Cutting 1719

Chapter 173 9 River Blood

Chapter 173 Jiujiang Blood ([-])


Rows of soldiers of the Fuhan Army formed a long horizontal line, and when they reached a distance of a hundred steps from the Qing army, they began to fire their guns. The hit rate at this distance was not high, and each volley could only It depends on luck, but there is an advantage, that is, it can seize an upper hand, and the psychological endurance of soldiers is also higher.

The shotguns in the hands of the soldiers of the Qing army were backward in technology. Not only were they less powerful, but they also had a short range. Therefore, they had to bear the firepower of the Fuhan army to move forward with difficulty, and people kept falling directly from the queue.

It was not until about seventy steps forward that the shotgunners of the Qing army began to shoot in formation. They poured the gunpowder into the pool, with a long lead wire inserted on it, and then stuffed the bullets and gunpowder into the muzzle of the gun. Fill the pills with a stick, remove the cleaning stick, and then use a torch to light the fuse. The whole process is so tedious that it is outrageous.


A row of muffled gunshots rang out, completely different from the crisp sound of the Fuhan army, and many shotguns exploded during firing, but seeing the Fuhan army on the opposite side, only four or five people fell down. This kind of hit rate almost makes people sigh, but the Qing army seems to have gotten used to it, and continues to prepare to fill the ammunition.

A large number of soldiers of the Qing army fell down in round after round of gunfire. Their firing rate was almost three times slower than that of the Fuhan army, and their range and power were far inferior to those of the opposite side. The casualties became abnormal. heavy.


"My lord, please decide!"

The vice-capital commander Yushan was covered in smoke and dust. He knelt on the ground and looked at Yongjina with longing eyes. "Please make a quick decision, my lord. Our army has suffered heavy casualties. I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on!"

It has been two full hours since the Qing army and the Fuhan army lined up to shoot. It can be said that the Qing army was able to withstand such a long period of casualties. The Qing army still cheered up a lot. This is also because half of the Eight Banners soldiers. He is good at fighting, but he also knows that if he does not fight now, the Qing Dynasty will be gone!

It's just that the difference between the two sides is too great, and it can't be made up by courage. Therefore, it is not easy to be able to fight in this state without collapsing.

Yongjina's face turned pale. He naturally saw the corpses of the Qing army piled up in the distance, but at the moment he had already played all the cards he could play, and he panicked: "Yushan, what do you think?"

Yushan tentatively said: "My lord, now that Chu Ni and my army are anxious, it is better to let the [-] green battalion at Taiping pass attack in advance. Under the pincer attack, they may not be able to defeat Chu Ni, but they can also solve our army's crisis. "

Yongjina thought about it, and when he heard the rumble of guns in the distance, his heart sank, and he dispatched special envoys to bring a message to the Qing army at Taiping Pass from the trail behind the Ling, ordering them to attack quickly, but Yongjina did not What came to mind was that it was his warrant that completely ruined the [-] Green Camp.

At this time, the commander of the [-] Green Battalion was Li Mingyi, the admiral of Zhejiang Water and Land. The [-] Green Battalion were also mainly composed of Zhejiang soldiers. Okay, but I received such a warrant.

Li Mingyi was very upset about Yongjina's changing behavior from day to day. He had planned to attack at night, but now it became an immediate attack. Looking back at the listless green soldiers, he felt a little guilty.

It was said to be 2 people, but Li Mingyi knew in his heart that this was the number on the books, and it is already very good to have [-] people.It's just that the Shangguan had an order ahead, no matter how helpless Li Mingyi felt, he had no choice but to go out with the whole army.

Taiping Pass is very close to Wutong Ridge, only about a dozen miles away, so the sound of guns can be heard from a distance, which makes the soldiers of the Qing army feel a little scared, and some people are even ready to escape. Intend.

Ning Yu was overjoyed by the attack of the defenders at Taiping Pass. If these soldiers stayed at Taiping Pass, it would take a lot of effort, but now that the defenders have left the pass, the biggest support is gone. Now, it doesn't seem so strenuous to swallow it.

Ning Yu quickly dispatched Cheng Ming to lead the third division, together with the first defensive division, to meet the enemy, and gave a death order to completely defeat him at the first time, take Taiping Pass, and cut off Yongjina of all vitality.

The favor of heaven has arrived!If you don't seize the opportunity at this time, I'm afraid Ning Yu will regret it.

Seeing the large-scale mobilization of the troops of the Fuhan Army, Yongjina was subconsciously overjoyed, and then a little worried. If the guards at Taiping Pass were to lose, he would be miserable. Putting more pressure on the Fuhan army, they sent the last few thousand hand-to-hand soldiers in their hands.

It's just that these thousands of hand-to-hand soldiers could not bring victory to Yongjina, but only stabilized the collapsing front by a little bit, and did not let the Fuhan army continue to advance towards the camp.

The situation became more and more stalemate, and it just depends on which side can achieve a breakthrough faster. In this regard, Yongjina has already played all the cards in his hand, but Ning Yu is not the case.

"Gao Hu, lead the grenadier battalion, break this hard shell for me!"

"The key to this battle is today. The governor wants to eat a big meal!"

In today's Fuhan army, Ning Yu's grenadier battalion will always be the most trustworthy sharp knife. Every one of them can immediately become a company commander after being released, not only for equipment and training, but also for Even the courage and confidence are top-notch, so whenever there is such a bad battle, it is a good time for the grenadier battalion to come out.

"Yes!" Gao Hu was wearing iron armor and a scarlet windbreaker, nodded solemnly, then turned and walked out.

The flag fluttered, red as blood.A total of 1 armored men waited quietly, with fanaticism and admiration for that person on their faces, they stepped out resolutely, and these 10 people seemed to have become [-] people and [-] people Generally, head towards the center of the war.

"Bomb battalion! There is death but there is no life!"

Gao Hu was dressed in iron armor, like a giant, with a long saber on his shoulder, and led the people to the forefront, with the momentum and determination to destroy everything.


Hundreds of grenades were thrown into the enemy group, and their ordinary shapes turned out to be killer weapons on the battlefield.

boom - boom -

The continuous roar sounded, and almost everyone was stunned for a moment. When they turned their heads, they found that a large blank had appeared in the center of the battlefield.

"Keep playing!"

The soldiers of the grenadier camp ignited the grenades with fire sticks, and then threw them at the enemy. There was another earth-shattering roar. More than 200 Qing soldiers were killed or disabled, and there were more Qing soldiers, but they were still there. Unable to bear this kind of damage, they all collapsed backwards.
The big picture is set!

Ning Yu's palms were covered with sweat. Through the binoculars he was holding tightly, he had already seen the shape of the battlefield. The Qing army was finally defeated, and they won!
(End of this chapter)

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