Cutting 1719

Chapter 227 Kangxi Has Fallen?

Chapter 227 Kangxi Has Fallen?
In Liantan Town, the air was a bit dull, and dark clouds were gathering vaguely. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain soon, washing away the dirt of the world.

The Qing army sat or walked in the camp. Many people took off their heavy cotton armor and gathered around a piece of fire. However, the atmosphere was extremely peaceful, and no one seemed to be thinking about saying anything, just waiting quietly. Someone took out half a moldy sweet potato and roasted it on the fire, exuding a tempting aroma.

The Green Battalion soldiers are no different than the Eight Banners soldiers. They are not valued at first, and they rush to a dangerous dead end in wars. The daily food is as short as they can be, and they are short when they can.Especially in the past few days, the supplies in the army have gradually decreased, and the green battalion soldiers have been hungry for a few more days. It would be quite good to have a piece of roasted sweet potato right now.

Old Chen Tou limped along with his shotgun on his shoulder, stepped through the mud in the camp, and splashed mud spots all over his body, but he didn't care.His leg was wounded in the attack against the Han army a few days ago, and he was not healed. He was simply bandaged with a cloth strip. Seeing that the wound had begun to rot gradually, it was mixed with blood stains and gave off a stench.

When Er Niu attacked Liantan Town on the first day, he died directly under the artillery fire of the Fuhan Army. A solid bullet directly blew half of his body away, and he died on the spot.

Old Chen looked at the little fellow who came out with him, who died so tragically on the battlefield, and he didn't feel any sadness. Instead, there was a bit of relief on his face. After all, only the living suffer these days, and the dead don't have to suffer anymore. .

In the attack of more than ten days later, Old Chen always took the lead, but fortunately, the guns on the battlefield were all around the bend, so he was always unscathed, and he was always in front of him. During the three-day attack, he only injured his leg, but his life was recovered.

Old Chen limped his head, and slowly moved to the place where everyone was making a fire, but he picked a place to sit, looking at the sweet potatoes that were being roasted, showing a bit of salivation.

"Old Chen, what are you doing here today? Are you here to cheat again?" A Qing army leaning on the side biting a grass branch, his childish face revealed a bit of rebelliousness Taming, everyone burst out laughing upon hearing this, making the dull atmosphere a bit more lively.

Old Mr. Chen chuckled, but stretched out his hand to the fire, and muttered: "Boy, you, Mr. Chen, can live to this day because of all your abilities. You can see that those who don't know anything are all Buried in the ground."

Everyone was refreshed when they heard it. Many of them knew Old Chen. A lot of age is not in vain. At least everyone else is dead, but he is the only one who is still alive and well. Amazing.

Old Chen smiled complacently, "The battlefield today is not as good as in the past. Chu Ni's cannons are far, accurate and ruthless, and the muskets are also amazing. If you keep fighting, you will die in Chu Ni's hands sooner or later. But if you want to run away, the coolie camp is not a good place to stay, and sooner or later you will die in it!"

These words hit the big guy's mind, and now the big guy can understand that this so-called Chu Ni is no different from ordinary bandits and rioters. The weapons and equipment alone are much better than the Qing army. In this situation, if you still fight hard, isn't that courting death?

"If you want to survive, you have to learn how to observe the situation and observe the situation secretly!" Seeing that everyone's attention had been concentrated, Old Chen quickly took the sweet potato off the fire, and didn't care about burning it right now. He stuffed it into his mouth.

When everyone saw that old Chen had done such a thing, they were furious immediately, and they gathered around and fisted each other, and some people forcibly tried to snatch the half moldy sweet potato from Old Chen's mouth.

Old Chen didn't care about being beaten, he tried his best to bite the sweet potato and swallowed it, but the freshly baked sweet potato was scorching hot just by eating it slowly, but now he swallowed it directly in his stomach, it was so hot that he Curled up on the ground.

"This old thing, bah!"

Everyone on the side looked a little ugly, but now that the sweet potato had been swallowed by Old Chen, it was not good to pester him any longer, but each of them kicked Old Chen hard a few times.

It took old Chen a while to recover, he smiled triumphantly, "I told you all, I have to observe the situation secretly, it's not because I'm hiding something."

Right now, the situation of the Qing army is gradually deteriorating. Starting from reducing the food for the green battalion soldiers is a signal.But at this time, the top ranks of the Qing army camp had fallen into real chaos.

When the messenger from Tongcheng rolled into the Kangxi camp covered in blood and mud, everyone's heart skipped a beat, something bad happened!
Sure enough, when Kangxi tremblingly read the urgent letter sent by Tongcheng, his face was blushing, and then he spit out a big mouthful of blood on the letter paper, and he fell down crookedly.

Everyone exclaimed, but they didn't know what to do.Ma Qi, as the chief Manchurian scholar, has always followed Kangxi closely. He acted resolutely and immediately ordered everyone in the tent not to go out. Then he summoned the on-duty imperial doctor and began to treat Kangxi urgently. After a lot of tossing, Kangxi's old life was finally picked up, but he still fell asleep all the time.

Ma Qi's prestige among the officials was still quite high, so he took all the ministers and generals to check Tongcheng's distress letter together. Although this move was a bit against the law, the situation was urgent after all, so he didn't care so much.

Tongcheng has been besieged by the [-] troops of the Fuhan Army!It is possible to fall at any time!
This news shocked everyone so much that they were a little unsteady on their heels, and everyone finally understood why Kangxi vomited blood immediately when he saw this news, it was really too terrible!
Where is Tongcheng?That is the life and death line of the 1 to [-] Qing troops, together with the more than [-] Qing troops in Anqing City. If Tongcheng is lost, it means that their retreat has been completely cut off, and the logistics of the army are also arranged in Tongcheng. Without Tongcheng's logistics supplies, I'm afraid that in less than half a month, everyone will be like a soft-footed crab.

All the ministers were in an uproar, and now the news is still sealed in this tent, and logically speaking, it will not affect the morale of the army, but the problem is that Kangxi is unconscious at the moment, if he waits here for a long time, I am afraid It is too late to withdraw troops.

The Manchu and Han ministers in the tent were a little panicked, and even Ma Qi was a little dizzy after receiving the news. He really didn't expect that the Fuhan army went south to Jiangning?How did he reach Tongcheng in such a short period of time?What about the Qing army along the way?It's just that no one can give him an answer to these questions at this time.

"Everyone, the emperor is in a coma right now. I must make a decision at this time. Otherwise, if the Han army is completely encircled and our army lacks food and supplies, I'm afraid something unbearable will happen."

What can't bear to say?Naturally, Kangxi was captured alive or shot to death, neither of which could be tolerated by the Qing court, especially if he was captured alive, the majestic king of the Qing Dynasty fell into the hands of rebels like this?How to explain to the ancestors and ancestors of the Qing Dynasty?
Everyone thought of this, and they began to discuss. Some people think that the troops should be withdrawn immediately, while others think that this is a serious matter, and they need to wait for the emperor to wake up. Neither side can convince the other, but the voice is getting louder and louder. The scene became noisy.

"The subordinates think that the most urgent task at this time is to withdraw the troops."

A cold voice sounded, it was Zhang Tingyu, the left servant of the official department, he raised his head and looked at the ministers, his voice was somewhat cold.

(End of this chapter)

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