Cutting 1719

Chapter 152 Yiyang Level 3

Chapter 152 The Three Passes of Yiyang
On the fifth day of August in the 60th year of Kangxi, the Qing army conquered Xinyang Prefecture under the intentional abandonment of the Fuhan Army. However, this does not mean that the Qing army's battle is easy to fight. There is still a very major challenge to be faced, that is Yiyang Three levels.

The Dabie Mountains run across the junction of the two provinces of Henan and Hubei. The terrain has always been extremely steep. There are also three key passes in the Dabie Mountains, namely Wusheng Pass, Jiuli Pass, and Pingjing Pass. They have always been battlegrounds for military strategists .On both sides of the three passes, there are high mountains and steep mountains, which are like a barrier of thousands of miles.

As the saying goes, "Chusai three passes, Yunfeng is the most respected, what year is the military land, there is no trace of the past.", but now Kangxi has to face these three passes, especially Pingjing Pass, which makes Kangxi feel quite a headache .

However, this pass is the key to marching into Huguang. If it cannot be conquered, the only option is to take a detour and attack Xiangyang from Xinye to achieve the goal of controlling Hubei. However, Xiangyang City is strong and difficult to conquer. It took a long time, but he was not chosen by Kangxi, so even though he knew that this pass was strong, he could only bite the bullet and fight.

However, even though Kangxi had [-] soldiers at the pass, it was still difficult to conquer it after many days. Apart from the dangerous pass, the people guarding this pass are also extraordinary. group.

There are not many chess pieces that the Fuhan army can lay down on the entire Huguang chess game. Currently, the expanded garrison divisions are guarding the border, and the first garrison division is guarding the most critical Xinyang and Yiyang passes.

As a child of the Ning family, Ning Zuyi joined the Fuhan Army at the beginning of the Anti-Qing Dynasty. He has a very resolute personality and is especially good at defending. He has also made great achievements in previous battles, so he has a very high prestige in the army. , can be called the top figure among the Ning family's children, second only to Ning Yu and Ning Zhongyi.

Ning Zhongyuan also attached great importance to Ning Zuyi, so he handed over all the three passes of Xinyang Prefecture and Yiyang, which are related to the entire Hubei war situation, to Ning Zuyi and his first defensive division, the purpose is to use the geographical advantage to defend the Kangxi Ten Wan Dajun's attack bought more time for the Fuhan army to prepare for the decisive battle in Huguang.

When Ning Yu was still fighting in Jiangxi, Ning Zuyi had already formally fought against Kangxi, and the strength of the first defensive division was not as good as the main division, whether it was the quality of personnel or weapons and equipment, compared with the Qing army There are not many advantages, especially with eight thousand and one hundred thousand, it is not without hidden worries within the Fuhan army.

Even Cheng Yuanzhi, the old head of the Cheng family, said that even if the main division that went south was not transferred back, another garrison division should be dispatched. Otherwise, if the imperial army led by Kangxi conquered the three passes of Xinyang Prefecture and Yiyang, then there would be Go straight to Xiaogan County along Guangshui and Huayuan, which is really safe and secure!

Where is Xiaogan County?To put it lightly, it is the ancestral home of the Ning family, but to put it seriously, it is the key to the current recovery of the Han army.Because the Hanyang Guns and Pao Workshop hadn't really been established at this time, a large part of the weapons were still produced from the Guns and Pao Workshop in Xiaogan County. If it was occupied by Kangxi, it would be something that Ning Zhongyuan dared not even think about.

Because of this crucial point, the internal defense of the Fuhan Army has never stopped suggesting to strengthen the defense here, but Ning Zhongyuan directly handed over the matter to Ning Zuyi. This is not only a kind of great trust, It can also be said that he entrusted the life and death of the entire Fuhan army to this middle-aged man.

Since Ning Zuyi led the army to guard Xinyang Prefecture, he has been thinking about how to deal with the southward march of Kangxi's army. He went deep into Xinyang Prefecture and Yiyang for dozens of times, making Ningyu's fortress tactics more flexible. He didn't put all the forts on the front line of Xinyang Prefecture, but only arranged three cement forts in Xinyang, and the rest were to strengthen the three passes of Yiyang.

After Kangxi went south, Ning Zuyi commanded the troops to fight in the cement fortress of Xinyang. He did not guard these three fortresses too much, but used these three fortresses to consume the energy and morale of the Qing army.Every time the Qing army was seriously injured, they chose to withdraw. Therefore, after these few battles, they not only took advantage of it, but also did not suffer much loss.

When Ning Yu was on the front line in Jiangxi, he also paid close attention to the movement here. When Wuchang informed Ning Yu of Ning Zuyi's actions, Ning Yu was even taken aback. With such an ability, it can be said that the strategic thinking of resisting steadily and consuming the enemy's vital forces has been implemented to the extreme.

What surprised Ning Yu the most was that Ning Zuyi fought very well every time he evacuated. Not only did he take advantage of the favorable location to set up ambushes along the way, but he also moved all the people and supplies along the way in advance, and came to a thorough clearing of the walls. From time to time, people were arranged to poison the water sources along the way, which caused the Qing army to be angry and angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, after nearly a month of war, Kangxi did not take advantage of it. For more than a month, he had no other achievements except to win Xinyang Prefecture. As for the casualties of the Qing army, they were also extremely heavy. Kangxi's actions were also a little more cautious.

It's just that when facing Pingjingguan, even the Great General Cannon can't do anything about it.Kangxi summoned the generals many times, but there was no good way to kill them every day. The war seemed to be out of Kangxi's control from the very beginning, but it had to be fought, had to be fought.

Under Pingjing Pass, Qing soldiers and green battalion soldiers gathered in formation to attack the city. From time to time, bullets flew over their heads and fell into the formation of Qing soldiers behind them, plowing out waves of blood.These people were dispatched from the original green camps in Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi, so they have always done these tiring and hard work.

The General Cannon and other large and small artillery pieces of the Qing army kept roaring, launching projectiles one after another, and gnawed holes, large and small, on the thick pass wall, except for occasionally falling on the top of the city. The marbles on the top can hardly have any impact on the Fuhan army.

On the high platform at the far end three miles away from the battlefield, a huge Tuanlong flag fluttered in the wind. A total of [-] banner soldiers dressed in colorful cotton armor were arranged in a huge square formation. It can be said that except in front of the Northwest Army, These Eight Banners soldiers are basically part of the most elite forces of the current Qing court.

Most of these Eight Banners soldiers are forbidden brigade Eight Banners soldiers, and they are also the core force of the Eight Banners in the entire capital. half of the army.Together with the Eight Banners stationed outside, they constitute the entire strength of the Eight Banners, and they can be called the heart and soul of the Eight Banners.

Now the Eight Banners soldiers of the Forbidden Brigade have basically been brought out. It can also be seen that Kangxi is determined at this time. He wants to eliminate Chu Ni at all costs. Only after completing this step can Kangxi rest assured to deal with the White Lotus Sect and Zhu Yigui.

(End of this chapter)

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