become an existence similar to a military academy, from which more troops will be hatched, from company to battalion, from battalion to regiment and then to division.As for the combat effectiveness of this army, Ning Yu has never had bad intentions. Using this kind of daily education and training for an army of up to ten hours to deal with the Manchu Qing green camp who practiced every five days and ten days a day is simply a reduction in dimensionality. hit.

As for the Eight Banners powerhouse who rides and shoots unparalleled, Ning Yu has never been worried, because there is no such thing as something, why should you worry?

In Ning Yu's vision, in the next six months to one year, the two combat companies in the Young Eagle Battalion will be expanded to a full-scale battalion, that is, about 550 people, and four infantry companies will be established. A company of about 120 people, and then add an artillery company of about 50 people, a logistics squad of about ten people, and the remaining personnel are the command personnel in the battalion.

Such a comprehensive infantry battalion has no problem dealing with [-] Qing soldiers, and Ning Yu believes that an infantry regiment composed of five such infantry battalions can take down Wuchang, and an infantry division composed of three infantry regiments can take down Wuchang. Hubei is not difficult.

So far, Ning Yu feels that his little bit of management has finally shown results. Although it is only in the embryonic state at present, the future is promising.

A few days later, Ning Yu came to Hanyang City again. He was determined to deal with the current situation with his teacher Cui Wancai.From the very beginning, Ning Yu knew that this teacher had hidden deep dissatisfaction with the Qing Dynasty, and the last conversation even exposed his thoughts nakedly: good apprentice, the master supports your great cause of opposing the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, Ning Yu never doubted that Cui Wancai would leak secrets or even sue, but he just couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.In order to ensure peace of mind, Ning Yu made a special trip to force the palace, firstly to completely put Cui Wancai on the thief's boat, and secondly to better ask the other party what to do in the future.

Cui Wancai didn't seem to be surprised by Ning Yu's arrival, he still prepared the camellia and the zither sounded long.

Ning Yu was very dissatisfied. This old man always plays the tune of playing the piano, but he never really introduced him to him. He is too old-fashioned.

In fact, this wronged Cui Wancai, because it wasn't that Cui Wancai didn't arrange for Cui Si to meet him, but Cui Si herself didn't want to come out to see him now. She needed to investigate whether her future husband could afford her trust.

Yes, from Cui Wancai and Cui Si's point of view, Cui Si is destined to marry Ning Yu in the future. As for other factors, they have never considered, or do not need to consider.

Ning Yu held the tea and looked at Cui Wancai face to face. There were many things he wanted to say in his heart, but when things came to an end, he didn't know where to start.Because no matter what he does, it is too bizarre in this era.

Cui Wancai said first, "Looking at you, it's quite different from when I first saw you."

Ning Yu looked at the teacher curiously, thinking that he can still look at faces?This is really learned and talented.

"I don't know what has changed? Please teach me, teacher!" No matter how much he complained in his heart, Ning Yu never let go of his etiquette.

Cui Wancai smiled and said, "Now you see that you have lost a lot of gloom between your eyebrows and eyes, and you are a little more free and easy. I think you have heard the teachings of the previous two times, so this time, you will have more confidence as a teacher. , and can continue to talk about it in depth.”

Ning Yu hurriedly said: "I also ask the teacher to enlighten me."

Cui Wancai blew on the floating leaves on the surface of the tea, and said with a smile: "The previous article was about power, but power alone is not enough, skill is also needed."

What he said was calm and breezy, but Ning Yu felt the power of Wanjun, and the sound of the piano was also slightly faster by two points at this time.

"The teacher's remarks are not the power of legalism, but don't think about it. The so-called emperor's art ultimately falls on the art. Only when the art is successful can it grow."

After Ning Yu listened to Xin Dao, it finally came to the meat of the show.

"My rule of China can be divided into two major stages. The first major stage began in the pre-Qin period and ended in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It ran through the entire Han Dynasty. The so-called central idea is Confucianism on the outside and Law on the inside. But when the momentum is exhausted, it will decline. In the end, it fell apart, and then it led to the disaster of Wu Huan Hua."

"The second big stage started in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and has not really come to an end until today. Today, there have been major changes in the Confucianism and the Law, especially since the Qing Dynasty. The power of the emperor is unprecedented. It was because the emperors of the Qing Dynasty saw through the essence of Confucianism and Law, and no longer controlled it. This is the foundation of imperial art, jumping out of Confucianism and Law, and forming a family of its own."

These words were spoken heartily, penetrating to the bone.

Cui Wancai sighed again: "If you want to get out of the circle of Confucianism and Legalism, you need to come up with something that can unite people's hearts, otherwise it will only make the huge country fall apart. Therefore, since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, no matter how talented the emperor is, it is difficult to completely get rid of Confucianism. However, in this way, the country can be unified, but it cannot really last long."

"Even with the talent of Emperor Hongwu, he enacted a law for all eternity for the people, relying on the household registration system and the guard system, in order to achieve long-term peace and stability, but the world is unpredictable, and it fell apart in just over two hundred years. This is the power and importance of Confucianism and Legalism. If there is no strong sustenance, it will not last long."

Ning Yu thought for a while, and said, "If we wait until the future, may this Manchu situation last for a long time?"

Cui Wancai smiled lightly and said: "Although the emperors of the Qing Dynasty have achieved great achievements in the art of emperors, they are naturally limited by their own status. They can only maintain their rule through the art of Shang Jun. However, once they are outside, they will not be able to fight against them. Even if it takes a long time, in the end. It is also going to perish.”

Looking back on the history of later generations, Ning Yu was guessed by this teacher, and the admiration in his heart was even more admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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