Cutting 1719

Chapter 75

Chapter 75
Ning Yu said that he has fought a few battles so far, but he understands one truth in his heart, that is, the so-called strategizing is not a factor that can really determine the outcome, and there is no chance to play so many tricks on the real battlefield , The real gun-to-gun-knife-to-knife is the mainstream.

Therefore, no matter how ingenious the strategy he came up with, it still needs to be hit with a knife and a gun in practice, so Ning Yu is already ready for a bloody battle.This is not what Ning Yu wants, but he has no choice.

Looking at Daye County, which is not very tall, Ning Yu needed to put some pressure on the opponent, so he immediately summoned the chief of staff of the division and the two heads of the regiment.

"Today's fight is called siege and reinforcements, so this first battle is very important, we must put pressure on them, otherwise the reinforcements will not come so blindly, we must press hard until they are out of breath , press them to urge reinforcements to come as soon as possible." Ning Yu said slowly.

"According to the reports from the spies, the messengers sent out from this city have already entered Qizhou. The two main forces of Huangzhou Prefecture are the Qizhou Camp and the Taoist Battalion. The two camps have a total of 3000 soldiers and horses. In addition, there are nearly 7000 people in this city, and if these 7000 people are killed, my southeast will be safe for the time being!"

Cheng Zhien frowned slightly, and said: "If they were all veterans before, I believe they could fight like this, but now the entire first division has [-]% recruits who have never seen blood, will they be defeated if they fight like this? gone?"

This reason is very good. If you want to realize the idea of ​​besieging the city and fighting for aid, you need a group of veterans with strong tactical execution capabilities, otherwise it will be easy to be defeated.This is a real feudal army, and its organizational ability is beyond the imagination of later generations. A slightly more complicated situation will lead to the collapse of the entire battle situation.

Dong Ce took a step forward. At this time, he lived up to his studies in the Young Eagle Battalion, and said loudly: "Although our army is mainly recruits, we can fight! For the first battle, my regiment will go first! "What is a sharp knife, Dong Ce has always regarded himself as a sharp knife.

Ning Yu also attached great importance to this good student, and immediately said that the artillery should fire first, but not too much. After all, this time they still need to deal with the reinforcements from Huangzhou, so they need to reserve a certain amount of shells for them.

With the sound of cannons, solid bullets flew towards the head of the city of Daye County, beating the city wall into dust, and taking a few lives from time to time, which made the Qing soldiers on the entire wall terrified. They wanted to fire, but found that the two letter cannons on the wall had been fired.

The city of Daye County was not an important city, so the city walls were all rammed with loess, and after a few shots, a gap was made in the city wall.A few more shells hit the city gate, making a big hole in the wooden city gate, but Xu Mingyuan had already blocked the inside of the city gate with stones, which made Ning Yu slightly regretful.

At this time, the city wall was already in a mess, and there were corpses of the Qing army everywhere. Dong Ce took advantage of the uncertainty of the opponent's army, and decisively ordered the first battalion to mount a bayonet and prepare for close hand-to-hand combat.

The battalion commander who led the charge was originally a soldier from the Young Eagle Battalion, but he was a tough guy at a young age. Dang even ordered the bayonets to be mounted, and led two companies of soldiers, picked up a few ladders and set off towards the city. shock.

Xu Mingyuan saw that the Fuhan army was already preparing to attack the city, so he immediately ordered the Qing army to stand up and meet the attack, especially with four hundred shotgunners leaning against the wall, regardless of whether the Fuhan army rushed forward or not, they began to attack. Shooting, this kind of old-fashioned shotgun not only has a very fast rate of fire, but also has a very short range, probably less than [-] paces of lethality. Therefore, when a round of the gun is put down, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army on the opposite side are all intact.

It wasn't until the soldiers of the Fuhan Army started to build the ladders that the Qing soldiers started shooting at random. After a shot was fired, only a dozen soldiers of the Fuhan Army fell down, and the rest began to climb towards the wall. At this time, the green battalion bird spearmen began to retreat to the city.

This scene made Xu Mingyuan dumbfounded. Considering that the shotgun soldiers really had no hand-to-hand combat ability, he had no choice but to wave his hands to let the swordsmen in the city stand on the wall to prepare for hand-to-hand combat. This made the soldiers of the Fuhan Army hardly pay any price. , already on top of the wall.

In the eyes of the Qing soldiers, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were very good at shooting guns, but not necessarily capable of fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Even more powerful, soldiers of the Qing army kept screaming and fell to the ground.

Chen Xiaowu was standing on the wall with a long flintlock gun in his hand at this time. He was very tall, so he had an advantage when using the flintlock gun to stab. He had already stabbed five or six Qing soldiers to death one after another. The long knife in the soldier's hand was like a joke to Chen Xiaowu—whether it was chopping or chopping, it was not as fast and violent as stabbing.

Several soldiers of the Qing army rushed over with their long swords in hand. Chen Xiaowu and several soldiers of the Fuhan army also held their bayonets to meet them. In just a moment, three soldiers of the Qing army fell down, and the soldiers of the Fuhan army fell down. One of the soldiers also fell—he was slashed in the chest.

Casualties on the battlefield are just such an instant thing, but judging from the overall battlefield situation, the Fuhan Army has already taken an absolute advantage. Under the leadership of the veterans, the recruits of the Fuhan Army quickly adapted to the battlefield conditions The atmosphere, their faces and bodies were covered with blood, and they couldn't tell whether it was their own or the soldiers of the Qing army.

The entire wall was like a huge grinding plate, mixing the soldiers of the Qing army and the soldiers of the Fuhan army together until they could no longer distinguish each other. The sound of fighting resounded throughout the world, as if it made the whole sky red with blood.

I don't know how long it took before the Fuhan army beat the gongs and drums, which meant that the troops would withdraw from the battlefield, and the soldiers slowly retreated from the top of the wall. During this process, the Qing army was really powerless to pursue them. In the fierce battle, their casualties were too heavy and too tragic.

Xu Mingyuan's hands trembled, and he slowly leaned against the wall holding a long knife. In the second half of the battle for the wall, the Qing army could hardly resist, so Xu Mingyuan took his own soldiers out , joined in this bloody fight, and now there are only eight of the twenty bodyguards left, and even Xu Mingyuan himself was stabbed severely in the arm.

Looking at the corpses of the Qing army piled up like a mountain on the city wall, many soldiers of the Qing army began to cry loudly.

"General Xu, when will the reinforcements arrive?" A nearly 50-year-old soldier of the Qing army knelt down in front of Xu Mingyuan while leaning on a knife. All three of his sons died in the hand-to-hand fight just now. , just to keep his old father.

Xu Mingyuan didn't speak, just stared blankly at the sunset in the distance, and murmured: "Yes, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

(End of this chapter)

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