Cutting 1719

Chapter 154 The decisive battle that came early

Chapter 154 The decisive battle that came early

The news of Ningyu's victory over Gao Qi was spread throughout Huguang and surrounding provinces almost at a very fast speed, and the impact it caused was also very profound. Whether it was the Fuhan army or the Qing army, small The change.

As far as Kangxi on the front line is concerned, he has already realized one thing, that is, the strength of the Fu-Han army on the opposite side is growing at an astonishing rate. Thousands of people have grown to tens of thousands, from one county to two provinces.

What frightened Kangxi the most was that the Fuhan army led by Ning Yu was almost invincible and defeated Yang Lin and Gao Qiwei's [-] Green Battalion one after another. Kangxi's army has never exceeded [-], which makes Kangxi feel very amazing.

Because of this, Kangxi had a strong premonition in his heart. If he was still entangled with the Fuhan army in Huguang, I am afraid that the Fuhan army in Ningyu would be able to reach the south of the Yangtze River. A truly unbearable loss, without the money and food from Huguang and Jiangnan, what is left of the Qing Dynasty?
"Fu Erdan, I want to entrust you with an important task, are you willing?" Kangxi stared at Fu Erdan who was kneeling on the spot with a very cold gaze, which almost made him shiver.

"The slave's life belongs to the emperor. If the emperor wants to order the slave, the slave will die."

When Kangxi heard these words, a slight smile appeared on his face, "Get up first."

Fu Erdan stood up in great panic, but his waist remained bent. His attitude in front of Kangxi made Kangxi very satisfied and determined.

"Zha Bina misbehaved in Nanchang. He hasn't made any achievements for a long time. He even lost 4 horses. He is also hard to restrain Ning Yu. I am already very disappointed!"

"Now I plan to send you to replace Cha Bina, lead the army to capture Jiujiang, further deter Wuchang, and achieve an early decisive battle. Do you have this confidence?"

Yes, in Kangxi's plan, as long as the decisive battle with the Fuhan army can be achieved in advance, then the previous losses are acceptable, and the damage to the green battalion is nothing more than some damage.As long as the decisive battle can be fought in advance, the current main force of the Fuhan army is less than 10,000, compared with Kangxi's [-]+ army, there is no advantage at all.

Upon hearing this, Fu Erdan quickly knelt down again. He lowered his head deeply, controlled the excitement and ecstasy in his heart, and tried to make his voice more flat.

"The slave is valued so much by the emperor, how dare he betray the grace? Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, the slave will not frown!"

Kangxi did not know how many times he heard such words of loyalty, so he waved his hand immediately, "After you go to Nanchang Mansion, you have to take a good look at that Chapina's heart, how dark it is! In vain What he values, you must always be a warning, so you can do it yourself!"

Fu Erdan didn't dare to say much, just kowtowed his head a few times and left the camp. The ecstasy in his heart could no longer be concealed. He finally understood why there was a sentence in the poems of the Han people: "The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day." "Yes, this feeling is too difficult to express.

He never expected that Fu Erdan would have a chance to be the governor of Liangjiang one day!
Although what Kangxi said was only to rule the army instead of Chapina, in Fu Erdan's mind it was different. As long as he can command the army and defeat the Fuhan army, then he will naturally become the governor of Liangjiang!

As for how to defeat the Fu Han army, Fu Erdan, who was full of ambition at this time, didn't care about it. He just came back from the Northwest Army. No.1 is about to pass, since no one else can defeat the Fuhan army, then I will go!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fu Erdan was full of ambition, and Ning Yu was also in a good mood. After all, this battle was won, and it was of great help to Ning Yu. Without the [-] elite green battalion with high ranks, the remaining [-] troops of Chapina would like to It's not so smooth to do anything more.In particular, the death of Gao Qiwei, the admiral in the south of the Yangtze River, made the remaining Qing army somewhat leaderless.

Out of such considerations, Ning Yu also accelerated his pace in the rectification of the captured soldiers. In addition to capturing a large amount of supplies, there were more than 3000 captured soldiers in this battle. Although these people are time bombs, they can If it is handled well, it might not be able to be transformed into its own help.

Ning Yu had multiple considerations regarding the policy of treating prisoners of war. He screened out a group of green camp generals who committed heinous crimes and tried them in the city, especially those soldiers who bullied the common people and ordinary green camps. , thus destroying the sense of identity within the captured soldiers, increasing the intensity of transformation, and also absorbing the hearts of the people and the army.

After this step is completed, the remaining ordinary green camp soldiers will let them voluntarily choose whether to join the Fuhan Army. If they are willing to join the Fuhan Army, they will be carefully screened, and then organized to return to the Wuchang New Army Camp for retraining, and then they will Randomly scrambled according to the relationship of origin, and added batch by batch to each division and regiment of the Fuhan Army to minimize risks.

If they are unwilling to join the Fuhan Army, they will also be relocated to Wuchang and incorporated into the logistics army. Those various mines and arsenals require a lot of manpower, and these green battalion soldiers can also be given a chance to survive.

After rectifying all the captured soldiers, Ning Yu began to sort out the currently occupied chassis. Hunan has already been taken over by Wuchang, so Ning Yu doesn't need to think about it.But for the newly occupied Jiangxi prefectures, such as Yuanzhou Mansion, Linjiang Mansion, Ji'an Mansion, and Ganzhou Mansion, they were directly taken over by the Southern Commander's Mansion.

However, this point caused Ning Yu quite a headache. Nowadays, the talents who rely on the Fuhan Army are far from meeting the demand. There are not enough officials in these state capitals to manage them. All the military personnel were dispatched, and a group of capable men were recruited from the army, and they were transferred from military to civil, so that they could barely meet the demand.

In addition to government affairs, Ning Yu also recruited 3000 soldiers in Qingjiang Prefecture. In addition to supplementing the first division, he also expanded the independent second division from 5000 to [-]. This method of water injection is also beneficial. Ning Yu's control over the Independent Second Division, no matter how loyal Qian Ying is, this step is indispensable.

In order to cope with the increasingly heavy government and military affairs, Ning Yu also specially set up a Dudu's attendant office, which is responsible for handling the daily affairs of the Dudu's Mansion, but even so, it is still in a state of constant rotation every day.

Time has become the most precious wealth of Ning Yu and Kangxi at this time. Both sides are fighting for every minute and every second, accumulating more strength, so as to fight the upcoming decisive battle well.

The winner is king and the loser is Kou. The general trend of the world may be after this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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