Cutting 1719

Chapter 82

Chapter 82
In October of the 59th year of Kangxi, the news of the fall of the three prefectures in Hubei had spread throughout the world. Countless people scolded the rebellious officials and thieves, and countless people rejoiced. Finally, there was hope for the Han people in the world.

At the same time, Emperor Kangxi, who was sitting firmly in Beijing, almost lost his breath after seeing the memorial presented by Man Pi. This old man in his 60s no longer cared about his appearance, and cursed fiercely Man Pi a pass.

"Trash, bastard! My world, let these villains be thrown away wantonly, order to capture all the officials and green camp generals who abandoned the city and fled in the three mansions, and kill them without mercy!"

This thunderous anger made the ministers tremble with fear. This was something Kangxi had never done in recent years. It tore into pieces the pretense that the monarch and ministers were in harmony, which showed the anger in Kangxi's heart.

From this moment on, the name Fuhan Army or Chu Ni began to enter the hearts of the princes of the dynasty. It took a month.

Regardless of Kangxi's ugly face, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen jumped out again, "Report to my father, Chu Ni is so rampant, it is really the governor Manpi who is incompetent, and I hope my father will investigate and deal with this person, and replace him with talents, so as to encourage him Shixin."

It's not that the fourth elder brother didn't know that his remarks would anger Kangxi. It's because he was a straightforward person, and he knew that if the Governor Man Pi was not replaced on the Hubei battlefield, there might be even bigger troubles, so he didn't care about it right now.

When Kangxi heard this, his face became even more gloomy. The last time he worked hard to keep Manpi was the emperor himself!What does your fourth elder brother mean by saying these words now?Want to see your father lose face?I was unhappy but didn't show it. I glanced at the officials and said lightly: "What else do you think?"

Although Ma Qi was secretly scolding Man Pi for his incompetence, he had no choice but to stand up at this time, "Although Man Pi, the governor of Huguang, made a big mistake, he did his best for the Qing Dynasty after all. But it’s not easy to change generals just before the battle. What’s more, we can’t let the Han people do all they can to bring peace to the general situation, and we hope the emperor will learn from us.”

"What's more, it's the general of the green battalion who made the rebellion, and the general of the green battalion who surrendered!" In the words, he vaguely pointed the finger at the Han officials of the Manchu Dynasty. The Han official Ning Zhongyuan rebelled, and the Han official Xu Mingyuan surrendered. , so how should the Hanchen who is full of the dynasty deal with himself?
Ma Qi has long been dissatisfied with the courtiers, especially Li Guangdi, Zhao Shenqiao, Zhou Peigong, and Yao Qisheng, who were promoted by Kangxi before, almost divided most of the power of the ministers, and now they have the opportunity to suppress it.Under these considerations, Ma Qi's words were venomous, pointing out the current situation on the battlefield in Hubei. Not good for full people.

Han Chen who was present was anxious when he heard it. This rhythm, which was obviously going to be blamed on Han Chen, did not care about the difference between Man and Han, and someone came out to refute it immediately.

Wenyuange student Wang Jie immediately appeared on the list. This person is the great-grandson of Wang Xijue, the chief assistant of the previous dynasty.

"My Majesty, what Lord Ma Qi said is reasonable, but the fierce battles with Chu Ni in the past are also green camps. The heart of the Han people is towards the emperor!"

Kangxi watched coldly on the imperial couch. This scene of Manchu and Han ministers attacking each other was all too familiar. Ever since he came to the throne, there were countless such scenes.But Kangxi was also happy with this. Only by dividing and checking and balancing can he ensure that he has power in his hands.

However, at this time, Kangxi was old-hearted but not confused. He naturally understood that now that Chu was in rebellion, if he took action against the green camp, he might force all the Han people in the world to rebel.

"You are all loyal ministers of my Qing Dynasty. Man Pi did not take proper punishments. This Chu rebellion is also an example. How can we distinguish between Man and Han? Order, Man Pi, the governor of Huguang, will quickly quell the chaos before the end of the year Bandit, take back the three mansions, if there is any mistake, I will take his head!"

"Although there were defeats in the past few times, it did not hinder the heart of the generals of the green battalion. It is ordered that there are no families of the soldiers of the green battalion in the Huguang battle. They should be well compensated. Zheng Rong, the general of the Huangzhou Association, is loyal to the country. Even though he died, he is honored and rewarded. The double-eyed feathers are bestowed upon the honorable nobleman.”

After this treatment, the Manchu and Han ministers were satisfied. Manpi was not replaced, which was worthwhile for the Manchurians, and the officers and soldiers of the green battalion were rewarded, which also shows that the Hanchen counselors have made meritorious service. From this point From the point of view, Kangxi, as a generation of kings, has already mastered the way of balance.

It's just that the matter is so, but the knot in Kangxi's heart has not been opened. Next year will be the [-]th anniversary of Yuji. For Kangxi, there are not many years to live. He wanted to make a name, but was caught by this sudden Chu Ni. He slapped his mouth hard.

The subjects of the ruling and opposition parties at home and abroad, don't know how to arrange me in their hearts!
Thinking of this, Kangxi's eyes darkened a little, but he knew that he couldn't fall down now, so he went back to the study with force, but the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent, so he used excuses to kill several people indiscriminately. The palace maid and eunuch, who had troubled her head, felt a little relieved.

Opened a stack of memorials, one of which was reported by North Korean foreign ministers, saying that the king of North Korea, Li Xuan, had passed away, and hoped that the heavenly kingdom could canonize a new heir. Seeing this memorial, Kangxi's heart fluctuated somewhat. .

If it is said that Kangxi has been fighting against San Francisco, Taiwan, and Galdan in the first few decades, but he has been fighting with his own sons in the next few decades. It is also unique in nature, the batch of elder brothers born by myself are all human beings.

First, the brothers fought together for the crown prince, then they fought against the elder brother together, and then it was the Eight Lord Party. In the process of fighting back and forth, Kangxi also had to end himself, so that the brothers turned against each other, and the father and son hated each other. Tragic situation.

Kangxi sighed slightly in his heart, and stopped thinking about those old things. He wrote in the memorial: "Li Wei has been entrusted for 50 years. Li Yun took over the title. All the tributes were brought back, and the tributes were still checked." Kangxi still loved North Korea, the great Qing state.

After reviewing this booklet, Kangxi stopped writing again, thinking of the great general of Fuyuan, Yinti, who was far away in the northwest. It has been two full years since he went to war. At the end of the day, he planned to order Fuyuan General Yinzhen to meet next year's division. After thinking about it, he added another sentence, "Hui Yinti, I am very safe, but you have lived outside the Great Wall for a long time, and your bones are stronger? I really can't bear it." , give him a brocade robe, and take pity on him."

Kangxi thought of the fourteenth elder brother who shared his worries, and thought of the fourth elder brother who was his mother and compatriot. Thinking of what the fourth elder brother said today, he felt a little more bored.

(End of this chapter)

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