Cutting 1719

Chapter 203 The Fortified City Is Indestructible

Chapter 203 The Fortified City Is Indestructible

In Tongcheng, the cold wind was blowing. A large number of green battalion soldiers huddled together and built fires under the city wall to keep warm. Many civilians were also driven out of the city. At this time, the houses in the city had been destroyed. The Eight Banners Army was occupied.

The southward army led by Kangxi only took a brief rest in Luzhou, and then they almost never stopped all the way. It took six or seven days to rush from Luzhou and Lu'an to Tongcheng, exhausted from top to bottom Unbearable, at this time Yue Zhongqi's messenger rushed all the way to Tongcheng.

Just after the Fuhan army led the army to capture Huangshiji, Yue Zhongqi decisively sent a messenger. The reason is very simple. Judging from the speed of the Fuhan army's attack on Huangshiji, the Qing army must not be able to withstand the offensive from the opposite side. If you want to fight well, you don't just rely on the relationship between the terrain, but more rely on delay, and the chance of winning is only if the life of the besieged city is delayed until life is worse than death.

The muddy courier braved the rain and snow, changed horses all the way and finally arrived at Tongcheng. He didn't stop at all, the anxious expression on his face was almost beyond words, and he handed over the sealed box in his arms to the guard beside Kangxi After that, he passed out completely.

After reading the secret book, Kangxi felt a little cloudy in his heart. Although Yue Zhongqi's words in the secret book were tactful, she still revealed one point, that is, the Qing army's combat power was difficult to compare with that of the Fuhan army. Now the decisive battle is not conducive to the Qing army. , It is difficult to achieve full success in a head-on confrontation.

However, Yue Zhongqi also put forward her own suggestion. The Fuhan army is not conducive to the long-term siege of the city. If the Kangxi army rushed to Anqing now, it may be difficult to completely wipe out the Fuhan army with an exhausted army. Following in the footsteps of the Fuhan army, the Fuhan army will be dragged down. When the time comes, the Qing army led by Kangxi will be able to win a big victory calmly.

To put it bluntly, Yue Zhongqi really regarded herself as Zhang Xun, and she did not hesitate to gamble with the lives of the whole city to force out Ning Yu's hole cards. Without his hole cards, Ning Yu would naturally be unable to face an army of [-] The siege.

This ruthlessness and calmness greatly appreciated Emperor Kangxi. He naturally understood Yue Zhongqi's intentions, and he was quite concerned about Yue Zhongqi's decision. All over the world, I bestow upon you the one-eyed flower feather!"

In the Qing Dynasty, Hualing was different from ordinary things. It was a symbol of distinguishing prestige and showing rank. It was not worn by ordinary officials. , the reward of Hua Ling is cautious and cautious, repeated orders and five applications, neither wearing hairpins beyond their duty, nor not wearing them at will, if there is any violation, they will be strictly punished.

It can be said that so far, there are not many people in the entire Qing Dynasty who can wear Hualing, even Shi Lang, the admiral of the Fujian Navy with great achievements, resigned from the Marquis of Jinghai after the pacification of Taiwan, and begged to wear it as before. Hualing was later specially rewarded by Kangxi, so it can be seen that it is precious.

Of course, the one-eyed flower feather bestowed by Kangxi was not given for nothing. The meaning it represents is very simple, that is, even if the whole city dies, Anqing must be guarded, no other ideas will be tolerated, and no other ideas will be given reinforcements.

Yue Zhongqi's action not only moved Kangxi, but also surprised Zhang Tingyu. He originally thought that the messenger was here to ask for reinforcements. Don't hold your breath, but have made the determination to make the greatest sacrifice.

ruthless!This trick is really ruthless!

As expected of a person from a family of generals, this human life is probably worthless in Yue Zhongqi's eyes. If it can be used to dye his crown red, he would not hesitate to think about it. But in this way, the lives of the people in the city may be lost. I really can only ask the Buddha to bless me.

After receiving the order, Kangxi asked the army to temporarily stop the expected advance plan, but began to prepare for recuperation, and then sent troops to keep an eye on the situation in Anqing City. If there is any change, it will be reported to Kangxi immediately , so as to make a decision.

Zhang Tingyu had some doubts in his heart. He looked at Anqing City on the map and said softly: "Your Majesty, the Fuhan army should not be underestimated. If they attack Anqing in a short period of time, then we will lose the upper hand in this battle."

Kangxi's depression in the past few days was swept away by Yue Zhongqi's secret letter, and he felt a little more relaxed in his heart. He said with a smile: "Anqing is by no means an ordinary city. It is absolutely impossible to capture Anqing in a short period of time, but Heng Chen is too worried."

Hearing this, Zhang Tingyu didn't say much anymore, but she was still a little more worried in her heart.

This Ning Yu can't be underestimated!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Anqing, known as Nine Heads and Thirteen Slopes, was built by Yang Yi in the old days. It faces the coast of Zhangjiagang in the north, and Keshan is high. Looking down, it should not be able to conquer the city. The outside of the city is the foot of the mountain, so it should not be able to cut. "

"This city is built on the mountain. There is Zhangjiagang in the north corner, and the water is connected to the big river. Because of the main mountain, the city is regarded as narrow in the past. However, because the city is because of the mountain, it is easy to keep it. If the city is on the mountain, it is narrow. High and low outside, so as to form a trend that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"The old man once checked the "Anqing Mansion Chronicle", and found that when the city was first built, it cost more than 260 million yuan and more than 430 stones. The top half. There are seven gates in the city, and the upper ones are towers. The sheep and horse walls are [-] and [-] feet long. Screen."

Li Fu was talking eloquently in the big tent, and looked around at the people from time to time, while the generals of the Fuhan Army were sitting in a circle at the bottom. Hearing this, the big guys looked a little dignified. Lord.

Ning Yu was thoughtful. He looked at the tall and tall Anqing City in the distance, and felt a little bit more troubled. Since the beginning of the siege, although the Fuhan Army did not invest heavily in the siege troops, the artillery was actually a real hit. After two days of bombardment, except for the collapse of a city wall in the southwest corner, there was no greater gain.

It would be an unbearable loss for Ning Yu to attack the city only by artillery. After all, the ammunition carried by the army is limited, and it cannot always support such a luxurious siege. Moreover, the battle with the Qing army is imminent, and it is impossible to use a larger force. The marbles used to bombard these stones.If you choose the previous method of digging and attacking the city, the amount of gunpowder required is by no means a small number, and it is also beyond the reach of the current Fuhan army.Therefore, the method of blindly attacking has been abandoned by Ning Yu.

For Ning Yu, it is not necessary to try his best to attack the city this time. If he is really unable to attack, then he will leave the sixth garrison division outside the city to prevent the Qing army from leaving the city, and he will lead the army northward to meet Kangxi. decisive battle.It's just that in this way, it will leave hidden dangers to his back, so it is not an ideal choice in Ning Yu's mind.

It's just how to attack the city, but it still needs to be thought over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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