Cutting 1719

Chapter 201 Look at the hands and mend the sky crack

Chapter 201 Look at the hands and mend the sky crack

Changfengling is not such a tall mountain range, and it takes half an hour for ordinary people to rush up the mountain. However, the Qing army occupied the trench and kept shooting down the mountain from a high position, which made Hao Zhao feel a little tricky. In this case, It is very unwise to shoot at the Qing army.

After all, the accuracy of the flintlock guns was extremely poor, and most of the Qing army's body was in the trenches. It was difficult for the muskets, which had been invincible in the past, to exert their powerful power at this moment.

"Raise the shield! Go up the mountain! The companies spread out in a field formation and apply for artillery cover!"

After all, Hao Zhao came from the first-line army. It is not that he has never seen this kind of situation in the Qing army. It is just a little trickier, not impossible. environment and time.

After this series of orders, the Fuhan army quickly changed their tactics. Two hundred wooden shields were put on the front, covered with a thick layer of mud. Naturally, the function was to resist the shooting of shotgun bullets. The shotguns of the Qing army were weak and unable to penetrate wooden shields, so they could also play a protective role. If it was the flintlock guns of the Fuhan army, they would be irresistible.

At this time, there were at least 1000 shotguns shooting on the side of the mountain. Although the accuracy was extremely poor, bullets still flew onto the shield from time to time, splashing a cloud of mud, and some unlucky ones were bitten by the bullets. Rolled down directly from the mountains.

The counterattack of the Fuhan army also came naturally. Just as Hao Zhao led his men to attack up the mountain, the dozen or so cannons of the Fuhan army at the foot of the mountain also began to roar in unison, and bullets fell from the sky one by one, but only a few of them Several of them just landed on the Qing army's position, blasting out streams of smoke and dust.

The mother-child artillery of the Qing army also fired, but their distance was relatively short, so they could only bombard the soldiers of the Fuhan army who were approaching. This kind of artillery could not be stopped by wooden shields, and it also made many Fuhan soldiers Soldiers were killed and wounded.

Although the Qing army's weapons were very inferior, they still played a certain role in this special environment.Seeing this scene, Wang Yonghe was also very happy. Looking at the soldiers of the Fuhan Army who went forward, they were not so worried.

Hao Zhao clenched the wooden shield in his hand and roared loudly: "There is only such a distance left now, charge with me!" After speaking, he held up the shield and rushed up against the rain of bullets. The artillery was also roaring, and sent bullets one by one to the Qing army's position, killing some people.

Both sides were wrestling desperately on this small hill. For the Qing army, their favorite battle was firing guns from a distance.The current situation is what the Qing soldiers are most willing to see.

But before the Qing soldiers were happy, the distance between the soldiers of the Fu Han Army and the Qing Army was gradually narrowing, from the original two hundred steps to one hundred steps, and even in the end, it was only thirty steps. They can see each other's face clearly, and can even see the fear and bloodlust in each other's heart.

Should not be!

The soldiers of the Qing army were at a loss. This scene did not conform to their previous cognition. If they were relocated, they would never dare to watch the muzzle of the gun in front of them, and dare to charge upwards. It would be nice to shoot from the position, but the actions of the Fuhan army clearly shattered their illusions.

want to win?Put your life first and weigh it!
The soldiers of the Fuhan Army did not form a line, but directly raised their guns under the order. Following the order, rows of bullets continued like waves, and hundreds of bullets splashed towards the Qing army.

At this time, the Qing army was still poking the barrel of the gun with a cleaning stick, and the ammunition had not been loaded, so they suffered this strong blow, only [-] steps away, and the accuracy of the flintlock was raised to [-]%. To the extreme, nearly a hundred people fell directly into the trenches, scaring some of the Qing troops in the trenches to the point of peeing their pants.

madman!This is a bunch of lunatics!
The scene of shooting each other face to face greatly shocked the green battalion of the Qing army. In their previous fighting career, they had never seen such a scene. The two sides fired the deadly bullets with a short distance of [-] steps. , This is almost a style of play that all die together.

But in fact, the Fuhan army did not show much excitement. Some of them might tremble and piss their pants, but under the leadership of the veterans and the rigorous training on weekdays, everyone just shrugged their hair. The gun was on his back, and then he took out the real big killer-the grenade.

Since Ning Yu improved the grenade and put it into the army, this kind of thing that kills people in an instant has become the darling of the army. Although its power is still small, after being thrown into the crowd, the fragments inside are still It can kill several people in an instant, and it is easy to carry and use, everyone likes it very much.

It's just that the early grenade production technology was not mature enough, and the output was relatively low, so it was only used by the grenadier battalion next to Ning Yu. The Sixth Defense Division, which had just been formed, was fortunate enough to receive [-] coins.

That's right, there were only [-] of them, and they were all concentrated in Hao Zhao's first battalion. After finishing this round of shooting, they didn't reload the guns. Instead, they took out the grenades and lit them with torches. The grenade was thrown at the Qing army all at once.

Seeing a pile of black grenades falling from the sky, Wang Yonghe's eyes froze. Of course he knew what they were and how powerful they were. He said loudly, "Grenades—dodge—"

But where did the Qing soldiers hide?A narrow trench was already full of people. The Qing soldiers finally paid the price for their negligence and carelessness. Because the trench was not big enough, deep enough, or wide enough, they had no way to escape. Can squeeze around in trenches like rats.

What's more, many Qing soldiers didn't even know what it was. Most of the grenades were thrown directly into the trench, and many people were injured on the forehead. Only a small part was thrown out of the trench. A little distance, it's too easy to throw!
Before the Qing soldiers could react, with the roaring sound, a large number of pieces of iron and gravel swept everything. They penetrated into the human body at a super high speed, rushed inside, and made waves in the trench. Followed by blood trails, a large number of Qing soldiers were almost directly knocked down by grenades, unable to get up again.

Due to being in the trench, this batch of grenades played an unimaginable role and achieved frightening results. The air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and there were scenes of disgusting tragedy everywhere. elephant.

"Er Di Niang, this is too powerful! I must go to the bomb camp!"

Hao Zhao, who had tried the grenade before, secretly made up his mind at this time.

Explosion is the ultimate happiness of a man.

(End of this chapter)

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