Cutting 1719

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
After seeing this scene, the sentry of the Qing army went back to report the truth to Wang Xuan.

After Wang Xuan listened to it, he understood the doubts in his heart, that is, the Fu Han army on the opposite side had no intention of attacking Luo Xiaoshan, but went to attack other places while the main force of the Qing army was concentrated in Luoxiao Mountain.This is why the Fuhan army fired artillery all night, but did not send anyone to attack the mountain.

All of a sudden, Wang Xuan, who didn't know anything about soldiers, became a little suspicious. Could it be that the Fuhan army on the opposite side was playing an empty city strategy for him?He grew up listening to operas when he was young, and Sima Zhongda was scared away by Zhuge Liang's empty city plan, which became a once-in-a-lifetime joke, but now he feels that the current situation is somewhat similar.

Naturally, Wang Xuan didn't want to be treated as a big joke, and he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's division of troops to take advantage of it. As for the words of "stand by and wait for help" that Zhang Changen told before the war, it became It's windy.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuan summoned all the generals in the battalion, and began to divide up the troops, leading more than [-] people to attack down the mountain. The soldiers of the Qing army all over the mountains and plains waved their knives and guns, and many of them held Holding a shotgun and wearing paper armor, it looks like that.

Like other green camps, Wang Xuan's Yongzhou Town also didn't have many cannons and Weiyuan cannons. The bullets fired at this time were still solid bullets, and the range was very limited. Unable to fight, the Qing soldiers gave up their plan to continue firing.

However, in the eyes of Zheng Guangguo who was stationed at this time, these attacking Qing soldiers were disorderly, and they were simply the best targets. He immediately ordered the artillery to replace them with explosive bombs, and waited until the Qing soldiers entered a distance of [-] steps. Only then was the order to fire.

Explosive bombs fell from the sky one by one, creating a cloud of blood in the ranks of the Qing soldiers, killing dozens of people on the spot, and the rest of the Qing soldiers also began to disperse in all directions, except for the more than [-] shotgun soldiers in Yongzhou Town Instead of retreating, he thought about using the musket in his hand to suppress the flowering bullets of the Fuhan army.

Zheng Guangguo did not waver in the slightest, and waved his hand to let the troops of the Second Regiment go up to them. Two thousand Musketeers lined up in three rows and marched towards the Javelins in Yongzhou Town. The roar of artillery fire continued, and clouds of smoke almost covered The whole world.

The newly appointed head of the Second Regiment is named Xue Cheng. He was originally a soldier from the Young Eagle Battalion. On the way to the head of the second regiment, he looked at the Qing army's pikemen who were less than a hundred paces away, and slashed down with his long knife.

"Fire!" The soldiers of the Fuhan Army skillfully pulled the trigger, then took a step back, let the soldiers in the second row step forward, and continued to reload the ammunition by themselves. The whole process was so smooth that Zheng Guangguo was fascinated by it.

On the other hand, the Qing army shotgunners at this time fell down dozens of people at once, and the psychological impact brought to the Qing army was unparalleled. Many Qing soldiers have already begun to look at the road behind them, thinking about how to get out of this tragic land. battlefield.However, they could barely fire after entering the seventy steps. Due to the lack of power, many bullets did not have the corresponding lethality at all after being fired.

In terms of formation, both the Qing army and the Fuhan army are in three formations, but in terms of the consistency of shooting, the Qing army is far behind the Fuhan army. Now the Fuhan army can shoot out in a quarter of an hour. There were about twelve volleys, but the Qing army could only shoot six volleys, almost being beaten.

Wang Xuan's face was ashen, looking at the fallen Qing army, but his heart was chilling. The Han army was really unbelievable. In just a short while, he had already sent out more than 200 of his [-] green battalion soldiers. life!

At this time, the Fuhan army had no more than a dozen casualties. These people were carried down by the Fuhan army on stretchers, and they were not directly ignored like the Qing army, or even more viciously made up for it—they were passing through the Fuhan army. Under the treatment of military doctors specially equipped by the army, some people can still survive.

For the Qing army, as long as they were hit by lead bullets, they had no choice but to die.Their morale was not high enough in the first place, but now that they looked at the real situation on the battlefield, they almost collapsed, and there were some disturbances in the formation.

As the morale of the soldiers of the Qing army's green battalion gradually declined, it was obvious that the battle could not be fought any longer. At this time, Xue Cheng also seized the opportunity of the low morale of the soldiers of the Qing army and issued orders loudly.

"Prepare to throw bombs!"

The grenadier battalion also turned around from the side at this time. They were all muscular, holding a grenade in one hand and a fire bag in the other. They wore fiery red military uniforms like a scorching sun.

Soon, with an order, the ignited grenade was thrown out, smashing hard into the Qing army column that was no more than seventy paces across, and with a huge roar, clouds of blood burst out, It made the whole world change color. The Qing army could no longer bear the blow, let go of their feet, and quickly ran towards the back of the mountain.

But in just over an hour, the [-] Qing troops were almost completely defeated, and the remaining [-] Qing troops on the mountain had no choice but to come to support them, but were beaten to pieces by the artillery of the Independent Artillery Regiment.

After a long time, after paying huge sacrifices, the Qing army finally returned to the defense line on the mountain. After investigation, it was found that after a battle just now, the Qing army left at least more than 800 corpses at the foot of the mountain, and more than 300 people disappeared. up.

This is an extremely terrifying number, because before modern wars, the casualty rate in wars was not that high, let alone causing such a large number of casualties in just one hour.However, under the handwriting of the Fuhan army today, the use of flintlock guns, grenades, and thunder cannons basically caused the Qing army to completely collapse.

Wang Xuan looked at the nearly intact Fuhan army at the foot of the mountain, and his heart was about to spurt out old blood. How can this battle be fought?At the moment, he didn't care too much, so he sent seven letters for help to Zhang Chang'en, which can be said to be crying blood.

Of course, under Zheng Guangguo's arrangement, only four letters from Zhang Changen were intercepted, and the remaining three letters arrived in Yuezhou smoothly under the leadership of the envoy, and met Zhang Changen on the spot.

Naturally, Zhang Changen would not feel strange about this situation. If Wang Xuan could hold it, it would make him feel puzzled, but Zhang Changen did not want to send out this reinforcement.Because in Zhang Changen's view, if the Fuhan army came to the city in the future, the [-] green battalion would be his trump card to save his life.

But at this moment, the news that Dong Ce's regiment occupied Chang'an and Taolin was also passed on, which made Zhang Changen a little flustered. The reason is very simple. If the regiment continues to attack, there is a chance If the back road of Yuezhou is completely sealed off, then something bad will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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