Cutting 1719

Chapter 53 Disaster

Chapter 53 Disaster
Ning Yu was born in the Ning family. While enjoying the resources brought by the Ning family, he will naturally be bound by the Ning family.

For example, this time Lei Tuozi was asked to build so many guns. The Ning family did not have objections. Even Ning Zhongjing, who had always supported Ning Yu, could not understand it. He had gently reminded Ning Yu that 3 thousand taels of silver was not For a small sum of money, what is the point of making so many guns that cannot be eaten or sold?
This time Ning Yu can be said to be determined to go his own way, so he will naturally be questioned by the family. If the family cannot be persuaded, it will be detrimental to Ning Yu's prestige in the future.After all, it is impossible for Ning Yu to leave his family behind to create such a large foundation. It is not a question of how long it will take, but simply no such possibility.

Therefore, only by convincing the family can Ning Yu's plan go further.

When we returned to Xiaogan County, it was already late, but the main hall of the Ning family was still brightly lit.Ning Zhongyuan was sitting in the center of the main hall, beside Ning Zhongjing, Ning Zhongyi and Ning Zhongxin brothers, as for the others, they did not appear.

Looking at Ning Yu, who was dressed in dust and dust, Ning Zhongyuan's eyes showed a hint of distress, and said: "Yu'er, are things going well today?"

Ning Yu said with a smile: "I went to the cannon workshop today, and the scene is quite different now. Lei Tuozi is also quite capable and has helped the child a lot. Now that the craftsmanship has been improved, Lei Tuozi is already confident that he can do it in July. Before the end of the month, deliver 55 flintlock muskets and [-] cannon."

This made everyone here a little surprised, especially Ning Zhongyuan, who is a military commander, is no stranger to military equipment. He doesn't believe that in this world, there are still so many shotguns and weapons in less than two months. Although Da Pao's place knew this son well, he was still skeptical.

Ning Yu said to himself: "The last time my Ning family wiped out Peach Blossom Mountain, we only used two hundred flintlock guns. Compared with today's Green Camp, this gun is far superior. Now that the production process has been improved, the manufacturing speed has been greatly accelerated. , as long as the supply of raw materials is sufficient, the 55 flintlock guns and [-] cannons are not a problem."

These words are justified and well-founded, so that all of you here have to believe them.However, Ning Zhongjing had some different thoughts. His face was a little dignified, and he said in a low voice: "Then why are you making so many guns? Do my Ning family need so many now?"

It's no wonder that Ning Zhongjing is worried. No matter how big a family is, it can only have a few hundred servants, but this Ning family now has more than a thousand people, not counting the hidden Young Eagle Camp.What the hell is this for?The results seem to speak for themselves.

Ning Yu was a little silent. This problem will have to be faced sooner or later. The Ning family is now walking on a cliff road. They can only move forward and cannot turn back. If they are not careful, they will be lost forever. He wants to persuade the people of the Ning family to follow him Take the road, rather than being driven down the road, when it's too late.

"A few days ago, I went to find my teacher. I was fortunate enough to learn about the changes in the current situation in the court. I even got a general idea of ​​the emperor's will for the local governor. The current situation has changed a lot. If my Ning family does not Make preparations in advance, I am afraid that one day someone will swallow the bones.",

Ning Yu thought for a long time before slowly revealing these words.

Ning Zhongyuan, as a guerrilla general guarding Hanyang, can also feel the undercurrent. But after all, as a general, everything is separated by a layer. Even though he has already believed in half or six points, he still wants to ask more clearly. .

"What else did Mr. Cui say?"

Ning Yu said with a wry smile: "Mr. Cui lives far away from the rivers and lakes, but he has already found it difficult to grasp the situation in the court. He only said that this time is very dangerous--especially for a big family like my Ning family. Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys."

"Kill chickens to scare monkeys?" Everyone gasped, and the Ning family would naturally not be so arrogant that they thought they were monkeys.

To put it bluntly, when will a big landlord and gentry be able to seriously appear on the official platform?But this time, Kangxi was serious.

Ning Zhongjing said: "Is there some misunderstanding? Although my Ning family has some strength in Huguang, it is not a wealthy family after all. What's more, in the past few years, my Ning family has been sent to the Governor's Mansion The money on the board is still low? They should also say something!"

"I'm afraid that if things go bad, it will be Man Pi and Xiande." Ning Zhongyuan said with a blank expression.

"Originally, these two people were greedy, and they had been eyeing my Ning family for a long time. Especially before Governor Man Pi, Zhang Liandeng stood in front of him. No matter how arrogant Man Pi was, he did not dare to be too presumptuous. But now that Zhang Liandeng is gone, With a close Xiande as a wing, coupled with the emperor's will, the situation may be exactly as Mr. Cui expected."

"My Ning family, disaster is coming!"

These words made everyone here a little downcast. If it was an ordinary government, it would be fine. With the power of the Ning family, they would not be too worried.But this time it is the governor plus the governor, and there is an emperor who is sharpening his sword behind him. It may be rare to get through in peace.

Ning Zhongyi was born in the army, and his style is also very tough. He said in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, my Ning family can't be a pig or sheep waiting to be slaughtered. No matter what the result is, there is nothing wrong with Yu'er's early preparations."

Ning Zhongyuan cheered up quickly, he is a person who won't give up easily, he also has concerns about this difficulty in his heart, and said: "Now my Ning family should make two preparations, on the one hand, Zhongjing will be well prepared. Li sent someone to the Governor's Mansion, and said that my Ning family was willing to donate 20 taels of silver to see if I could help tide over the difficulties. On the other hand, Yu'er's preparations can increase support, and Zhongyi and I will do the same Prepare accordingly."

Ning Yu said softly: "If it's only 20 taels, it's fine. I'm afraid that Manpi will make an idea of ​​the Huguang Chamber of Commerce. As the general merchant of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, the third uncle here can go to find President Cheng and other ethnic groups in the near future. Representatives of the Ning family, let this matter out and raise the flag, if Manpi is afraid of the impact, he will not attack our Ning family in a short time."

"It's just that the Huguang Chamber of Commerce can only hold back for a while. My Ning family wants to be stable, but I'm afraid it's still not enough." Ning Yu is also in a heavy mood now. In the face of the general situation, some small tricks really don't have much effect.

Ning Zhongyuan pondered for a while, then suddenly changed the subject and said: "Zhongjing, now that Yu'er is older, it's time to get engaged. After a while, I'll ask the old man of the Cheng family if he would like to match up a good deal. I'll give it to you." Yu'er proposes marriage!"

When Ning Yu heard this sentence suddenly, some couldn't believe their ears, and some were dumbfounded.

"Be engaged?"

I am only seventeen years old now, so I want to get engaged?
But what Ning Yu didn't expect was that the originally heavy atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed, and Ning Zhongjing's tightly locked brows also quietly relaxed, and said with a smile: "Yes, Yu'er has indeed reached the age of getting married. , I just don’t know which lady the second brother wants to betroth to Yu’er?”

For some reason, Ning Yu didn't seem particularly disgusted with this decision. He didn't expect to pursue the so-called illusory love in this age.There are many things that should be realistic or realistic. Now that the family is in a difficult situation, getting married seems to be a good move.

It's just that when Ning Zhongjing asked, Ning Yu couldn't help but see the face of the Cui family's daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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