Cutting 1719

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

In the late August of the 58th year of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi set off from Rehe Palace to hunt in Tucheng, accompanied by his third son, Prince He Shuocheng, Yinzhi, fifteenth son, Yinlu, emperor's sixteenth son, Yinlu, and emperor's twentieth son, Yinzhi.袆, drive with you.

Hunting is a traditional activity since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, mainly to remind future generations not to forget the skills of riding and shooting.Therefore, Emperor Kangxi personally dismounted to shoot and hunt many times, and brought a few sons with him, hoping that they would not forget their roots.

Today's Emperor Kangxi is 65 years old. According to this age, he is already extremely long-lived. He has also worked as an emperor for 58 years, which is very rare in Chinese dynasties.

Emperor Kangxi was holding a gold-threaded silk bow in his hand, and was concentrating on aiming at an elk. He loosened the finger of his left hand slightly, and the arrow pierced the elk's neck fiercely. The elk fell to the ground and shot two shots. A helpless cry.

The guards around him applauded loudly, and Kangxi's own face showed a touch of color. After all, he is also an old man in his 60s now, but he is still like an old lion, wanting to show off to everyone. Stretch out your claws to show that your ambition is not old.

Prince He Shuocheng Yinzhi personally took the long arrow from the palace man, knelt on the ground with his hands on one knee, and said excitedly: "Father Emperor Tianwei, the arrow is invincible." The rest of the princes also knelt on the ground and shouted He Xi said, "Father Emperor Tianwei, God's arrows are invincible."

Such a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety is rare, so Emperor Kangxi wanted to seize this opportunity to give an educational class, so he slightly nodded and said: "Since I was young, I have captured 130 five tigers and twenty bears with shotguns and bows and arrows. , 25 leopards, 96 lynx cats, 130 elk, [-] wolves, [-] and [-] wild boars, and hundreds of deer were captured by sentry. The rest of the paddocks were randomly shot wild animals, innumerable."

Yun Zhi knelt down and said: "Father is unparalleled in shooting and hunting, invincible at home, and no one has ever done such a feat in thousands of years, not to mention to Father, these are just trails. Dan, everything is successful. Now that scheming Allah Butan is just the prey of the father's arrow, and he shoots it casually."

Emperor Kangxi has been on the throne for more than 50 years, and he has heard so many flattery words every day, but now these words still scratch his itching, what he wants in this life, what he wants is the posthumous name of a sage.

Looking at the princes and others kneeling in front of him, Emperor Kangxi continued to start the education class.

"I even shot 310 or eight rabbits in one day. If you are an ordinary person, you can't reach this number in a lifetime. The reason why I told you repeatedly is because you are still young, you should study hard. There is nothing you can't learn well. I am only capable by learning, there is no one who is born capable."

These earnest words made Yinzhi and the others' eyes turn red, and they didn't know if they really wanted to cry or forced their own tears.

In this scene of fatherly kindness and son filial piety, someone presents a stack of memorials without knowing what is good or bad.Although Emperor Kangxi went out to hunt and have fun, he still had to do the daily work.

Emperor Kangxi skillfully picked up a memorial book that was placed on the top, and then a little eunuch prepared a vermilion pen beside him for the emperor's verdict.

Just as soon as he opened the memorial, Emperor Kangxi's face became gloomy. As a result, civilians were beaten, and additional banknotes were sent and written."

A bunch of idiots, Emperor Kangxi cursed in his heart, but no matter how angry he was, the ink brush in his hand didn't stop, "Let me go to the trial with Zhang Tingshu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, and Deyin, a cabinet scholar."

Afterwards, a few more copies were approved, and Emperor Kangxi's complexion improved a little, but after seeing the last memorial from Hubei Governor Zhang Liandeng, his face was as dark as black charcoal, and he ruthlessly threw the memorial in his hand.

"What is Zhang Liandeng trying to do! I have repeatedly ordered that the green battalion should not add shotguns and artillery without authorization, not to mention that Huguang is the place of the heart, even if there are one or two thieves, why should there be additional cannons? The most hateful thing is that it is just for mere military equipment. If you check it, you will hurt me, a member of the Qing Dynasty!"

This thunderous rain and dew was so frightening that no one dared to speak out.

Emperor Kangxi's face was a little worried in his anger. He had already clearly felt that the situation was unstable. There were turbulent waves at home and abroad in the Qing Dynasty, and the undercurrent was rolling. Before they died, these people couldn't bear it anymore.

Looking at the group of slaves who only knelt and kowtowed before him, Emperor Kangxi couldn't help but miss Li Guangdi back then. No matter how much selfishness Li Guangdi hid in his work and how many interests he mixed in, he was a capable person after all. , also tend to have ideas.

In fact, Zhang Liandeng's memorial is very simple, that is, he narrates what he saw and heard during this armament inspection, but added a sentence at the end, "I think this shotgun cannon is powerful, so I can send people to make more. The preparation of military resources can be slowed down between the light and the heavy."

It was a very normal remark, but in the eyes of the suspicious and anxious Emperor Kangxi, there was a different flavor hidden.

Because Zhang Liandeng didn't understand Emperor Kangxi, Kangxi never doubted the power of firearms. Whether he was fighting San Francisco or fighting Galdan, he made great use of firearms.

And every year some foreign missionaries will also bring the most advanced western firearms to the palace.For Emperor Kangxi to appreciate and use.But the more he knew about firearms, the more worried Kangxi became, because this firearm is really terrible. It can arm tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Han people in a short period of time. With the background of the Han people, it is almost infinite. Endless.

If that day really comes, how can the Eight Banners nation with 200 million people be able to defeat it?I'm afraid it's impossible to run back outside the pass.

Thinking of this, Emperor Kangxi couldn't bear it anymore. Now he just hoped that before he died, he could win a posthumous name.But these slaves are poaching the corners of his Great Qing Dynasty.

"The Ministry of Punishment and a department went to try the case. Governor Man Pi acted ruthlessly and fined him three months' salary. Zhang Liandeng repeatedly made outrageous remarks. He didn't think about the way of Confucius and Mencius. He suspended his post and closed his door to reflect on himself, so that he could study."

This outbreak was lifted heavily and put down gently. It is really that the current Emperor Kangxi is unwilling to set off a political tide. If the situation is turbulent, it will take a lot of effort to stabilize the situation.

Now that such a thing happened, Emperor Kangxi was overwhelmed with tiredness, no longer in the mood to continue hunting, lay on the couch and waved: "Go back to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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