Cutting 1719

Chapter 191

Chapter 191
After Ning Yu's army set off, news was also received in Anqing City. After all, Jiujiang and Anqing were less than four hundred miles away. If they marched fifty miles a day, it would take eight days. The news could reach Anqing City immediately.

Yue Zhongqi held a thin piece of paper, which seemed to be still stained with blood, and there were only a few simple words written on the note, "Ning's [-] troops have left the city and are heading east."

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that Anqing is to the east of Jiujiang, Tongling and Wuhu after Anqing, and Jiangning is next to the east along the Yangtze River.Among them, Tongling and Wuhu are easy to attack and difficult to defend, so they are not places for military strategists to fight decisively.

When Yue Zhongqi heard the news, Yue Zhongqi didn't feel the slightest turmoil in her heart. The opponent's dispatch of troops was expected, but she couldn't wait until December, which made Yue Zhongqi feel a little bit pity. With a little bit of training, the soldiers may not be able to go out of the city to fight, but it is more than enough to defend the city.

Just as Yue Zhongqi was in a daze, a man walked in from the door, he knelt on the ground with his braids in his arms, and said in a low voice: "My lord, this servant has already figured out the situation in the city."

"Tell me in detail." Yue Zhongqi remained calm, holding the note in her hand, and looked at the person coming.

That man's name is Yue Hai, just like Yue Shan, he is a son of Yue family, he is clever and flexible, so Yue Zhongqi often sends him to scout for news, to act as his eyes and ears.

Yue Hai said respectfully: "Nowadays there are many business travelers in Anqing City, and the population is mixed. It was not so easy to check, but a small calculation based on the rise time of the Fuhan Army found that in the past year, the new forces that appeared in Anqing City were not There are many, so the scope is narrowed down a lot, and now we have found a restaurant and a warehouse, which is a bit weird."

"How weird?" Yue Zhongqi didn't tire of trouble, he has such a meticulous temperament, and whenever he has a question, he must ask it carefully.

"The owner of the restaurant is surnamed Wang, so there's nothing tricky about it. It's just a guy in his restaurant. These days, he often delivers wine to General Zhang Shen, and he doesn't come out until at least half a minute after he enters the room."

Yue Zhongqi's eyes were fixed, Zhang Yuanqi, the general guarding the North Gate of Anqing, this man has a gentle temperament and is brave in battle, so Yue Zhongqi entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, but Yue Zhongqi had never heard that this man was good at drinking, but now it seems that there is a flaw.

Based on Yue Zhongqi's understanding of the Fuhan army, the opponent was not attacking the city in an upright manner at all times.If there is an opportunity to arrange a detailed operation, the Fuhan Army will never give up. Yue Zhongqi has also heard the names of the Shadow and the Military Intelligence Department, but it is extraordinary when they say it, so he dare not underestimate it.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhongqi asked again: "What about the warehouse?"

Yue Hai frowned slightly, feeling a little distressed, "I couldn't find any clues in this warehouse, but I also sent people to follow Zhang Shenjiang later, and found that he didn't return home along the same route, but went a little farther. , went to a warehouse in the east of the city, but made Xiao Xiao suspicious, and sent people to monitor next to the warehouse in the next few days, but nothing was gained."

Warehouse, restaurant, man, General Zhang.

Yue Zhongqi also smelled something different. At this time, he couldn't bear the slightest disturbance. If he waited until the Fuhan army approached the city and came out to cooperate with the outside, he might die without knowing how to die.
"Yue Hai, don't startle the snake, use my warrant to summon the guards, first control the restaurant and warehouse, no one will be let go, if anyone disobeys, they will be killed without mercy!"

Yue Zhongqi took out her order letter from her bosom, threw it to Yue Hai, and then said some murderous words.

Yue Hai agreed, and didn't ask any other questions, so he went out with the letter. This is also the strict family rules of the Yue family, and he will do things when he is ordered. Don't ask questions and chatter, if you break the house rules, If it is as light as a board, if it is as serious as being expelled from the house.

After Yue Hai withdrew, Yue Zhongqi called the guards again, and went to summon Yang Huifeng, the prefect of Anqing, and the deputy general Wang Yonghe, and others, then drank tea in the study and began to think deeply.

After a while, Anqing prefect Yang Huifeng and deputy general Wang Yonghe hurried over. You must know that this admiral is the biggest in Anhui at this time, except for the governor Wei Tingzhen.

"Well, you Yang Huifeng, now that Chu Ni has come under your noses, and you don't even know about it, the imperial court appointed you as the magistrate, it is for you to be an official, not to be a scholar!"

When the two arrived, Yue Zhongqi was not polite at all, and scolded Yang Huifeng head and face, firstly, to use the anger from his hair, and secondly, to reprimand Yang Huifeng for his behavior.

Yang Huifeng blushed, his family knew about his family affairs, since he became the prefect of Anqing, although he has never dared to accept bribes for personal gain and pervert the law, but he does not do anything, he still holds a book every day, and talks with people in the city from time to time. It is quite elegant for a literati to come to meet friends through literature.

It's just that it's fine if it's usually elegant, but at this critical juncture, Yang Huifeng still doesn't change his temperament, but Yue Zhongqi is very annoyed.

When Wang Yonghe saw his lord's face was ugly, his heart skipped a beat, presumably there was some bad news.But he didn't dare to ask, just lowered his head, waiting for Yue Zhongqi's admonition.

Yue Zhongqi saw the behavior of these two people, but he didn't even have the intention to scold him. He sighed and said, "Chu Ni's spies have been mixed into the city now, and I don't know how many spies there are. I only know that the other party is now There is a restaurant and a warehouse in the city, and I have sent people to seal them up and arrest them. It’s just that there is still a joint involved, which is a bit tricky.”

Yang Huifeng was almost confused when he heard these words, he was a bit stupid, so he didn't have any suggestions, he just stood in the distance and opened his tongue, which made Yue Zhongqi feel even more disgusted when he saw it.

On the contrary, Wang Yonghe was more clever. He probed: "Could it be that Chu Ni's spies got in touch with some people in my army?"

"Yes, according to the news, Zhang Yuanqi seems to be involved, and the relationship is not shallow. He is now guarding the North City Gate with 3000 people. If something happens and he takes people away, then you and I, It will all lead to a great crime!"

Yue Zhongqi's face was livid, she looked at Yang Huifeng and gritted her teeth and said, but this appearance made Yang Huifeng take two steps back in fright.

"The lower official is convicted, and the lower official will send someone to pursue it carefully, and will never let Chu Ni go, and give the Lord an explanation."

Yang Huifeng knelt down directly on the ground, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, he believed that if he didn't give Yue Zhongqi an explanation, he might be the next one to move his head.

Yue Zhongqi snorted coldly, "You don't need to pursue it, it's just that Chu Ni may take the opportunity to cause trouble during the turmoil in the city. You must remember that the entire Anqing City must be controlled by others, and there must be no chaos at this time!"

"As for Zhang Yuanqi, I will send someone to bring him into the admiral's office for interrogation. But the [-] soldiers and horses he left behind need to be visited by General Wang. Remember, this matter must be handled in a low-key manner. As long as the soldiers are calmed down, It is a great achievement.”

(End of this chapter)

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