Cutting 1719

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Two days later, Zhou Fu sent people to the mountain to pick up the children, and then settled them down temporarily at the Ning's house at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that the matter had been handled properly, Ning Yu felt relieved, but ordered not to give too much food first, but to eat a little bit, otherwise it is easy to cause a tragedy of eating too much to death, and the other person arranges a set of coarse clothes. Then isolate first.

Zhou Fu was really amazed when he hurriedly arranged the arrangements. These methods seemed simple, but all of them were valuable experience in life. It would be normal for those senior officials in their 50s and [-]s, but a [-]-year-old Young man, he is so sophisticated in dealing with things.

For the servants of the Ning family, this young master of the Ning family is the proud son of heaven, but this does not mean that they are all convinced. After all, in the eyes of more people, although this young master of the Ning family is talented and intelligent, after all Young, has not really established his own prestige.

At this time, Zhou Fu no longer dared to underestimate this young master. He almost watched the old housekeeper Ning Yu grow up. During this period of time, he felt the most changes in Ning Yu, but he also I didn't think much about it, I thought it was because the ancestors of the Ning family had a profound legacy, there was not a single dandy in these generations, and the power of the whole family was like a newborn sun, emitting a dazzling light.However, this made Zhou Fu more loyal. After all, with such a master, future children and grandchildren would have a brighter future.

After a few more days like this, Zhou Fu brought a young man to visit Ning Yu and said, "Young master, Yunmeng Zhuangzi has basically finished sorting out, but these two hundred people used to live in the past, and I am afraid that the house is not enough to live in." .I want to build a new house for a while, so I'm afraid I have to wait a little longer."

Ning Yu pondered for a while, and said, "How many carpenters and masons are there in this mansion?"

Zhou Fu thought about it in his heart, and said: "There are about seven or eight carpenters, and a dozen or so masons. This number is barely enough, but there is still a lot of wood, masonry, and brick materials. If you delay for another two months, you should be able to do it." Finish the house."

Ning Yu smiled lightly and said, "That's not necessary. Then I will take two carpenters and two masons to Yunmeng Zhuangzi. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Zhou Fu was a little confused, so he had no choice but to respond, and then pointed to the young man beside him and said, "Master, this is the dog Zhou Tong, who was not able to follow the old slave before, and grew up in Yunmeng's aunt's family, but now He is already an adult, and he is very familiar with Yunmeng's situation, so he was the one who took care of Yunmeng Zhuangzi, so come quickly and pay your respects to Young Master."

The young man looked honest and honest, knelt down and kowtowed three times in a hurry, and said: "Master, I will follow you from now on, I will do whatever you say!"

Ning Yu was very satisfied with this young man in his heart. After all, in this day and age, he really found someone with a lively mind, and it might be difficult to suppress, but such a simple one is more obedient and more reassuring to use, saying: "Your father You have followed my father for decades, and now you follow me, if you do things well, you will be able to follow me for decades in the future."

When Zhou Fu heard this, he knelt down excitedly, kowtowed and said: "Write more about your kindness and virtue. If a dog dares to offend you, you can punish him by all means. Even if you want to kill him, it should be done." , this old slave has nothing to say!" Lian and Zhou Tong continued to kowtow.

The reason why Zhou Fu was so excited was that in this era, being a servant of the Ning family was not an easy task, and countless people were driven away along the way. Since Ning Yu promised Zhou Tong to be with him for decades, he saved Zhou Tong. A future, this is a real iron rice bowl, which can be called the re-creation of kindness, which is more effective than promises of gold and silver treasures.

Ning Yu helped the father and son up, and said, "Do well, the Ning family will not treat anyone who is loyal to the Ning family badly."

After Zhou Fu's place was cleaned up, he ordered Zhou Tong to take a few servants to accompany Ning Yu on the road. Apart from ten guards and a few craftsmen, there were more than 200 children and dozens of large vehicles. The car, the food and other materials on the car are all available.

Before setting off, Ning Yu was a little worried. Although the distance was not very far, only fifty or sixty miles away, the security in the Qing Dynasty was not very good. What should we do if there were path-cutters on the road?So he told Zhou Fu about this section.

Zhou Fu got the promise, now he was in a good mood, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, young master, there are no thieves in the whole Hanyang mansion who dare to rob my Ning family's car. Even if you encounter some thieves who are not open-eyed, it's okay. The ten guards of the chariot are all strong soldiers in the army, they have killed people who have seen blood, they are all extremely brave, if these dozens of little thieves come, don’t think about it or go back!”

Hearing this, Ning Yu felt a little more at ease. After all, going to Yunmeng this time is related to his initial great career. If he stumbled at the beginning, wouldn't it be a joke to the senior traveler?In order not to be a joke, Ning Yu has already confirmed everything he can think of, and must be foolproof.

Before the group set off, Ning Yu arranged for the 210 children to be divided into teams A, B, C, D, W, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, and ten teams, with 20 people in each team, and then arranged for a slightly older and more prestigious boy to lead them, and told them to take good care of them on the way. Children in this group, don't fall behind.

In this way, a mighty team set off from Xiaogan to Yunmeng, fifty miles away, and the journey was safe and sound. After half a day, everyone arrived outside Zhuangzi in Yunmeng County.

This Zhuangzi is actually very remote, more than ten miles away from Yunmeng County, and there are barren hills on the left and right, except for a few hunters living here, there are almost no other human settlements.Moreover, the surrounding mountain roads are narrow and the roads are difficult to walk, so it is very desolate.

Zhou Tong pointed to Zhuangzi and introduced to Ning Yu: "This Zhuangzi was originally built by the old man. Later, the old man didn't like the desolation of the place, so he gradually abandoned it. Now there is no one else in the Zhuangzi except me to guard it."

However, Ning Yu is very satisfied with this place. In Ning Yu's view, only such a place can achieve his goals in an undisturbed environment.

Soon, the first problem came. There were only seven or eight houses in the village, and it was not enough to fill them all in.

Ning Yu had already made up his mind to gather all those children to the open space in front of Zhuangzi, stand on a slightly higher slope, and look down at the more than two hundred children below.

Ning Yu took out the body deed from his arms, and under the watchful eyes of all the children, he tore it up bit by bit, threw it into the brazier, and lit it with flint. The flames gradually devoured the pieces and turned them into a mass of black ash.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tong on the side almost cried out in surprise.In the eyes of the world, these deeds are all money, and now someone throws money into the brazier.

Ning Yu didn't take it seriously, and said: "From today on, you don't need to be slaves anymore, there are no slaves here."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised. What would you do if you weren't a slave?They are used to being slaves, but now they are not allowed to be slaves all of a sudden, which makes them feel at a loss.

"Today is your first day in Yunmeng Zhuangzi. As the saying goes, if you don't make a prediction, you will lose it. This first day is the time to set the rules. In the future, you will have to work hard on your own. Do you know? "

The children in the audience were all ignorant, only some of the older children had excitement in their eyes, the kind of light Ning Yu was familiar with in his previous life, called hope.They saw hope here, which is what Ning Yu hoped to see.

Ning Yu continued: "In the days to come, until each of you is 16 years old, you will all live here, live in this place, I will give you food and clothes, and I will invite you People come to teach you to read and write, and will teach you to learn various skills. After you are 16 years old, after the assessment, each of you will be given a job, and you can use your own hands to make money and start a family. "

"In the future, you will become eagles soaring in the sky, and nothing can block your eyes, and this place will be your hope!"

"Here, it will be called Young Eagle Camp from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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