Cutting 1719

Chapter 141 Battle at Linjiang

Chapter 141 Battle at Linjiang

The Ningyu road is moving extremely fast, and the main purpose is to seize the Linjiang Mansion, so as to have the opportunity to continue to advance eastward. The key lies in whether it can rely on [-] soldiers and horses to defeat the high-ranking [-] Qing army. Compared with Changsha The form of the First World War should be much more relaxed, because in the First World War in Changsha, there must be victory and no peace, otherwise Ningyu will be delayed, and Chapina's [-] Qing troops can be sent north to Jiujiang.

The current situation is different. Gao Qiwei needs to rush to the decisive battle with Ningyu, and then go north for reinforcements. Otherwise, relying on Chapina's [-] Qing army, it will be very difficult to conquer Jiujiang itself in a short time. With two garrison divisions and a garrison regiment, more than [-] troops plus solid city defenses, it is by no means easy for the Qing army to capture.

According to Ning Yu's current evaluation of the combat power of the Fuhan Army, the main division is fully equipped and takes a long time to train, so the battle is at least three times that of the green battalion of the Qing army. No problem, and the strength of the garrison division is only a line higher than that of the green battalion, and they all play a defensive role in strategic deployment.

Although it is possible to procrastinate at the moment, Ning Yu doesn't want to and is unwilling to procrastinate. According to the previous strategic thinking, as long as there is a stalemate in the war situation, Ning Yu's southern conquest army will be restricted in place, which is not beneficial to the Qing army. For example, because the Qing army is backed by the whole country after all, it is naturally stronger than the Fuhan army in terms of personnel mobilization and material collection.

On the tenth day of July, Ning Yu officially commanded the army to launch an attack on Xinyu. It took only one day. At that time, most of the officials in the city fled without a trace, while the Fuhan Army only suffered 82 casualties.

On July [-]th, the Ningyu army arrived at Qingjiang and surrounded the city. At this time, the Qing army in the city, plus some mobilized family members, had no more than [-] people.During the bombardment of the city for half a day, Li Shihu, the head of the third regiment, personally led the daredevils to climb up the city wall and waged a bloody battle with the Qing army for several hours.

When the city fell, Ning Yu walked into the city with bloody water. Many people knelt down on both sides of the road. They had terrified expressions on their faces. They only heard about this army without braids. Only a small number of old people who have experienced the San Francisco riots recalled the mountain of bloody corpses killed that year, and they couldn't help turning pale.

For most common people, they don't know what national righteousness is, and they don't understand what it means to restore our Han family. Qiu did nothing wrong, but there are still many people who are still on guard.

"I will report to the governor, now that our army has captured Qingjiang, this Linjiang mansion can be regarded as in hand, but according to what the spies said, the [-] high-ranking Qing troops marched extremely fast, and now they have arrived in Fengcheng. It's only been two days."

Dong Ce spread out the map. The topographical description on it was very detailed, much clearer than the one used by the Fuhan Army at present, so it made everyone very happy. It was originally captured from Yang Lin, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. The Japanese battle of Changsha was defeated too quickly, and many things fell into the hands of the Fuhan army, including this map.

For people like Ning Yu who took care of the contour maps of later generations, he really couldn't bear it. Such a detailed map in the eyes of everyone, in Ning Yu's view, the information is too little and too vague. It is necessary to send more people to survey the nearby terrain.This is also a good habit of Ning Yu brought to the whole army. Whenever he goes to a place, he must first observe the terrain in person, so that he can know it well.

Ning Yu intends to wait until the war is stable, and organize a special geographical and geological survey team in the future, which will be composed of soldiers from the Fuhan Army, and then pass on the contour lines, so that they can draw more surprising military maps. It is also possible to explore some minerals in the shallow layer of the surface.

Of course, these are all things to say later, Ning Yu didn't think about it any more, but used his fingers to draw between Qingjiang and Fengcheng. Judging from the distance, the two places are not far away, and the appetizers on both sides have been eaten. , Now it's time for the formal dinner.

"Order to go on, the whole army should rest as soon as possible, don't do anything to disturb the people, and then strengthen the city defense. I don't think that after two days, Gao Qiwei will have to fight a siege battle with us."

The smile on Ning Yu's face was extremely mysterious, "Send someone to ask where the only division is, so that they don't have to come to Jiangxi, go directly to Ganzhou, and then go north from Ganzhou to Ningdu, Jianchang, and Guangxin. As for the main force The troops of the Second Division don’t need to come to Jiangxi anymore, they won’t be able to keep up with this battle, after taking the whole of Hunan, they will go north to Jingzhou to support the Wuchang war.”

This move is equivalent to completely changing the previous strategic plan. In the original idea, the first and second divisions of the main force took Hunan after eliminating the threat of Guangdong and Guangxi, and then let the second division be in charge of guarding the entire Hunan. The first division and the newly formed independent first division marched into Jiangxi, so that there would not be too much disadvantage locally.

However, because of the Battle of Changsha, Ning Yu directly defeated the [-] Qing army in one brain, which was considered to have relieved the threat ability of the Qing army in Guangdong, Guangxi, and completely liberated the second division. The second division can be sent to Hubei in advance. And there is no threat near Hunan, so the newly formed city defense regiment is in charge, which is an appropriate benefit.

Dong Ce has followed Ning Yu for a long time, and he understands this set very well in his heart, but he still has some worries, "If the layout is done in this way, only the first division and the independent second division can guard Linjiang. Is it feasible for 4 people?"

"It depends on how the high-level cards are played. If there are only 4 people, if he attacks the city, it may not be enough. If he can continue to transfer reinforcements from Nanchang, then it is just what I want. As for how to defend , that is our specialty, we can play some new tricks in these two days."

As for defense, Ning Yu still has a lot of routines that can be used in his mind. If not for the lack of time, Ning Yu would like to turn this small Qingjiang city into a bastion.With the attack methods of the 18th century, it really didn't have much effect on those bastions.

However, although the bastion is impossible to play, it is still possible to dig a few trenches outside Qingjiang City and then arrange barbed wire. With these things, the Qing army is not afraid that the Qing army will dare to fight directly against the barbed wire.Of course, the Qing army can also choose to take a detour, but once the detour, the Fuhan army can also choose to enter Fengcheng. At that time, Gao Qiwei's logistics supplies may be cut off, and the battle will be impossible to fight.

Of course, Gao Qiwei can also choose to besiege, but in Ning Yu's vision, the siege is not too bad for the current Fuhan army. After all, there is an independent first division outside. For the other prefectures in Jiangxi, if you go straight up from Fuzhou, the [-] Qing troops will not be able to escape.

When he thought about it, he started working, and Ning Yu stopped thinking about other issues. After setting up the defense in the city, he began to mobilize the whole army, leading people to dig all the way outside the city, and forcibly arranged a line of defense outside the city. After the trench came out, wooden antlers and barbed wire were placed in several key positions, which looked quite decent.

At this time, the spies of the Qing army also arrived outside the city, and had a panoramic view of every move of the Fuhan army.

(End of this chapter)

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