Cutting 1719

Chapter 64

Chapter 64
At the foot of Snake Mountain at this time, the Fifth Battalion of Supervision and Biao under Manpi, the governor of Huguang in the Qing Dynasty, is forming a formation. The entire queue of 3000 people looks quite spectacular, and there are also 1000 officers and soldiers of the city defense battalion lined up crookedly. With the crooked formation, there was a sense of tension in the air.

Gao Laibao, the deputy general of the Fifth Battalion of Dubiao, can be called a mighty general in the army. He had been fighting in the Northwest battlefield in the early years. Self-prestige.

"This rebel is so courageous, he dared to use this kind of rebellious flag! Could it be that he thinks his life is too long, and wants to try the old man's sword?"

After Gao Laibao finished speaking, he took a special look at Xiande, only to find that Xiande's face was ashen at this time, and he couldn't help but silently scolded Xiande in his heart.

Seemingly feeling the contempt in Gao Laibao's eyes, Xiande's old face was ashamed and angry, and he thought to himself that he was the governor of a province after all, and it was nothing more than being made angry by your master, when will it be his turn to see you, Qiu Ba?
"General Gao, this rebel is so arrogant, when will he start preparing to attack? I want to tell you, if you let a rebel escape, you will be ready to go back and forth!"

"My lord Futai, this rebel bandit is occupying a favorable location. The general plans to send people to survey the terrain first, and attack from both sides. Naturally, the rebel bandit will be captured in one go. This general has some experience in how to use troops." Gao Laibao said in a tone. Li was not polite, and secretly ridiculed Xiande for not knowing how to use troops, which led to his defeat.

No matter what cleverness the two men said, they didn't take the rebels on the mountain into their hearts. The hundreds of people they engulfed could do anything great, and they could be wiped out with a single charge.As for why the rebels took the initiative to occupy Snake Mountain, they never thought about it at all.

After a while, the Qing soldiers who went to explore the road reported that the opponent's direction was dangerous and impossible to climb, and it might be difficult to continue the attack from both sides.

Xiande smiled, and his tone was not so nice, "Su asked General Gao to know about the soldiers, but he is not very courageous. The rebellious soldiers with a total of less than a thousand people are worth so much attention? If General Gao is timid to fight, it is better to let the city defense Go battalion and make this contribution." But these words pointed to the guerrilla Zhao Jiande of the city defense battalion who was forming a formation in the distance.

Gao Laibao bit his cheek, snorted coldly, bowed his hands casually, and went to set up an offensive.He directly dispatched a battalion of 600 people to attack up the mountain road in three waves, and then sent a battalion of rear guards. As for the battalion's mother-in-law cannon, the mountain cannon was not used, after all, the opponent was condescending and could not fight at all. .

When the Qing army was attacking, Ning Yu also began to make relevant preparations on the mountain. He looked at the densely packed Qing army at the foot of the mountain, and said with a smile: "We can't let them rush up so comfortably and give Ning Tie Shan gave the order to fire!"

Ning Tieshan got the order and called the six twelve-jin thunder-type cannons on the artillery array to be the first to fire. Specially equipped with a new explosive bomb, which is filled with iron sand and broken porcelain pieces, the power is amazing.

"Damn it for me! This first shot is done, and those bastards will be afraid!" Ning Tieshan's heroic voice came over. After the gunners adjusted the angle, they brought the torches to the fuse superior.

boom - boom -

With a loud noise, six explosive bullets smashed into the Qing army on the mountain road at the same time, and the iron filings that flew out knocked down the entire Qing army to the ground like wind blowing weeds. There is no longer any standing people in this area.The rest of the Qing army was so frightened that they lay on the ground. No matter how Qian Zonghe behind him urged them away, they could only crawl forward little by little.

It is not that Gao Laibao has never fought before, but he has never seen such a terrifying cannon, especially the nearest one, which was only a hundred steps away from his position. The loud noise seemed to stir the deepest part of his heart. The memories made the blood run fast in the body, unable to stop.

Xiande was also frightened half to death by this explosive bomb, and shouted repeatedly: "Come on, come on, hurry up, help me get out of here!"

What the hell kind of cannon is this!This is too scary!

Gao Laibao finally regained his composure, his eyes were about to burst, and he said loudly: "Let them charge quickly, and go to the next battalion, we must go up!" He understood that the power of this cannon is too great, but it takes time to reload. It is not bad to be able to fire two shots in a quarter of an hour. This is his experience on the Northwest battlefield.

However, what Gao Laibao didn't understand was that this cannon was completely different from the sub-cannon. When the next battalion began to charge up, although the distance was gradually shortening, the enemy's cannons became denser and denser.On the narrow mountain road, a frenzied bombardment started, and Qing troops continued to fall on the road, and many people had already started to slow down, thinking about running back slowly.

Under the command of Ning Tieshan, more than 20 cannons and small cannons poured ammunition crazily. Although the ammunition they brought this time was not a lot, as long as these 3000 people were wiped out on the battlefield, everything would be worth it.

When Ning Yu watched the fallen green battalion soldiers gradually lay down a dense layer, he found that his father Ning Zhongyuan was already dumbfounded.

"Damn it, this battle can still be fought like this!" Ning Zhongyuan looked at the road to hell on the mountain road, and finally let out a sigh.

Ning Yu smiled and said: "This is also the reason for the terrain restrictions. The mountain road is too narrow to create such an effect, but this road is not too far away. When they approach, our flintlock guns can also show their power gone."

Gao Laibao at the foot of the mountain was already vaguely uneasy, so he directly called Zhao Jiande, a guerrilla from the city defense battalion, and forced him to lead the stragglers from the city defense battalion to attack bravely.No matter how unhappy Zhao Jiande was, he knew in his heart that this matter was no small matter. If he didn't come up, he might be chopped off by the person in front of him with a knife in the first place.

Time passed slowly. During this quarter of an hour, the Ning army's shelling lasted four rounds, which means it was twice as fast as the Qing army's artillery.The continuous bombardment of the cannons caused the Qing soldiers on the mountain road to fall more than 400 people, but there are still 400 people who have gradually approached the Ning army.

At the front of the formation were three hundred bird spearmen from the Young Eagle Battalion and the Hanyang Battalion, and the rest of the hand-to-hand soldiers were at the rear of the formation, waiting for the moment to attack and fight in close quarters.

Xu Chengliang commanded the soldiers to stand in three rows, and while holding the flintlock guns in his hand, he said loudly: "Don't pull the trigger when you see someone, you must put it closer before you shoot, wait for my order at eighty paces, and then fire! "As he roared, he began to silently calculate the distance in his heart.

At a distance of 300 steps, two rounds of guns can be fired. A [-]-shot flintlock gun has [-] bullets, and [-] bullets. With the current formation, it can take away more than [-] people.

War is sometimes a math problem. When you calculate more accurately than the other side, then you win.

Xu Chengliang silently calculated the account in his heart.

This battle, I will win it!
(End of this chapter)

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