Cutting 1719

Chapter 230 Thunder Means

Chapter 230 Thunder Means
After Emperor Kangxi woke up, he sent Ma Qi and Zhang Tingyu away, and felt a little tired, but this coma of vomiting blood had made Kangxi realize the reality, that is, the current battle might be difficult, even if he wanted to take this It may not be so easy for 7 people to leave here.

However, for Kangxi, this battle is still to be fought, and it has to be fought. After all, Tongcheng is now under siege and the army's logistics has been cut off. If Tongcheng is not recaptured, it is really impossible to get out of the predicament.

"Let them all come in." Kangxi thought about it carefully, and he had a plan in his mind.

Zhang Tingyu hurriedly bowed his hands, and then went out to summon all the civil servants and military generals. The Ministry of Rites Manshang Laidu, the Ministry of War Mansho Xunzhu, the Ministry of Households Sun Zhaji, and the Ministry of Punishment Manshang Tuolai all gathered together. It can be said that At this time, half of the important officials of the entire imperial court had gathered here.

"Slaves are waiting to kowtow to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

All the ministers knelt on the ground, but the ground was full, and Zhang Tingyu could only kneel at the end of the line, after all, the ministers in this tent were the lowest in his rank.

Kangxi raised his hand to signal the ministers to stand up, and then sighed: "How can there be a real long live in this world? It's just some lies of ordinary people."

The ministers were shocked when they heard it. The Emperor Kangxi's words, no matter how you listen to them, they don't feel good. Has it become a little bewildered?
"My life has been turbulent many times. No matter how big this Chu Ni is, it is not as big as heaven. I want to understand in my heart that something is wrong with us. Otherwise, how can we give Chu Ni a chance?"

Kangxi's face was a bit heavy, he had given up all unrealistic fantasies, and planned to fight a good battle with the Fuhan army and Ning Yu, this battle was not only for survival, but also for the future.

If this battle is won, no matter what, Chu Ni will no longer be a threat in a short period of time, and Kangxi's holy name can be saved a bit, and the Qing Dynasty can have more breathing opportunities.If it loses, then of course it goes without saying that the Qing Dynasty, which was already in trouble, is becoming more and more precarious.

All the ministers didn't dare to say anything after hearing the words, they all knelt on the ground, waiting for Kangxi's fate.

"A battle with Chu Ni is inevitable now, and the army will set off immediately to Tongcheng!"

After a while, Kangxi said with determination on his face, "Tell everyone that the villages and towns you encounter along the way belong to them." These words were said with murderous intent, which made people shudder.

What do you mean by that?Obviously, as long as the army arrives in Tongcheng, the people in these villages and towns will give them a starting fee to boost their morale and increase their spirit.

Everyone knew what was going on as soon as they heard it, but no one cared. After all, these people are dead or alive, so what does it have to do with me?On the contrary, the morale of the army is now low. If you can really start with blood, you really have a chance to defeat the Fuhan army, and then the big guys will be able to take advantage of the situation to get promoted and make a fortune.

Zhang Tingyu, who was kneeling at the back, had an extremely calm face, but his heart was bleeding. He himself is from Tongcheng, Anhui. How can you not feel heartbroken to become the soul of the dead under the butcher knife of the Qing army?

It's just that Zhang Tingyu is also making excuses for himself in his heart. The emperor's move is really helpless. The army's logistics is cut off and its morale is completely lost. The fate of these people should be like this, it is really hopeless.

Kangxi stared at Zhang Tingyu from above. Of course he knew that this seemingly innocent Hanchen had his ancestral home in Tongcheng, but he was still determined to do so. Firstly, it was naturally for the sake of the big plan in his heart, and secondly, he also wanted to see the innermost feelings of this Hanchen. Thinking about it, if he can hold back his mouth, it means that this person's forbearance has been accomplished, and he will definitely become a master of Jingwei by then.

"Let's go!"

More than [-] people set out for Tongcheng along the way they came, but the villages and towns along the way were reduced to ashes one by one. Stimulated by the blood, the morale of the Qing soldiers was greatly boosted, and everyone moved forward bravely Many people's bodies were already stuffed with money, but it was stained with blood.
On the 61rd of the first month of the 23st year of Kangxi, the banner of the Fuhan Army had already been planted on Tongcheng. When the two thousand and eight banner soldiers were almost exhausted, Bai Huang had no choice but to drive the remaining three thousand green battalion soldiers to the tower. Unexpectedly, under the fierce attack of the Fuhan army, the green battalion soldiers were defeated in a single battle.

In particular, a general named Zhao Dahu directly led his cronies to surrender on the battlefield, and then led his people to defeat the remaining Qing soldiers. The Fuhan army took this opportunity to enter the city and completely took Under the Tongcheng.

In this battle, the Eight Banners soldiers fought bravely. A total of 2000 soldiers stood firm for nearly two days, with more than [-] casualties. In comparison, the [-] Green Battalion soldiers died after only a few dozen people died in the battle. , then completely retreated, it was a bit far away.

After taking Tongcheng, the remaining more than 2000 Qing troops all became prisoners. When the war situation collapsed, Arsona chose to commit suicide by swallowing gold, while Han Shangshu Baihuang of the Ministry of War chose to abandon the city and flee with more than 100 people. So he slipped out from the south gate of the city, and the Fuhan army lacked cavalry, so they didn't intercept it for a while.

Ning Yu stepped on the blood stains on the ground and walked into the city little by little. The corpses of the Qing army were piled up everywhere. These corpses after the war will be burned in a concentrated manner, mainly to prevent the plague after the war. Seeing this scene, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, this battle is really too bloody.

Strictly speaking, the loss of the Han army in this battle was not large. Nearly 2000 Qing troops were wiped out, and more than 2000 Qing troops were captured alive, but their own casualties were only more than [-] people.It's just that Tongcheng is small, and the siege of the city in the past two days was really brutal, so it's unavoidable to be a little nervous.

Dong Ce came over, holding a document in his hand, and said softly: "The bones of the brothers who died in the battle have been found, the wooden plaques on their bodies are also found, and the names have been compared one by one. They will all be in the city tomorrow." Bring the ashes back to Wuchang and give them to their families."

Ning Yu grunted, "The injured brothers are placed in Tongcheng first, so they can be taken care of. It is not easy for them to come out with me. We can't let them bleed and cry. The post-war commendation work can wait until this decisive battle is completely When the fight is over, let's talk about the merits together."

Dong Ce said curiously: "Kangxi must have gotten the news a few days ago. According to the distance, at most the day after tomorrow, the main force of the army should have arrived. It's just that no spies from the Qing army have been found in these two days."

"Coming soon, coming soon"

Ning Yu looked at the somewhat gloomy sky, his face was a little dignified, and now the weather seemed to be about to storm.

(End of this chapter)

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