Cutting 1719

Chapter 208 Decisive Battle in Liantan Town

Chapter 208 The Decisive Battle in Liantan Town ([-])

Liantan Town, as an important town for Anqing City to go north, most of the business travelers traveling from south to north would rest in Liantan Town before entering Anqing City, so it was relatively lively in the past, but with the start of the war, Liantan Town Most of the people in Tan Town fled and walked away, and a huge town became an empty town just like that.

However, with the arrival of the Second Defense Division, the town began to become lively, and some people who hadn't left just closed their doors, and only some young children looked at the Fuhan army walking around outside through the cracks in the door. Soldier, puzzled.

Uji King took a large mansion in the town as his headquarters, and directly spread out a detailed map with these circles and lines drawn on it, representing the movements of the various armies.

Today's Yue Lingfeng looks introverted. Having learned a lesson, he also understands the key to doing the current thing well. He no longer aims too high, but arranges his own affairs in an orderly manner, and he is no longer impetuous as before.

"The surrounding terrain needs to be checked carefully. Our place is very tight. If one is not careful and lets the Qing army pass through, we will be guilty of great crimes."

Uji Kei drew a few circles on the map with a charcoal pen, looked at Yue Lingfeng and said with a smile: "General Yue, these places should not be underestimated, we have to set up secret sentries in these places, so that if there is any movement from the Qing army, We can't hide it from our eyes."

Yue Lingfeng lay down on the map and studied it carefully for a while, then frowned, "These places are really important, but we can't just set up secret sentries in these places, it's really unsafe, I think the scope will be expanded a bit."

"That's fine, thank you General Yue." With a smile on his face, Yu Zhijing saw that his partner was getting better and better, so he felt more at ease. With such a veteran Assistant, for Uji Kei, is also a very beneficial supplement.

It's just that after Yue Lingfeng left, Uji Jing sighed slightly when he looked at the densely packed lines on the map. He remembered the in-depth conversation he had with Ning Yu on the boat. From then on, today's plan was laid.

The struggle between the Fuhan army and the Qing army was not only about fighting swords and guns on the battlefield, but also reflected in the secret thinking on the battlefield. The bait that the Qing army gave the Fuhan army was naturally Anqing City. Yue Zhongqi thought about using Anqing The city came to kill the morale of the Fuhan army, so as to create opportunities for the Kangxi army.

But Ning Yu's thinking was almost the same as Yue Zhongqi's, that is, to use the bait of the second defensive division to drug the Qing army in Liantan Town, while the main force was waiting for Kangxi to take the bait, hoping for the final result.

It's just that Yue Zhongqi didn't want to understand one thing, that is, at least the Fuhan Army is currently taking the initiative, so Ning Yu doesn't attach that much importance to Anqing, and the gun in his hand has been aimed at Kangxi, no matter how Anqing City jumps Even if it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Looking at the chess game in front of them, the two sides almost looked at the flowers in the fog. The most difficult question at this time was who was more patient to wait. Kangxi and Ning Yu were like two hungry wolves, carefully surrounding each other. , but dare not come up and take a bite, because there are too many traps hidden in the grass.

In this case, the Second Defense Division played a sacrificial role, destined to bear the greatest offensive and defensive pressure, and sacrifice more people. However, all of this is for the ultimate victory. Ning Yu understands this truth in his heart, Uji Jing also understood in his heart.

God, hurry up and fight this battle!
"The current situation is incomprehensible."

Kangxi spread out the folder in his hand, feeling a little anxious and bored, this Ning Yu was like a cunning fox, he would feign a shot from time to time, making people unable to understand the true thoughts in his heart.

Yue Zhongqi used Anqing as a bait, which is not ingenious. If he was that impatient, he might have already started to attack the city, but Ning Yu just didn't meet his expectations. Take the Qing army staring at Tongcheng as one thing.

It was like when two sides were playing chess, at the critical moment, they could kill the opponent's big dragon, but the opponent overturned the chessboard, which made Kangxi feel a little uncomfortable.

The decisive battle in Anqing seems to have become a joke. If it continues to drag on like this, Kangxi is not sure whether he will fall early.If it really comes to that moment, who else in this army can rely on?Will the crusade against the Fuhan army continue at that time?
Kangxi felt that he seemed to have grasped the context, but there was still a layer of window paper not pierced in front of him. Judging from the current situation, how could the Fuhan army move in the next move?
The chaotic situation became a mess in Kangxi's mind. It seemed that when he felt this way before, it was still during the Battle of San Francisco.At that time, Kangxi was young and vigorous, and he was not in danger in the face of chaos, and he had the courage to cut through the mess with a sharp knife.

Right now, Kangxi seems to still want to have such a boldness, but he can never go back to the past. At that time, the San Francisco was fighting in Changsha, but it was Changsha and Yueyang, which became the death ground of each other. Now Ning Yu, but holds the entire Huguang and Jiangxi in his hands. If the Fuhan army cannot be blocked from advancing eastward, Jiangnan will be gone.

It's just that sometimes Kangxi is quite fortunate in his heart, that is, he has exposed the true face of the Ning family in advance. If he waits until he dies, will the successor king be able to stop him from facing such a severe situation?
Kangxi didn't dare to think about it. At this moment, he only felt that it would be fine if Ning Yu just poisoned the three provinces of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi. As long as he can resist, there is still a way to deal with him. If he really can't resist at all, Then it won't be a few provinces lost.
"Report to the emperor, both Prince Yong and General Fuyuan have sent secret documents"

Zhang Tingyu's voice was low, but he woke Kangxi up from his imagination, and took the two sealed envelopes, but he opened the one from Prince Yong first, and after just a few glances, his eyes sparkled with excitement .

In the sealed envelope that Xu Zhen sent, the meaning is very simple, that is, the firearms battalion has successfully developed a new type of musket. Although it is still a matchlock gun technology, it is much more mature than the previous shotgun. The accuracy has been improved. Compared with the shotgun, it is much better, and it is suitable for the large-scale deployment of the Qing army today.

But Yinzhen also vomited bitterness in the letter, that is, there is not enough money to develop the new artillery, and the development of the new artillery is far away, and he is born to raise those foreign devils well, and the production method of the firearms camp is very backward, and the speed is also very slow. , the monthly production of guns is less than [-]
Kangxi was quite happy at first, but the more he looked back, the more depressed he felt. At this critical juncture, money was used everywhere, but the treasury was full of rats. What was used to make guns?

(End of this chapter)

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