Cutting 1719

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
Ruzhou City was already in a sea of ​​flames at this time. Countless houses were burned to the ground in the fire, and the corpses in the city were also piled up like mountains. It was obvious that they had just experienced a war, and there were traces of blood and fire everywhere.

A middle-aged scribe, escorted by a group of poorly dressed soldiers, came to a yamen in the city. It was originally the official residence of Deng Yu, the prefect of Ruzhou, but now it has been changed into the Juyi Hall of the Bailian Rebel Army.

The middle-aged scribe was none other than Xue Guan. After transporting the artillery and shotguns back to the Bailian Rebel Army, Ruzhou was knocked out of its shell in the artillery fire, revealing its fragile side. That is, after a two-day siege, the Bailian Rebel Army sent The whole city has been occupied, and his contribution this time is not small.

At this time, there were a lot of people in the Juyi Hall, and many of these people were the leaders and rudder leaders of the branch under the White Lotus Sect. They also led their own troops in the army, so they had great power in their hands. The looted folk girls played wantonly, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was chaotic.

Xue Guan had seen the rigor of the Fuhan Army before, so now he looked at the Bailian Rebel Army and it was not pleasing to the eye. Before he could speak, his brows frowned slightly, and then eased down.

The middle-aged man sitting on top of the head is Liu Ruhan, the leader of the Bailian Rebel Army. This person was originally from the Eight Diagrams Sect, but after joining the White Lotus Sect, he was like a fish in water. It only took more than 20 years to become the leader of the White Lotus Sect in various provinces. Later, in order to conceal his identity, the chief rudder used a large amount of money, grain and rice to donate and was selected as the magistrate of Ronghe County, Shanxi Province, and became a local official of the Qing court.

Later, in September of the 56th year of Kangxi, there was a "rebellion case" of the White Lotus Sect in Shandong, Henan.Bailian disciples Li Xuechen, Li Yishan, supervisor Cao Xi and others wanted to "gather a crowd to kill officials", but they were "surrounded secretly" by Ran Jieyi, the magistrate of Lanyang County, Henan Province.

The most terrible thing is that according to Li Xuechen's confession, one is Zhao Xungong, who is from Shanxian County, Shandong, and one is Yuan Jin, who is from Caozhou, and is the head of the Bailian sect. "Yuan Jin pulled out Liu Zuochen's confession again. Liu Zuochen had already passed away due to illness. Chayi's descendants had no practice of teaching, and the matter was settled in the case. However, his son Liu Ruhan and Liu Ruqing, who was a candidate for teaching, "are the sons of a cult, and they will all be dismissed."

This is a good thing. After losing his job, Liu Ruhan, the chief rudder of the White Lotus Sect, could only go back to his old profession. After the rebellion of the Han army in Huguang, he immediately joined the anti-Qing cause.

Xue Guan first bowed in accordance with the rules of the sect, and then explained in detail what he had seen and heard in the Fuhan army, "I tell the leader, although our army is powerful now, but it lives in the Qing court and the Fuhan army. In the middle of the army, it is inevitable that they will suffer from the disaster. I hope the leader will make plans early."

Liu Ruhan seems to have a cheerful personality, but in fact he has a deep scheming heart. He glanced at Chen Daoxian, the former rudder master of Baihe Dao, with deep meaning, and then said with a smile: "Now my teacher Chen Daoxian is married to the major general of the Fuhan Army. Even with so many cannons and shotguns, there is no need to worry too much about the Fuhan army."

Chen Daoxian was sitting first on the lower right hand, with a medium build and a full beard that made him look like a pig butcher, he said loudly: "Master, today's Fuhan army should not be underestimated, their original foundation is very strong. Strong, it is said that their cannons are better than those of the Qing dogs, if they succeed in rebelling against the Qing in the future, the Fu-Han army will definitely be the biggest opponent of my teaching!"

These words made everyone a little confused. After all, at this point, only he, Chen Daoxian, had a close relationship with the Fuhan Army, but Chen Daoxian didn't say anything good about the Fuhan Army, as if he was only thinking about the White Lotus Sect.

Liu Ruhan nodded lightly, his reaction seemed to be very indifferent, he put aside the topic and said, "Brothers, what should my rebel army do next, and what countermeasures do you have?"

When talking about this topic, all the leaders of the rebel army present put down the miserable woman in their arms, and listened intently to the matters closely related to them. The atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became solemn.

Xue Guan took a step forward, first glanced at the leaders of the rebel army present, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he said loudly: "I want to report to the leader, although our rebel army has a large number of people, it has not yet been established, so that the upper and lower ranks are not respected. It's not clear, if you want to change your life, the first thing is to become king."

Be king?This word suddenly made everyone in the hall feel their hearts beating faster, and their mouths were even a little parched. Most of these people were just muddy legs, but now they have the courage to occupy Ruzhou, and their ambitions are also ignited. The king doesn't seem so far away either.

At that moment, some people clamored to recommend Liu Ruhan to replace the old man Kangxi, try to be an emperor, and many people flattered him, it seemed that they were all dazzled by this title of king.

Liu Ruhan's face changed a little, he was obviously attracted by this proposal to become king, as for the stupid thing like being called emperor, he would not do it, there is still room for slowing down, being called emperor is just forcing the Qing court to stare at him. He hit.

"What is Chen Duo's opinion on this matter of being king?" Liu Ruhan would always ask the other party's opinion on this kind of matter.

Chen Daoxian nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "If you call him the leader again, I'm afraid you won't be able to show your majesty. This is called the king's system, and it should be right now." , they are not allowed to be dukes and the like, and it is considered a hard work in vain.

Xue Guan said in a high voice: "If you are called king, the leader might as well order you to be the king of Han, to express the meaning of rejuvenating the Han Dynasty and eradicating the Manchu, and it also coincides with the taboo of the leader's name."

Liu Ruhan Liu Ruhan, if he can be like a Han, the world will be at his fingertips. At this time, this name actually carries a magical power, which makes people feel more at ease.

Liu Ruhan was also very excited at the moment, so after rectifying the army Anzha, he called himself King Jianzhi in the city of Ruzhou, named himself King of Han, and made Chen Daoxian the general of Fuhan, Xue Guan the prime minister, and the rest of the big and small leaders were awarded Award.

This news soon spread to the Qing court and the Fuhan army, but they were silent about it. The Qing court did not say anything because it was about to mobilize a large army to conquer the Fuhan army, and the main force had no time to take care of Liu Ruhan at the moment. The Fuhan Army disdained it, but they only engulfed hundreds of thousands of refugees. If they really want to fight, what kind of situation can this gang of mobs make?

However, at this stage, the action of the Fuhan Army also began. After taking Xinyang first, Ning Zuyi also led the first garrison division to capture Jiujiang, a key place. Although there were not many defenders in Jiujiang, due to The city is strong and tall, and Ning Zuyi's first garrison division also suffered heavy casualties. More than a thousand people died under the city. This is thanks to Ning Yu's method of breaking the city with gunpowder. down.

However, after all these actions, today's Fuhan army appears to be very superior in strategic position. With Jiujiang resisting the westward advance of the Qing court's Yangtze River navy, and Xinyang as the fulcrum to defend Huguang, the entire defense system has initially been established.

(End of this chapter)

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