Cutting 1719

Chapter 156 Jumping Out of the Chessboard

Chapter 156 Jumping Out of the Chessboard
Ning Yu is very concerned about Fu Erdan, and Fu Erdan is not indifferent to Ning Yu.

"What is the origin of this Ning Yu thief?"

Fu Erdan cut the leg of lamb on the table with a shiny silver knife. This was a habit he had developed during the years of fighting in the Northwest. He had to eat more meat every day so that he could have the energy to think about something.

The guard on the side leaned down gently, "It is said that this Ning Yu is Chu Ni's major general, and he even got the title of commander who went south. He frustrated our army one after another a few days ago, so he was very unhappy for a while."

"The emperor sent me to Liangjiang at the moment. What I have to do is to take down Jiujiang and then push Wuchang. This Ning Yu and his people are right under my nose. Do you think I should fight or not?"

Fu Erdan didn't wait for the guards to answer, but just wiped his hands and face with a towel, and sighed: "When the herdsmen in the northwest drive sheep, they always take the head sheep directly, so that the sheep behind can keep up."

"The same should be true for Chu Ni. Regardless of whether these bandits occupy Fengcheng and Ganzhou at the same time, their lifeblood is still in Wuchang. As long as Wuchang is taken down, these bandits will have no roots. It’s also self-defeating.”

Fu Erdan snorted coldly, "It's such a simple truth, but those idiots can't think of it, and they are still scrambling to go south, they are really short-sighted!"

Having said that, Fu Erdan looked very calm, without any anger.

On the fifth day of September in the 60th year of Kangxi, the [-] troops entrenched in Nanchang set off to the north. Fu Erdan rode on a tall horse, squinted his eyes slightly, and waved his hands to the Liangjiang officials who came to see him off.

"My lords, I will be entrusted by the emperor to attack Jiujiang. The food and supplies will be sent directly to the front of the army at that time. Thank you for your help!"

Jiangxi governor Wang Qiqin and the left and right inspectors saw him off, but his face was a bit ugly. Now the rebels in Fengcheng are all around, but this lord turned a blind eye and left all the people in the city to attack what Jiujiang?
How can there be such a reason in this world?Besides, after Fu Erdan took away the 3000 troops, there were only less than [-] people left in the green battalion in Nanchang Mansion, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled. How could they fight against the wolf-like Chu Ni army?
But no matter how Wang Qiqin behaved, Fu Erdan pretended not to see it, lightly knocked on the horse's belly, left the city gate, and led the army all the way north, leaving only smoke and dust all the way.

Seeing that Fu Erdan was so unfeeling, the envoy Liu Ruyi looked ashamed, and looked at Wang Qiqin with pleading eyes, "Master Wang, if the rebels know the emptiness of Nanchang, what should we do?"

Wang Qiqin was furious at Fu Erdan's anger, and he flicked his sleeves fiercely, "You ask me what to do, who should I ask?"

The news of the [-]-strong army marching northward could not be concealed from Ning Yu, who was in Fengcheng. He listened carefully to the sentinel's report and confirmed the details bit by bit. Only then did he believe that this Fu Erdan really wanted to Go north to attack Jiujiang.

However, Ning Yu felt that there seemed to be some things to look at, so he was not in a hurry to attack Nanchang directly. Instead, after Fu Erdan went north, he also withdrew from Fengcheng and chose to go east to Fuzhou.

Many people didn't understand this move. If they attacked Nanchang at this time, they could go straight to Nanchang without bloodshed, and then they could attack Fu Erdan with the Jiujiang defenders inside and out.

"Governor, there seems to be something wrong with advancing eastward at this time. With the current strength of our army, we can take Nanchang directly. Fu Erdan, who will have no logistics supplies by then, will definitely not be our opponent."

Dong Ce's face was as calm as before, but his tone was already a little anxious.

Ning Yu smiled and said: "This truth is very simple, and many people should be able to figure it out, so why didn't Fu Erdan figure it out? If he doesn't know the risks of this trip to the north, I don't believe it."

"What does the governor mean, that Fu Erdan is building plank roads in the open and hiding the old warehouse?" Dong Ce seemed to understand a little bit.

"Look first, look first."

Ning Yu was not in a hurry, and rushed all the way to Fuzhou. At this time, the only division is also heading north from Jianchang Mansion. At that time, he can rejoin the army in Fuzhou. At that time, Ning Yu's army will have three divisions, except for one main force. In addition to the division, there are two independent divisions, with a total of [-] people.

The army marched mightily, and Ning Yu repeatedly emphasized the military order that the people must not be disturbed during the march. Soldiers are not allowed to go out privately. Apart from rushing on the road every day, they study in their spare time.

Even Ning Yu himself explained some experience in battlefield combat to some middle and high-level generals, which is very valuable to others, because at present, the entire Fuhan Army has the most battlefield experience. , or this major general.

The weather in September changed as soon as it was said. A thunderbolt woke Ning Yu from his sleep. He had to walk out of the tent, only to find that the weather outside had become a bit gloomy, as if it was about to rain.

Ning Yu's heart throbbed slightly. Looking at the dark sky, the thoughts in his heart spread. Since the army started last year, the entire Fuhan army has been fighting and marching constantly, but fighting like this, even Ning Yu didn't even know when it was a head.

Ning Yu immediately thought of Fu Erdan, the man he had never seen before, who was leading an army of [-], who seemed to be hiding in a dark corner, ready to strike Ning Yu at any moment.

Where is Fu Erdan?According to the news from the Military Intelligence Department, they had arrived at De'an Mansion three days ago, but the situation behind them was a little cloudy. Fu Erdan released the sentry for twenty miles, and anyone who approached would be killed without mercy. In this situation Under the circumstances, the information that the Military Intelligence Department can provide is really limited.

Ning Yu was thinking about Fu Erdan's possible actions while pacing slowly, but unknowingly walked to the attendant's room, and saw a young scholar reading at night by a candle.In order to ensure that Ning Yu's urgent matters need to be dealt with, the attendant room will arrange people to take turns to stay on duty at night. Ning Yu also knows this, so he doesn't take it seriously.

"I've seen the governor, the humble Du Du is on duty at midnight tonight, if you have anything to do, please ask the governor to order." The young man's face was like a full moon, and he looked quite blessed.

Ning Yu recalled it in his mind, but it had no effect, so he could only laugh and ask, "What book are you reading?"

Du Du smiled shyly, handed over the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "It takes a long time to be on duty at night, and it's quite boring. The humble job brought this Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which made adults laugh."

Ning Yu couldn't help laughing, and admired the young man's frankness, "I know it's boring to be on duty, and it's okay to read a book."

While talking, Ning Yu opened the book, but just turned to the chapter of Wei Yanbing's exit from Ziwu Valley, but his heart jumped suddenly, as if something very important flashed through his mind.

"You said, if Wei Yan really attacked Chang'an along the Ziwu Valley trail at that time, this plan might have won?"

Du Du was a little stunned, and then said in a low voice: "If the army really came out of Ziwu Valley, Wei Yan's army would be wiped out. The road is too difficult and dangerous. If 5000 people travel lightly, it will be difficult to conquer the strong city of Chang'an."

What he said was indeed true, but it was not what Ning Yu was thinking at this time. He was drawing on the table, and asked a question calmly and solemnly, but almost scared Du Du.

"You said Fu Erdan, would you choose to bypass Jiujiang, go to Xingguo from De'an, and go straight to Wuchang by land?"

(End of this chapter)

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