Cutting 1719

Chapter 210 Decisive Battle in Liantan Town

Chapter 210 The Decisive Battle in Liantan Town ([-])
"Myna is right. If you capture Chu Ni's family, it will be a great achievement!" Ninth elder brother Yinzhen slapped his thigh excitedly, then stood up and walked around, shaking a folding fan in his hand To and fro.

The ninth elder brother Yinzhen took only two steps, and then said happily: "Nian Gengyao, the fourth brother's subordinate, is now blocked in Yunyang, and he can't go in or back, and he can't make it if he thinks about it." He is also quite concerned about the battle ahead, so he speaks clearly.

The eighth prince's face was rosy, but he swept away today's boredom, and said with a smile: "I heard that the fourth son is still studying some guns and artillery with a group of foreign devils, but he doesn't think about it, even if the guns and artillery No matter how powerful it is, how can there be any extra money in the national treasury right now? Huang Ama is almost out of money to maintain military expenses now!"

Elder Brother Shi had always had a lot of eyes and ears in the capital, so he was the clearest about this matter. With a sarcastic smile on his face, he pointed to the west of the city with his finger, and the station of the Firearms Battalion was here.

"In the past few days, I have heard crackling sounds from the west of the city every day. Later, I asked someone to look at it. Hey, the fourth brother made such a big commotion, and the muskets he tossed out were no different from the shotguns we have today. What's the difference, it's far worse than Chu Ni's flintlock gun, and I don't know what use he can make of these weird things all day long!"

Speaking of this, Elder Brother Ten snorted coldly, "Although I have never seen the army under the command of the Fourteenth Brother, they are all veterans from the Northwest Battlefield! That one is brave! Chu Ni only fought a dozen Those green battalions who are too weak to fight, they still have to find a place to lie on their stomachs when they meet my Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers!"

The three of them talked very happily, but they just talked about some useless things, but they didn't have the slightest benefit to the current situation. This made the eighth prince feel a little annoyed. In his opinion, no matter what, Chu Ni is the number one opponent If Chu Ni is eliminated in the future, it is natural to assist the fourteenth and the fourth in a fight, but now is not the time.

"Hey, starling, why don't you ask Huang Ama for an order. The three of us brothers will also go to the front to assist the old fourteenth. We can also make some military achievements in the future. It is because we serve the Qing Dynasty!" It started to get on the top, and as soon as my mind was hot, I thought about going to the front line to make military contributions.

It's just that the joke-like words were taken seriously by the eighth elder brother Yinhu. Since the sudden disaster, Yinhu's heart has been as cold as the dog days, and the day of recovery is hopeless for a long time. As soon as the Han army rose, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart, which seemed to be his own opportunity.

The battlefield is dangerous, and the Fuhan army is even victorious. The eighth elder brother Yinhu knows these things in his heart, but if he doesn't do anything now, he will die of old age and sickness like this. It's really too useless. It's better to die on the battlefield have a good time.

"Tenth brother, your eighth brother, I think clearly in my heart. It is naturally impossible for me to be the big one right now, but your eighth brother and I are also a reputable man. Our utter loyalty to the Qing Dynasty and Huang Ama has never changed. Yes! If you can go to the battlefield and fight a way for my Qing Dynasty, what is the life of your starling?"

With tears in his eyes, the eighth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother Yinzhen and the tenth elder brother Yinyu confided affectionately, but he expressed all the heartache and grievances of the past few years, and the three hugged each other while talking. Headache and cry.

"Write the scriptures, Brother Myna will write the scriptures right away, and the three of us will sign together to serve Huang Ama!" Brother Jiu yelled, with a sense of heroism that will never come back.

Aside from the intense excitement in Ba Age's mansion at this time, Prince Yong Yinzhen was caught in a big problem at this time.This problem is simple to say, it is two words - no money.

The news from the army spread to Prince Yong's mansion one after another. At first, it just made Yinzhen feel a little bit bad, but when he knew that General Fuyuan, that is, the fourteenth elder brother, was about to leave for his return, he made Yinzhen Yinzhen, who had a rather sinister temper, also lost his temper.

If according to the previous plan, Yinzhen planned to wait until the Kangxi Southern Expedition failed, and then train the new army to fight against Chu Ni, so as to make full use of it, but now the fourteenth elder brother messed up the plan, at least 10,000 more + People, Kangxi probably doesn't want to stop here, if the fourteenth elder brother is really allowed to wipe out Chu Ni, basically there will be nothing for him in this world.

If it is not wiped out, but the fourteenth elder brother has 10,000+ heavy soldiers in his hands, after the death of Kangxi, who else can stop him?Not to mention that for so many years, most of the ministers in the court supported the Eighth Master Party, and now they have turned into the Fourteenth Master Party, so I am afraid they will welcome the new king with joy.

When that day comes, even if Yinzhen wants to be a peaceful and idle prince, it is impossible, just like what Wu Sidao said: "At this time, whether to fight or not, it's all in the game."

"Hey, the situation is chaotic at this time, and my king's mind is already messed up. Please help me relieve my worries." Yinzhen stood up and bowed to Wu Sidao to show his respect.

Wu Sidao shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Why did the prince do this? The Fourteenth Lord led the army to garrison Yu Province. It seemed like a thunderbolt, but in fact it was not such a big threat."

"The Fourteenth Master holds an army of 10,000+, and they are all elites from the northwest. If it is normal, it will be fine. At this time, the emperor and his old man will not be so relieved. Maybe it is not too late to wait until the Fourteenth Master arrives in Yu Province. The person with military power is already on his way. Moreover, this person must be close to the prince."

Yin Zhen was anxious and chaotic, when he heard Wu Sidao's words, he calmed down a bit, and said softly: "You mean, the emperor will take action?"

"Exactly, the emperor Yuji is a whole year old, and he was only 16 years old when he got rid of Oboi. At this time, he has already taken power in his own hands. How can he tolerate the loss of power? Whether it is the prince, the elder brother, or the eighth elder brother later. , have made such a mistake. The prince may wish to recommend a trusted minister to the emperor after a while, and maybe he can find out."

After Wu Sidao finished speaking, he took a sip of tea calmly, and looked at Yinzhen who was thinking deeply with a smile on his face.

Yinzhen smiled wryly and said: "Originally, this candidate was simple. Originally, Nian Gengyao was competent, but now he is also concerned about Yunyang's troubles, but now he has to think about it. But even so, the king's heart It's like pressing a big rock, it's really boring."

Wu Sidao naturally knew what his master and son thought in his heart, that is, he was worried about whether Kangxi would be biased towards the other party in his heart after the incident of the fourteenth elder brother.However, Wu Sidao, like a charlatan, quickly came up with his own remedy.

"The current strategy is to wait until the emperor returns to Beijing to meet Hongli, and then the prince's position will naturally be stabilized."

(End of this chapter)

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