Cutting 1719

Chapter 46 Internal Review

Chapter 46 Internal Review
Du Wu looked remorseful, tears streaming down his face, and kowtowed unceasingly.As for the other kneeling stewards of the Ning family, they no longer dared to underestimate Ning Yu in their hearts. They were able to tell the loopholes in Du Wu's account book. It must have been carefully prepared, and it was by no means ordinary to be fooled.

Sure enough, Ning Yu turned over the accounts one after another. Those who had no problems would be rewarded, and those who had problems would be pointed out on the spot, until Ning Si brought a few strong guards and dragged the offenders away. go down.

During this process, Ning Yu did not take any punishment measures, and all of this will be determined by family rules.Ning Yu is unwilling to impose personal emotional likes and dislikes on the rules, whether it is light or heavy, it is a violation of the rules.

However, regarding rewards, Ning Yu can decide on his own, because accepting people's hearts is also his responsibility as a young patriarch, and it is always bad to leave an image of being mean and ungrateful.

For this handling, Ning Zhongjing also quite approved of it. He found Ning Yu on purpose, and said with a smile: "During this period, I was mainly busy with matters concerning the new Huguang Chamber of Commerce and the bank, and the affairs of the clan were neglected. Fortunately, With Yu'er checking out the leaks and making up for the vacancies, there was no real big mess."

Ning Yu has always been very fond of this third uncle, and immediately smiled and said: "What did the third uncle say? Without the support of the third uncle, my Ning family would not be able to develop to where it is today. Everyone said My father fought in front of the battle and propped up the huge Ning family, but without the support of the third uncle in the rear, the Ning family would not be able to develop." Ning Zhongjing was very relieved by these words.

Ning Zhongjing sighed: "The guys you found out today are actually old people in the mansion. I have always been at ease with them-but I didn't expect these people to be black-hearted, Yu'er, Uncle, I will take care of these people."

Ning Yu frowned slightly, stretched his brows again, and said seriously: "Uncle San, I think the biggest inspiration for us from this incident is not how to punish after the event, but to strengthen internal review."

Ning Zhongjing asked curiously: "Internal review? Yu'er, please explain in detail." However, he became interested.

This is Ning Zhongjing. He is a person who is truly willing to dedicate everything to the family. Since he took charge of the internal affairs of the Ning family, he has been committed to rectifying the family atmosphere. Therefore, he is a person who can really do things, and this is what Ning Yu has always admired. The reason for Ning Zhongjing.

Ning Yu said firmly: "Uncle, every family of a big family needs a pair of eyes hiding in the dark, watching every move behind them. Especially the Ning family today, under internal and external troubles, needs such a pair of eyes. .”

"As for how to do it, my nephew plans to secretly select personnel and form a secret agent, which will go deep into all the industries and layouts of my Ning family. Some of these people will be selected from the Young Eagle Camp, and the other part will be from my family. Choose from the Ning family's children."

The Ning family itself is a very large family. In addition to the direct line, the population of the branch line is also very large. In this era, who is most at ease?Naturally, the clan blood is the most reassuring, so among the current Ning family children, a large number of them have entered the Young Eagle Camp and other industries.

Ning Zhongjing nodded slightly, and said: "Since Yu'er already has a plan in mind, the third uncle will naturally support it. There is no need to worry within this family, the third uncle will push it away for you. It's just..." While speaking, there was some hesitation .

Ning Yu's heart tightened. For him, this kind of thing can only be done by uniting most of the family's forces, otherwise it will definitely not be able to continue. Ning Zhongjing's support is very important to him, so he said softly : "Third uncle, if you have any concerns, you might as well talk about it."

At this time, Ning Zhongjing hesitated again and again. Under Ning Yu's repeated urging, he finally let out a long sigh, and said with a wry smile: "What else can there be? It's still about that scoundrel!"

Ning Yu suddenly understood that it was Ning Qianqiu, who was kicked out of the Young Eagle Camp last year, who made a problem for his third uncle.

According to Ning Yu's understanding, ever since Ning Qianqiu was kicked out of the Young Eagle Camp by Ning Yu, she didn't talk about going to the Young Eagle Camp again, but she was drunk all day and didn't take a step out of the house.

Although Ning Qianqiu is only Ning Zhongjing's concubine son, he still cares about him in his heart - originally Ning Zhongjing wanted to let Ning Qianqiu go to work in the bank last year, but Ning Qianqiu himself didn't want to, so he kept putting it off.

Today's Ning Zhongjing is helpless, so he thinks of Ning Yu. As a father, he is actually not willing to let Ning Qianqiu join the Young Eagle Camp, but after all, it was the other party who drove Ning Qianqiu out of the camp. Ning Yu has to solve the problem.

Ning Yu thought about it carefully, and had a plan in mind, so he followed Ning Zhongjing to a courtyard in Xiaogan County. This courtyard was where Ning Qianqiu lived after returning, and no one was arranged to come to it on weekdays. Serving, only an old servant in the mansion took care of his daily life, made some soup and sent it over.

When Ning Zhongjing led Ning Yu to the gate, he stopped, sighed deeply, and said, "Yu'er, I won't go in. The chamber of commerce is busy, and I will be going to Wuchang for a period of time tomorrow. Yu'er is the only one in the house." Speaking of this, Ning Zhongjing took a deep look at the other courtyard, "As for this, Yu'er can figure it out." After speaking, he left without hesitation.

Ning Yu understood what Ning Zhongjing didn't say, it was very simple, if Ning Qianqiu was still useful, give him a hand to cheer him up again.If it is unusable, let him fend for himself in this other courtyard.

He, Ning Zhongjing, doesn't need such a useless son, nor does the Ning family need such a useless descendant.

Although Ning Yu traveled from later generations, he was an orphan since he was a child, so he is no stranger to this philosophy of survival, that is, survival is never something that should be taken for granted, and if there is no value, it will only be eliminated.

This cruel survival philosophy had already been deeply baked into Ning Yu's bones, and it continued to take root in this era, eventually occupying Ning Yu's entire thoughts.In this era, the vast majority of people almost embrace this logic of survival.

If you don't work hard, you will really starve to death.

Ning Yu went forward and knocked the door, but it was quiet inside. After a while, an old servant opened the door from the inside. Seeing that it was Ning Yu, he respectfully said, "Master Qianqiu is here. in."

Ning Yu nodded, and walked in with big strides. This courtyard is not big, and the main hall is beyond the small courtyard, so Ning Yu took three steps and took two steps to bring the main hall. At this time, Ning Qianqiu was still drinking .

Ning Qianqiu was sleeping soundly holding the wine jar, snoring loudly, the wine wet all the clothes on her chest, the whole room was like a big wine tank.

(End of this chapter)

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