Cutting 1719

Chapter 197

Chapter 197
"Who is worthy of your Shi Xue's attention? I know you. There are quite a few talents in the Military Intelligence Department, but you don't look down on any of them. You, your vision is too high!"

Looking at the person in front of him, Ning Yu couldn't help crying and laughing. You must know that the people who join the Military Intelligence Department are all top talents outside, but in Shi Xue's eyes, they are just mediocre.

Shi Xue still had a well-behaved appearance. If others questioned him, he might not say a word, but he was his immediate boss after all, so he could only answer honestly: "It's not that they are not good enough. Judging by the status of soldiers, each of them will become an excellent soldier and an excellent general, but as secret agents, their individuality and talent are gone."

When Ning Yu heard Shi Xue's words, he immediately fell into deep thought. From the beginning of creating the shadow, he seemed to have fallen into such a misunderstanding. The people he selected were all originally promoted from the Young Eagle Camp. Later, some memories of later generations were combined to create a nondescript intelligence agency.

Fortunately, there is no truly standardized and powerful intelligence organization in this era. Even the famous sticky place in later generations is actually not that powerful in intelligence collection and analysis. I have grown up in practice, and I have survived successfully by luck.

After Ning Yu realized his inadequacy in military intelligence, he separated from the general intelligence department in the shadow, and habitually used the shadow's method. It can be said that at this stage, the military intelligence department is the second It's just a shadow.

However, in this way, the actual effect that the Military Intelligence Department can exert is quite limited. In the subsequent series of battles, its performance was very mediocre, which also promoted Ning Yu's determination to reorganize the Military Intelligence Department.

"Tell me, who do you want, I will arrange it." Ning Yu stopped procrastinating and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Du is here."

Shi Xue decisively gave a name, but this name made Ning Yu a little strange. This person is just a book office in the original shadow, but he has no skills. Otherwise, with Ning Yu's memory, it is impossible not to remember it. .

Ning Yu was a little curious, so he said bluntly: "I thought it was some great big shot, just a book office, it's okay to give it to you. I'm just curious, why did you choose this person?"

Shi Xue explained: "When I was in the shadow, I found this person. He doesn't know martial arts, and he is not very alert, but there is only one thing that makes me feel that this person is absolutely extraordinary."

"This point is that he has a particularly strong memory for information. He can memorize all the information in the shadow archives, and string together the information at the right time to find something of real value."

"In terms of military intelligence against the Qing court, our army collects intelligence on astronomy, geography, humanities, water conservancy and other aspects every day, including the movement of the army and intelligence on generals. The collection of these words is very large. And if you want to find out the movements and intentions of the Qing army from these intelligence, you need such a person."

Ning Yu was slightly shocked. He naturally understood what Shi Xue said. The information on the battlefield is often very rough and huge. But relying on manpower to analyze a little bit is not only laborious and time-consuming, but also delays the fighter.But if there is such a person, the whole situation will be different, and the intelligence analysis ability of the Military Intelligence Department can be significantly improved.

"Shi Xue, I can give it to you, but there is one condition, that is, as soon as possible, the Military Intelligence Department will be adjusted up and down. I will give you such power, but you must also understand that it will also mean that you have to bear responsibility."

The so-called responsibility, of course, is to be responsible for all the information on the military situation. The previous Ning Qianqiu resigned because of this responsibility. Therefore, as the successor, Shi Xue felt more pressure than happiness.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On December 60th of the [-]th year of Kangxi, the Fuhan Army completely occupied Huangshiji and approached Anqing City. At this time, Anqing City was already in chaos. Many people wanted to leave the city, but they were guarded by soldiers guarding the city gate. It was intercepted and returned.

"If anyone dares to speak out of the city again, he will be killed!" A Qing soldier Qianzong wearing a black coat, holding a waist knife and biting his cheek, said viciously. At the gate of the city, several heads had already been hung, bloody. , looks very scary.

The people gathered at the gate of the city couldn't help taking a few steps back when they saw this scene, but there was a sense of despair in their eyes, who didn't know?If the siege started, the cannons outside the city would not have eyes. When a few cannons fell, they could only blame their own lives for killing and injuring them.

If the siege lasts for a long time, the people will be the first to be forced to defend the city on the top of the wall. At that time, it is said that they are close to death, and that is considered the blessing of their ancestors. For the people, war will always be the greatest disaster.

Yue Zhongqi also received Kangxi's order at this time, that is to do everything possible to defend the city. The army is now on the way to the south, and when the time comes, they will attack each other internally and externally. If the city is lost, then he, Yue Zhongqi, can just wipe his neck.

However, this also fully explained a problem, that is, the peace talks with the Fu Han army were completely ruined, which made Yue Zhongqi feel relieved. He really thought that at this juncture, peace talks were definitely not a good idea.

No matter what, it is always necessary to fight a dozen, and after the fight is done, other things will be easy to talk about.

As for Ning Yu, Yue Zhongqi has heard his name for a long time and has never seen him. When he came to the city wall today, he only saw the camp ten miles outside Anqing City. The Fu Han army he saw was somewhat different, and Yue Zhongqi didn't understand the specific differences.

It wasn't until dusk that Yue Zhongqi saw it clearly, and saw that the camps of the Fu Han army were set up layer by layer, but they didn't look messy, and there were nearly a hundred artillery pieces lined up in front of the formation, densely packed into the eyes of Zhijiao people. Dizzy, many soldiers are strictly carrying out night patrols, and the security has never been seen before.

Looking at the soldiers of the Fuhan Army under the city wall, Yue Shan couldn't help but gasped. He was different from those ignorant generals. He fought back from the Northwest Army at any rate. He also conquered Junggar before, but the current scene , Telling him that the Fuhan Army is not easy to mess with. This is a much stronger army than the Fuhan Army before the Yiyang Sanguan.

"My lord, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult to fight. But what I say, I have to protect you to go out and live." Yue Shan's words made Yue Zhongqi's heart sink. He knew in his heart that Yue Shan was no longer optimistic about the Qing court's ability to win this battle. It's a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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