Cutting 1719

Chapter 213 Decisive Battle in Liantan Town

Chapter 213 The Decisive Battle in Liantan Town ([-])
Kangxi, who got the news, tried his best to get up from the couch, and with him, there was a hundred thousand troops under Tongcheng, and there were millions of people running and cooperating behind him. The army's military supplies and food were almost prepared, so they set off for Anqing.

In the chariot, there is a thick stack of memorials. These memorials have been repeatedly selected by the South Study Room, and some urgent and important tasks are finally presented, but there is no delay.

Emperor Kangxi wore a thick cloak, opened the memorial and reviewed it, but his mind was like a revolving lantern, constantly thinking of the past, the people and scenes of those years, from the San Francisco to the recovery of Taiwan, and then to the northern prairie. It seems to be engraved in my mind, but I can't forget it no matter what.

Kangxi heard that people would only keep thinking about the past when they were about to die, which made him a little frightened. If it was normal, it would be fine. If he died, he might die, but at present, internal and external troubles are constantly appearing, how can Kangxi feel relieved ?Even if he died, he couldn't die on the way of the army.

After reviewing two books about front-line military affairs, Kangxi summoned the little eunuch and heated up the brazier in the chariot. Immediately, he felt a little more warmth in his body, and he had the energy to review the remaining books. Looking around, it was another urgent report from the fourteenth elder brother Yinti.

It turns out that Yinti has now sent Dingxi General Garbi as the vanguard, leading 12 elite infantry as the vanguard, starting all the way from the northwest, and may arrive in Gansu within a month, and in the fastest case, within three months Henan, but the [-] troops behind are responsible for transporting a large amount of baggage, and it is difficult to arrive in a short time, but it takes about half a year.

This information was also expected by Kangxi, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. Although he had decided to reach a settlement with Cewang Allah Butan years ago, the situation at that time had not deteriorated to this point, so that he kept repeating the details. The entanglement was endless, and the two sides also fought repeatedly, which led to the delay in reaching a peace agreement.

Cewang Allah Butan also understood that the behemoth in front of him had already encountered a huge trouble, so big that the old emperor had to conquer it himself, and he had to know when was the last time Kangxi conquered it himself?It was more than 20 years ago when I was fighting against Tsevan Allah Butan's uncle Galdan.

Now that he has the bottom line in his mind, Cewang Alabutan is naturally unwilling to let his old opponent go back to fight the fire. The demands he put forward are gradually increasing, and even his dream of Lhasa is also required to be ceded back.Naturally, the Qing court would not be willing at that time, but as the army rushed to the Huguang battlefield, they were completely defeated all the way, and Kangxi naturally couldn't bear it.

Now that half of Tibet has been ceded, Kangxi regrets it in his heart. What he regrets is not the cession of the territory, but the regret that he did not reach a peace agreement with Cewang Allah Butan earlier. There can be another 15 elite veterans on the battlefield. These people are all battle-tested soldiers, and it is naturally not a problem to wipe out Chu Ni.

But just half a year is enough to change the entire Fuhan army. Not only has it occupied the land of the three provinces, but also with the help of many battles, it has produced [-] to [-] soldiers, and the combat effectiveness is very impressive. It is no longer what it is today. The existence of the Qing court that can be destroyed in one fell swoop.

It’s just that it’s too late to regret now. The current Qing army can no longer wait for Yinti’s army to come. Half a year is enough for the Fuhan army to take the entire Jiangnan as their own. With this 10,000+ army, how many nails can be hit?

Emperor Kangxi thought for a while, but he called Zhang Tingyu, he was still rubbing the secret booklet of the fourteenth elder brother Yinti in his hand, but his face was expressionless.

Zhang Tingyu didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly came to see him, and didn't dare to ask what was the matter, but just put his head on the cold bed and didn't say a word.

"Have you ever known Ertai? How is his personality?" After a long silence, Kangxi asked a question that Zhang Tingyu hadn't expected, and he couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Just who is Zhang Tingyu?It is the most suitable answer for that question with a delicate heart. He was originally a clever and alert person, but under the guidance of his father Zhang Ying, he was even better than the blue, and he had a better understanding of the characters inside and outside the capital. It's mastered so well that you can understand it with a little thought in your heart.

"The servant knows that he is working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it seems that he is still Prince Yong's disciple."

Kangxi felt a little displeased, what he wanted to hear was not this, and said softly: "Of course I know that he is the fourth child, but it is precisely because he is the fourth child that I have to ask, what is the ability of this person?" How is your temperament?"

Zhang Tingyu was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed and said: "I don't have much friendship with this person, but I know that this person has restraint, and I once said to him, "Don't be confused about big things, and you must be confused about small things. If you don't be confused about small things, Then the big things will be confused.' I think I have read the books of sages."

Ever since Tian Wenjing had a showdown with Zhang Tingyu, Zhang Tingyu had been determined to join the fourth brother in the future, but there was no chance for a while. Now that Kangxi asked about Prince Yong's disciples, he felt that this was a good opportunity to accept the vote, but how to say it still needs to be carefully explained. Be sure, if it is too biased, Kangxi is not a fool. If Kangxi thinks that he has taken refuge in Prince Yong, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, when replying to Kangxi's question, Zhang Tingyu talked a little bit about his taste, the so-called restraint, the so-called reading of sage books, it sounds like that, but in fact he said it or not There is nothing to distinguish, which one of these officials is not restrained?Which one has not read the book?
Kangxi did not continue to question, nor did he let Zhang Tingyu continue to guess, and soon issued a decree, that is, Ertai was promoted to the Northwest Army Food and Road Supervisor, and he was fully responsible for the logistics and military affairs of the entire Northwest Army.

This move made Zhang Tingyu see it clearly, that is the so-called Fourteenth Brother Fuyuan General, I am afraid that he will never have a chance to dominate the world.You must know that in the original Northwest Army, Nian Gengyao, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, was in charge of supervising the grain and military affairs. Later, as Nian Gengyao entered Yunyang, he resigned from the logistics of the Northwest Army.

Just seeing that the fourteenth elder brother was in power, Kangxi felt a little bit drummed again. He could naturally think that if he really died on the battlefield, the Qing Dynasty might become torn apart by then, so he wanted to completely put an end to it. For this risk, Kangxi added another chain to the opponent, that is Ertai.

Zhang Tingyu is such a clever person, he quickly guessed the cause and effect of the matter clearly, but just looking at Kangxi's figure, he felt a little chilly. If anyone underestimated Kangxi's old age, he really didn't even know he was dead. how to die.

(End of this chapter)

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