Cutting 1719

Chapter 4 Bereaved Children

Chapter 4 Bereaved Children
After a while, Ning Yu and others came to the back mountain. The thatched sheds everywhere were very simple and messy, and the straw used was the kind that was about to rot. Fortunately, it didn't rain. If it rained, it might not be able to last for a while.

Although the thatched hut is simple and simple, children's laughter and laughter can be heard inside, the voices are clear and energetic. This makes Ning Yu feel such vigorous vitality for the first time since crossing.

Yes, Ning Yu, who has traveled since time immemorial, can be said to be out of tune with this era. Most of the people he meets are very insensitive, old-fashioned and boring. Others are extremely cautious in front of him, a young master, and dare not even laugh loudly.

Now, although he hasn't seen the children in the hut yet, Ning Yu's heart is full of anticipation.

Monk Yuan Hui shouted from outside the door: "Children, come out quickly, let's serve porridge." After speaking, he sent two monks to call for help from each hut.

After a while, more than 100 children came out of Wuyang Wuyang from the grass shed, each of them was very thin and dressed in ragged clothes. Trembling, their little faces were flushed, first they looked at Ning Yu and the housekeeper and other strangers with fear, and then they saw Monk Yuanhui with smiles on their faces.

Afterwards, dozens of children came out intermittently, until the two monks came to say that they were all here, Yuan Hui hurriedly asked the two monks to put the porridge quickly, and those children couldn't wait, and they all held broken bowls He looked helplessly at the monk who served the porridge.

Ning Yu looked at the clear porridge in the bucket, and couldn't help frowning slightly. A bowl of clear porridge was filled with seven or eight percent water, and the rest was rice. A bowl of such porridge wouldn't make you hungry at all, let alone a child Less than half a bowl.

Seeing Ning Yu frowning, Yuan Hui knew the reason in his heart, and sighed softly: "The poor monks don't want to add more porridge and rice. It's really unsustainable for the whole temple. Fortunately, the old lady brought the money and rice, and it can be urgent One or two, today's porridge is too much."

Ning Yu sighed slightly. He only thought it was delicious when he ate the vegetarian food. Seeing this scene like this, he felt a little complicated in his heart. Naturally, his city government would not ask why these children were struggling with life and death, and they gave back to themselves. This group of people ate such a relatively rich vegetarian meal.

Looking at Yuan Hui who had been reciting the Buddha's name, and looking at those sallow and emaciated children, Ning Yu finally made up his mind, agreed to Yuan Hui, and asked for a contract.

However, since he had already said that he would pray for the old lady, Ning Yu did not lie. No matter in the past or present, there was no one who treated him so well. Today's prayer is not only for repayment, but also for peace of mind.

Since Ning Yu crossed over, he has never understood what he wanted in his heart. The life of the so-called rich man is only about eating and drinking, but when it comes to life ambitions, he is at a loss.This time of being at a loss is definitely not about studying and becoming an official, nor going to battle to kill the enemy, but an identification with one's own life.It's okay if you live in a daze, at least Ning Yu knows that the next hundred years will be peaceful in general.But, really live like this, okay?

Ning Yu, who has lived through the society in the previous life, actually resists the so-called righteousness of the monarch and ministers in his heart, so he cares so much about the braids in the back of his head.Over time, it has turned into obsession. Excessive obsession is like being trapped in a cocoon, which will become a very dangerous situation.

Why is it very dangerous?Let me just say the simplest truth, in this era where everyone is a slave, one must get used to kneeling, the lowest level of untouchables will almost kneel down when they see the master with a little status, and the higher level Ordinary civilians would bow down when they saw an official, but the sons of officials like Ning Yu would also bow down when they saw Manchu dignitaries.

This is just a microcosm, because the deeper reason is that Ning Yu's truly free heart will hardly be accommodated by this world.If they survive in this environment for a long time, they will either be willing to be assimilated and become a slave of this era, or they will be burned together.

Now that Ning Yu met Monk Yuanhui, the shackles in his heart were slowly lifted. Although the two had only talked a few times in the short three days, Monk Yuanhui became Ning Yu's spiritual teacher and friend.

Before going down the mountain, monk Yuanhui gave Ning Yu a 24th verse of the patriarch, the venerable master, saying, "When you are talking about knowledge and vision, knowledge and vision are all the heart. When you are mindful, you know the vision, and the knowledge and vision are now."

Ning Yu memorized this Buddhist verse, held a thick pile of body deeds, and brought the housekeeper Zhou Fu and two guards down the mountain, but it was hard to hide his thoughts, so he asked the housekeeper Zhou Fu to send the child's body on the mountain. The reason was told truthfully, but the conversation with Monk Yuanhui was omitted.

Zhou Fu thought it was something important at first, and his face was a little nervous, but now he didn't take it to heart when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Young master, you don't have to worry about this section, the money of the Ning family is nothing. If you say This is the reason, and that is even more simple, now that Young Master is about to worship Mr. Cui Wancai, a great scholar of the Academy, as his teacher, it is very common to have some fame, so others dare not make irresponsible remarks."

Ning Yu felt relieved at this time. For him, no matter what good or bad things are, it's not that he can't do them, but he has to consider the impact on himself. In my mind, there is no imprint.

Pressing this matter, Ning Yu said again: "When I go back and report this matter to my grandmother, you can go to the mountain to pick up those children. Grandma is a bodhisattva, and I don't think she will object, but this person can't do it next time." Put it aside, but you have to think of a way to put it back."

Zhou Fu bowed slightly, and said: "Don't worry, young master, the Ning family has quite a lot of property. There are dozens of shops in the whole Hanyang Prefecture, and there are seven or eight mines of various types. Although the ordinary two hundred children are young , but it’s not difficult to make a living by sewing and mending. When you get older, you can work.”

Ning Yu nodded slightly, but his heart moved, but he thought of another joint, and asked, "Is there still an idle Zhuangzi in the mansion?"

Zhou Fu was a little puzzled, and said: "There are several Zhuangzi in the mansion, but they are all very remote. The nearest one is in Yunmeng, which is probably more than fifty miles away from here. It takes about half a day to ride a horse."

Ning Yu said: "It's okay if it's fifty or sixty miles away. After you go back, arrange for someone to clean up the village, and then find a servant who is familiar with the situation there, and listen to my arrangements at any time."

Zhou Fu has been in the Ning family for a long time, and he already has a network of contacts of his own. Although this power is very inconspicuous in the eyes of the master, it is very convenient to use it to do things.

Originally, the journey was not long, and everyone quickly entered the city and returned to Ning Mansion.

Ning Yu bathed and changed clothes under the service of his maid. At this age, he was originally most concerned about female sex, but Ning Yu had no shortage of women before time travel. Didn't do anything.

The two maidservants who accompanied her were both born in the mansion, one named Chunzhu and the other Chunlu. Originally, these two names were quite poetic and picturesque, but Ning Yu felt weird reading them, as if they were cursing, but the two maids I'm used to it, and I don't think it's wrong.

Ning Yu sat motionless on the chair, while Chun Zhu combed his hair behind him, trying to braid the little lock of hair.Chunlu stood aside, with towels and other things on the tray in his hand, as well as a cup of good green tea.

This tea is not for drinking, but for gargling. This is also a rule handed down by relatives and nobles in Manchuria. It is called "Chonglonggou", and the tea used is also the best Longjing.But don't think that there is no toothbrush in this era. In fact, many people use bone toothbrush and green salt to brush their teeth. However, this "Chonglonggou" is relatively more luxurious, so many wealthy families will use this method. .

While enjoying the service, Ning Yu asked, "Is grandma in a good mood these two days?"

While serving Ning Yu, Chunzhu said softly: "Young master, the third master came to the door yesterday, and the old lady was very happy, and she ate an extra bowl of jujube soup last night, and now the third master is talking with the old lady. "

Knowing that the third uncle was coming, Ning Yu's heart moved, but he had an idea, so he immediately went to the main courtyard to greet the old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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