Cutting 1719

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
At this point in the battle, both the Qing army and the Fuhan army fell into a brutal strangulation. However, because the Fuhan army occupied the top of the city, and their own fighting ability was strong after all, they did not suffer. The Qing army was blocked under the city and could not advance or retreat.

Seeing that many Qing troops began to retreat, this made Chen Wu a little helpless. He hoped that the Qing army could stand firm for a while, so that he could enjoy the fight.

At this time, Qian Ying, the commander of the Second Independent Division who was watching the battle on the tower, seemed to have seen something extraordinary. He was considered to be relatively old in the green battalion and had experienced some wars. At first, he was only against the court. Abandoning them, angry at their green battalion in Guangdong and Guangxi crossing the river and demolishing bridges, but they don't know much about the Fuhan army.

This scene right now is telling him that the special skills of the Fuhan army are really not one or two, but crushing the green battalion from all directions. The strength of any regiment can beat thousands of green battalions. With ease, Qian Ying asked himself that he and the 3000 people under his command could not do it.

Ever since he belonged to the Fuhan Army, Qian Ying's feelings have become stronger day by day. He originally thought that his independent second division was cannon fodder, but he didn't expect that Ning Yu didn't send them into battle at all. The main divisions are doing all the digging, and they are only responsible for fighting, cleaning up the battlefield and so on.

Ning Yu did not intervene too much in terms of staffing mobilization. He just sent a chief of staff, and then asked Qian Ying to nominate a deputy division commander. It is roughly understood that he became the role of the former military supervisor, and he obeyed everything the chief of staff said.

The chief of staff Li Ji was originally the deputy head of the first regiment, but now he has been transferred to the second independent division as the chief of staff. Continue to accumulate military merits, and then you will be promoted to the position of the main regiment commander or the deputy commander of the garrison division, and then continue to make meritorious service before you can be promoted to the rank of division chief of staff.

Now the Second Independent Division itself is the original Green Battalion soldiers, and it's not a good job, so it falls on Li Ji's head, but Li Ji is quite satisfied with this high position.

Since he took office, Li Ji has begun to influence the Second Independent Division in small ways, such as convening the whole division to train every morning, and organizing the whole division to learn how to read and write in the afternoon. Veterans use it to teach characters. After all, when it comes to literacy, there are only three or two people in the entire division.

At first, Qian Ying thought it was strange that the training in the morning was nothing more than hard work, but as long as the food for the soldiers could be ensured, it would be fine. After all, it could enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, but do ordinary soldiers need to read and write?This doesn't affect kills.

Li Ji once told him very seriously that since he was in the Young Eagle Camp, literacy has been extremely important. The camp seat at that time is now the Great Governor, and he has made every effort to promote literacy in the entire camp.

"If you can't read and write as a soldier, you won't be able to become a general in the future, because you can't read military orders and command troops."

These words have echoed in Li Ji's heart until now, and he also solemnly sent these words to the combat officers and soldiers of the whole division, and this action was not without effect, at least now the harmony of the troops has become stronger Strong, and the command is more orderly, which is far incomparable to the Green Camp.

At this time, Li Ji seemed to be emotional when he saw Qian Ying, and said in a low voice: "What I'm thinking is, if I replaced the first regiment with my independent second division today, would they still be able to play so well?"

Qian Ying remained silent. No matter how proud he was, he dared not say that the thousands of green battalion soldiers he led could achieve such an effect.Thinking of this moment, he couldn't help but look back at Ning Yu in front of him, with a calm and confident expression on his face, no matter what that confidence was, it couldn't stop his pace.

Ning Yu just watched the Qing army under the city, smashed under the bombardment of platoons of guns and artillery, and then collapsed. This second offensive was being disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye. The bullets and even the artillery stopped immediately, leaving only the monotonous and rhythmic volley of gunfire.

"Ready, fire!"

Under Chen Wu's order, the Fuhan army on the city wall mechanically pulled the trigger, then passed the musket to the back to refill the ammunition, then took the newly loaded gun, and continued to aim and shoot.

The whole process was repeated, monotonous and boring, but it made the Qing army in the city cry and despair.

Gao Qiwei tightly clenched the hilt of the sword at his waist, his face turned from blue to white, he let out a long breath, clenched his fingers and then loosened them, and then he walked a few steps in the same place, which made the general of the Qing army Some of them couldn't believe it, this Northwest tiger also had moments of panic.


Gao Qiwei forcefully squeezed these two words out of his mouth. He finally made up his mind. If there was still a glimmer of hope, he would not give up. However, in the two successive waves of offensives, he invested more than 8000 people in fierce battles. The result of the battle in the middle of the night is only the casualties of hundreds of people on the other side and the filling of the trench, while the one side has almost lost more than half of it. If the fight continues like this, it will collapse sooner or later.

"Yang Lin is right. If I don't train the new army in the Qing Dynasty, I will lose half of the country in the south sooner or later!"

Gao Qiwei felt very painful. As a 74-year-old man, at the end of his military career, he had to accept such a bitter defeat.

These people were trained by him personally, and they are also first-class elites in other places, but in front of the Fuhan army, they are no better than other green battalions, and nothing is worse than collapse.

After this night's siege battle, Gao Qiwei temporarily gave up the idea of ​​siege. He also sent people to dig a deep trench outside the city, and then set up a camp, intending to carry out the siege through the method of siege. Siege.In addition, he also arranged for the soldiers to dig tunnels quietly, preparing to use the tunnels to attack the city, which can be said to be exhaustive.

During this process, Ning Yu didn't give him any good fruit to eat. He took the lead in attacking the Qing army with cold guns, and the time was always chosen at night, making the Qing army's soldiers miserable.

However, Ning Yu also knew in his heart that with Gao Qiwei's sophistication, he must not go out of the city to attack at will. Not only would he give up the geographical advantage, but he might fall into Gao Qiwei's trap.

After besieging the city for more than half a month, Ning Yu also got good news. The Independent First Division went down the Ganjiang River and directly captured Ganzhou. This move expanded the strategic advantage again. According to the news of the Independent First Division, They will go up the river in a few days, and then attack Ningdu, Jianchang and Fuzhou, and then see if Gao Qiwei still has the intention to besiege the city.

As long as the opponent gives up the siege, there will definitely be some actions, and if there are actions, there is no fear that Gao Qiwei will not show his flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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