Cutting 1719

Chapter 70 Shake the World

Chapter 70 Shake the World
"All provinces have changed. The Manchus are excluded. God's will is sought from above, and people's hearts are seen from below. The purpose is just, the first is to protect the people, the second is to protect businessmen, the third is to protect outsiders, Han and Hui people, etc., and treat them equally. I hereby explain it to you, and you can rest assured."

Wuchang was conquered. Ning Zhong originated from the title of Fuhan Dadudu, and issued an article to the whole world, also known as Gengzi's book on defeating the Qing. The heroes of the world raised troops to attack the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han family.

As soon as this article came out, the world was shaken. Many Han people secretly carried this article and spread it in the southern provinces. It almost formed a huge anti-Qing trend, which made the governors of all provinces burnt out. However, the current Qing court seems to have no Putting this matter in perspective, the attitude towards this matter is very strange.

In the Zhengda Guangming Hall of Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City, a grand court meeting is being held. Hundreds of officials are kneeling on the ground, bowing three times and kowtowing nine times to Emperor Kangxi, shouting long live three times.

Emperor Kangxi is now 66 years old, and his energy is no longer so strong, but he still insists on holding the grand court meeting. This is also to announce to the world that he is not that old at all, and he is still the unparalleled emperor.

The officials stood up and stood upright, all of them maintained a respectful demeanor, without squinting, but no one knew what to do in their hearts. Even the emperor Kangxi, who is as sage as Emperor Kangxi, now feels that he is dealing with this group of bureaucrats. fatigue.

Kangxi looked at the ministers below, but he couldn't help but think of the ministers he experienced when he was young. From the early four famous ministers, from Sony, Sukesaha, Ebilong and even Obai, they were all what he needed to clear away. The obstacle is also the stepping stone for oneself to go to the next generation of sages.

Later, Mingzhu, Yao Qisheng, Shi Lang, Li Guangdi, and Zhou Peigong were promoted. These people assisted him, defeated San Francisco, recovered Taiwan, eliminated Galdan, and helped him reach the peak step by step. People are gone now.

If there were these people in the court today, it would be a grand occasion, but the reality is that there are no longer a few pillars of the court in the entire court.

Kangxi looked at the young man among the officials and called him Zhang Tingyu. He was not the kind of person who would impress people at first glance, but the more he looked at him, the more he felt that he was extraordinary. Now he has become the Minister of Rites He can become a famous official of a generation in the future, but this person can no longer use it, so he has to leave it to his son.

Zhang Tingyu was lowering his head at this time, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he felt the gaze of the Emperor Yu Majesty, but he buried his head a little deeper, and the heart that had been polished to a nine-curved and exquisite shape was not at all turbulent.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more subtle. The Minister of Rites, Bei Henuo, bravely came out, knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, the first-class Duke Tong Guowei's funeral has been held for one year. I wonder what sacrifice the Emperor will give?"

This matter was actually very sensitive in the Kangxi Dynasty, because Tong Guowei was a member of the Eighth Lord Party. He once strongly supported the eighth elder brother Yinsi on the matter of the prince, which made Kangxi very angry, and even said, "When I detained the crown prince, I did not There is no other intention. I don’t know if you want to speak loudly and play fiercely, what do you really mean?”

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Guowei completely lost power and became a rebellious minister in Kangxi's heart.Last year, in the 58th year of Kangxi, Tong Guowei finally lived up to expectations and passed away decisively, which made Kangxi less worried.

This year has passed, and the anger in Kangxi's heart has dissipated. Now is a good time to pick up the relationship between the monarch and his ministers again, in order to maintain the holy name, and immediately set up a show.

"The country honors the honor of the old, and if you catch the boudoir, you can use it for repair if you are inside, and you can use it under the grace. Erhe Sheli's family is full of brilliance, and it is a famous family. The sudden news of the death, use mourning It's very nourishing. The ceremony is long and the gift is ready. Woohoo! Put the heart in the heavenly family, and the favor of the generations will last forever. Give the silk fiber to the secluded soil, and the boudoir's praise and restoration. If the soul knows, it will be appreciated. Enjoy. Promoted his son Longke to be the Minister of the Academy of Sciences, and still in charge of the infantry. "

After expressing his position, all the officials in the palace kowtowed one after another, and some even shed tears to express the profound kindness of the emperor. It was like rain after a long drought, which made people feel inexplicable.

But at this time, someone destroyed the atmosphere, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen's face was a little dark, he gritted his teeth, and resolutely came out to participate in the performance.

"Report to Huang Ama, my son Yinzhen participated in the report of Huguang Governor Manpi who was greedy for money and perverted the law, forced to rebel against Hanyang city guard Ning Zhongyuan, and caused the fall of the governor's residence Wuchang. Please send a large army to suppress the chaos and calm the people. And arrest the governor of Huguang, Man Pi, and bring him to justice to calm the hearts of the people!"

These words were like a storm, making Kangxi's eyes slightly black. He actually knew the news, but he did not allow anyone to say it in front of the court. How should I deal with myself?

Next year will be the 60th year of Kangxi, and when I have been on the throne for 60 years, no matter what bad news, Kangxi will not allow anyone to bring it up directly, otherwise the holy name of this half life will be gone in one go, but there is no rush at this time, there will always be someone Come out to share the worries of the emperor.

Hubu Shangshu Ma Qi sighed slightly in his heart, and went out to present the performance.

"Reporting to the emperor, the fourth elder brother's concerns are not unreasonable, but this matter should not be too worrying. Man Pi has already submitted the memorial. The green camp rebellion Ning Zhongyuan gathered a crowd to initiate chaos. The Fubiao Shen general Yue Lingfeng led his troops to arrest and kill for the bandits. , and then the rebellious bandits were rampant. They led the crowd to besiege Wuchang City and beat the city with spies, resulting in the fall of Wuchang City. Manpi ordered the admiral Wang Wenhuan to rush to Wuchang, and ordered the commander-in-chief Gao Chengzhen and the general Lin Zheng to lead the officers and soldiers, a total of more than [-] people , wait for dispatch, besiege the rebels, and put an end to disasters."

When Kangxi heard this, he was very satisfied, and immediately issued a Zhubi decree, ordering the Ministry of War to send it to Huguang Governor Man Pi to inform the people of Huguang.

"According to what the Governor-General Man Pi et al. and Yi et al. Jinzhe's family said, the siege of Wuchang by rebels and bandits is a heinous crime. I, Sier, and others are all people from the interior, not the same bandits or forced by hunger and cold. Or because of unscrupulous officials, one or two gangsters proposed to lure the people and kill the officers and soldiers. Knowing that the crime is unavoidable, they acted recklessly and forcibly resisted. Therefore, I ordered Governor Manpi to suspend the march of troops. If you wait for me, I will forgive you for your crime."

The fourth elder brother Yinzhen was depressed, and was about to continue to refute, but someone pulled his sleeves lightly. Looking back, it was Longkodo who had just been promoted. This person had always been on good terms with Yinzhen, so he had no choice but to With a low sigh in my heart, I stepped back.

Kangxi was also tired at this time, he really didn't want to cause any trouble, so he drove back to the palace directly, he was really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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