Cutting 1719

Chapter 179 Unbreakable

Chapter 179 Unbreakable
When Huang Rusong's head was hung on the city wall, it announced the attitude of the Fuhan army, that is, they will never die.This choice completely cut off all possibilities, and also pushed Fu Erdan to a dead end.

Fu Erdan actually had many options. In addition to attacking Wuchang head-on, he could also choose to attack Hanyang or Xiaogan County by detour. These two places are not as important as Wuchang for the Fuhan army, but there are almost no guards. The reason why Ning Zhongyuan took the risk to stick to Xianning at the beginning was that only by defending Xianning can Fu Erdan be blocked at the periphery.

However, due to Ning Zhongyuan's carelessness, Xianning fell, so in desperation, Ning Zhongyuan could only concentrate all his troops in Wuchang in order to protect himself.If Fu Erdan bypassed Wuchang to attack Hanyang at this time, there would be no good way to restore the Han army. Under Cui Wancai's suggestion, they would spread soldiers all over the city walls, so that Fu Erdan could not tell the truth from reality. Good catchphrase, to piss off Fu Erdan.

Originally, these methods were just emergency measures in desperation, and Fu Erdan was not expected to be fooled, but unexpectedly, Fu Erdan sent Huang Rusong to persuade him to surrender, which made Ning Zhongyuan overjoyed, and decisively cut off Huang Rusong's head and hanged On the city wall, poor Huang Rusong didn't even say a few serious words, so he lost his life in ignorance.

Seeing that Huang Rusong was beheaded, Fu Erdan was furious and directly attacked Wuchang. It's just that Wuchang city is indestructible to describe it, but it is definitely not something that can be taken by thousands of people. The remnant army led by Ning Zhongyuan could The capture of Wuchang was also due to first luring the enemy outside the city, annihilating most of the Qing army, and then taking it under the supposed cooperation.

But now the Qing army does not have such conditions, so they had to attack hard against the artillery and guns on the top of the city. A large number of bullets fell on the crowd, creating patches of blood fog, and even the flowering guns developed by the Hanyang Arsenal. Although the number of bombs was a little scarce, the explosion in the crowd took away pieces of corpses.

This siege battle lasted from the afternoon to the evening. After the Qing army left hundreds of corpses, they found nothing. Not to mention attacking the city wall, even the Fuhan army on the city wall did not kill a few However, this made Fu Erdan somewhat desperate. He understood his current situation very well. If he could not win Wuchang, he would have no way to advance and no way to retreat. Fu Erdan and these thousands of people , don't even think about living.

Most of the Qing army also understood the current situation, but everyone knew in their hearts that it was not easy to survive this time. If they didn't work hard, they would have no way out when the reinforcements from the Fuhan army arrived.In addition, these people are also the Eight Banners Army, and their military education and quality are very good, so they don't just lie down like the green camp.

After nightfall, Fu Erdan summoned all the generals, looking at the slightly sparse generals, his face was a bit ugly, don't look at the loss of only a few hundred people during the day, but these people are all elite, just the generals died in battle four.

"Everyone should understand that the situation of our army is very bad now. If it is just an ordinary attack, it may be difficult to go down the city."

When Fu Erdan said this, he looked around and saw that everyone looked calm, so he continued: "In Yinshi, I will lead a group of people to attack at night, which can not only catch them unprepared, but also reduce the power of the artillery as much as possible. Everyone prepare separately, I need 800 people to come with me first."

When the generals heard this, they nodded and promised without hesitation. The generals of the Manchu and Han Eight Banners knew very well that if this battle was lost, perhaps ordinary soldiers would still have a way to survive. They had no choice but to die. .

That being the case, let's fight!
The Qing army quickly selected [-] men who dared to die. They were the last essence of this Qing army. It can be said that if this battle was lost, Fu Erdan had no other choice but to die.Therefore, in order to motivate the fighting spirit, Fu Erdan chose to attack the city with them.

In Yinzheng, there was silence all around, except for the smoke and bloody smell left by the battle during the day, there was nothing else in the air, just like in the past, without any abnormalities.

A total of [-] soldiers of the Qing army, with their mouths in their mouths, slowly approached Wuchang City under the cover of darkness. They didn't bring shotguns, and everyone was holding spears, knives and shields, ready to fight with the Fuhan army at close range. .

Eight hundred steps.
Five hundred steps.
three hundred steps.
The whole process was unimaginably smooth, and soon the Qing army arrived at the corner. Fu Erdan looked at the soldiers of the Fuhan army who were sleeping on the top of the wall, and couldn't help but smile coldly in his heart. Everyone said that the soldiers of the Fuhan army were well-trained and disciplined. , But how long has passed now, and the Fuhan army will be rotten, just like the green battalion, it is no longer useful.

Fu Erdan looked back at the [-] Qing troops under his command, and felt somewhat complacent. It seems that the Han people are really unreliable, or we Eight Banners warriors are brave and elite.When Wuchang is captured, all the capital and interest will be back!
But before Fu Erdan could think about the future, suddenly a mass of black balls with flames were thrown down, and they landed in the Qing army. With a bang sound, the entire Qing army was in chaos, and a large number of soldiers Being blown away so directly, the poor soldiers of the Qing army died just after touching the city wall of Wuchang.

Fu Erdan's face was a little pale. He didn't expect that the Fuhan army seemed to be ready to wait for the Qing army to be fooled. His heart fell and he retreated with the remnants of the Qing army. However, the artillery on the city was also at this time. Fire was fired, and a large number of projectiles flew into the crowd of the Qing army. Although the night reduced the artillery's hit rate, it still killed and injured hundreds of Qing soldiers.

Fu Erdan was also almost hit by the bullets. Fortunately, the guards around him were desperate and used their bodies to block the explosion fragments, which allowed Fu Erdan to escape back by chance.

After returning to the camp, Fu Erdan counted the remnants of the Qing army, and instantly felt a chill in his heart. There were only 500 Qing troops in the past, but now there are only less than [-] left, and more than [-] people died in the camp. Under the city, these are the most valiant group of people in the Qing army. Without them, let alone defeating Wuchang, it would be too much to fight head-on.

In the next two days, Fu Erdan tried to attack the city twice, but to no avail, but another seven or eight hundred people were killed in the city. So far, Fu Erdan has less than 3000 Eight Banners soldiers. , which made him have to start thinking about his retreat.

But before Fu Erdan had any new news, the five hundred guards led by Ning Yu finally arrived in Wuchang City after five days.

Looking at the flag of the Fuhan Army flying above Wuchang City, Ning Yu was greatly relieved, as long as the city is still there, there is hope.As for Fu Erdan, he was not far from death.

(End of this chapter)

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