Cutting 1719

Chapter 7 Ideological Education

Chapter 7 Ideological Education
Ning Yu had already made up his mind before coming here that he would implement a militarized management model here, and there was no other way.

The first task of the Young Eagle Battalion was to go to the mountains to cut down trees under the leadership of the captains of each team, and then build their own homes, or military camps, under the leadership of carpenters and masons.

Ning Yu distributed the firewood chopping axes he brought to the captains of each team, each team had three axes, and then they went to the barren hills near the village together, because they were worried that these children were too young, and if they encountered some ferocious beasts, they might not be able to help themselves. If there is a security guard, each team will be equipped with a guard. These guards are only responsible for protecting them and will not do other things.

After the boys left with their tools, Ning Yu arranged for the rest of the boys to deliver all the supplies to the warehouse under the leadership of Zhou Tong, and began to prepare food for the boys.

In this regard, Ning Yu will not be stingy at all. His request to Zhou Tong is very simple, three meals a day, no porridge is allowed, all dry rice is required, and each person needs to supply two liang of pork every day, every three Ten catties of fish per team per day.

It's just that, it's hard to embarrass Zhou Tong, and said: "Young master, isn't it good to eat? Not to mention fish and meat, even if you don't allow porridge for three meals a day, it's probably worse than Fuzhong's food." The little guy in the house eats even better."

Ning Yu said: "You don't need to worry about the required expenses. Now the money in my account is enough to last for a year. In this year, you first follow my standard. If there is no money and food for you, it is my problem. If I If you have given enough money and food, if you still fail to do this or dare to deduct it, you will be severely punished." After speaking, although his face was still gentle, his tone was very severe.

Although the weather was a bit cold in the early spring, these teenagers were sweating profusely on the mountain one by one, and they didn't feel cold at all.No one dares to be lazy, not only because they already know that this is building a house for themselves and others, but also because they know that this is their last chance for survival.

In this era, survival has never been a matter of course. It needs to be robbed and desperately needed.

No one had any complaints, but under the leadership of their respective captains, they looked at the tree one by one, and only when the big tree fell, everyone would cheer together.Even the guards who were protecting them were deeply moved, and some guards were even moved by them and wanted to actively join the youth.

It was just stopped by a boy named Dong Ce who was the leader. He has a high prestige among the boys and is now the captain of Team B.

Dong Ce said sincerely: "Boy, I would like to thank all the big guards for your help, but the young master has told you that the big guards are only responsible for protecting us, and I should do all the rest by myself. Being punished is something I don't want to see."

After hearing these words, the guards dispersed, but the sonorous and powerful words of this young man made everyone admire them.

The people didn't finish their work until it was almost dark, dragging the big tree back to Zhuangzi. When they got back to Zhuangzi, there were already ten large temporary tables placed in the open space, and there were already steaming rice on the tables. Looking at the teenagers, there are still many radishes and vegetables on the table, which suddenly aroused the fragility of many teenagers.

Most of the teenagers recalled the time when they were at home with their parents. Now that things are different, even many teenagers’ parents and parents had starved to death in the heavy snow last year. Thinking of today’s life, they couldn’t help but get red-eyed.

Ning Yu stood on the temporary wooden platform, just in time to have a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and said seriously: "Today is the first day of our Young Eagle Camp, and I want to tell you something today. From today onwards, Everyone in my Young Eagle Battalion sweats and bleeds but does not shed tears, shed skin and flesh and does not fall behind!"

"What's wrong with me? Hold it for me! This is your home, not your home. It's your home because everyone here will be your flesh and blood brothers in the future! It's not your home because only I will kick out the real men, those weeping weaklings one by one!"

Everyone in the audience stared blankly at the roaring figure on the stage. He was not much older than all the teenagers here, but unknowingly, all the teenagers regarded this person as their real big brother. relatives.

This young master whom I met from the Ci'en Temple, this rich young master who accompanied them all the way, at this moment put aside all the gentleness and elegance, and told everyone present in the most manly way, you must be strong!

The teenagers stopped their tears, clenched their fists, and shouted in unison: "Sweat and bleed without tears, and don't fall behind if you lose skin and flesh!"

Standing on the stage, Ning Yu knew that the Young Eagle Camp starting today would surprise everyone. He was looking forward to how dazzling the sword would be when it came out of the body.

In the next ten days, under the guidance of the craftsmen, the teenagers finally built their own house. Although the wooden house is very simple, it can shelter from the wind and rain. Each wooden house will accommodate ten people, and ten people form a group. One monitor. 20 people form a team, with a captain.As for the battalion commander of the entire Young Eagle Battalion, Ning Yu was naturally in charge.

After arranging all the construction matters, Ning Yu considered the class, and personally arranged the class schedule. He got up every morning at [-] o'clock (that is, five o'clock in the later generations), took part in morning jogs, and then continued until Chenshi (seven o'clock in the later generations) Start washing and having breakfast.Chen is starting class, and will learn some simple words every day, and then there will be a one-hour ideological education class to educate these children about their loyalty to Ning Yu himself and to the Ning family.

When Ning Yu was reading books in his previous life, he found that Yuan Shikai’s small station training would have such ideological education classes, so that the soldiers behind did not know that there was an imperial court, but only knew about Yuan Shikai, and it was precisely because of the assistance of this group of forces that Yuan Shikai finally achieved great success. big business.

Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of the Young Eagle Camp, Ning Yu had already made preparations for ideological education, and strived to make these more than two hundred young people truly become his own core strength.The daytime education class will only last until noon (that is, 12 o'clock in later generations), and the rest of the time will be used to cultivate the military and discipline abilities of these children.

Half a month later, two gentlemen arranged by Ning's family also arrived at Zhuangzi. One of them was named Zhen, a boy named Zhen Xuewen, and the other was named Jia, who was originally a scholar and was called Jia Xiucai.Although these two people don't have much real talent and learning, it is not difficult to teach them to read and write. Each of them is five taels of silver per month, which can be called good quality and low price.

On this day, Ning Yu gathered all the teenagers together. After studying and living for a period of time, these teenagers gradually regained their complexion. Each of them drew their waists and chests up, their legs close together, their hands on the sides of their legs, and they stood upright. Then he raised his left arm across his chest and gave a military salute, saying in unison: "Hello, sir."This military salute was also taught by Ning Yu to all the teenagers, and it looks decent.

Zhen Xuewen and Jia Xiucai looked at this scene and felt the gazes of the audience staring at them. They had never seen such a formation before, and they wished they could faint on the spot.

But Ning Yu was still dissatisfied, his face was extremely serious.

"Did you not eat?"

"The voice must be loud! What does this look like? Chirping, pussy!"

"You, just you, Xu Chengdong, stand up straight with your legs together! If you bend your knees again, I will never allow you to stand up!"

"Dong Ce, teach the person next to you what a military posture is!"

Ning Yu's voice swirled in the air, but it scared Zhen Xuewen and Jia Xiucai. When they saw the scene offstage, they felt the gazes of the audience staring at them. .

"Where the hell is this teaching? This is obviously the inspection of soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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